CETL and the Office of Educational Technology will provide support for the development of distance learning pedagogy and online instruction.
The mission of the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) is to foster faculty innovation and effectiveness by providing professional development related to effective pedagogical and assessment practices. CETL facilitates faculty collaboration across the disciplines in order to sustain communities of practice for the scholarship of teaching and learning. Building on faculty strengths, CETL supports a campus culture that recognizes and values inclusiveness, teaching excellence, and student success.
- CETL and OET provide faculty development opportunities that support the College's academic initiatives and respond to faculty and student needs.
- CETL and OET assess their efficacy in order to continuously improve.
- CETL and OET promote the use of instructional technology in support of faculty teaching in face-to-face, hybrid, or fully online learning environments.
We look forward to working with you!