Compliance Guidelines
Americans With Disabilities (ADA)/504 Committee
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/504 Compliance
Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) states that "no qualified individual with a disability in the United States shall be excluded from, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under" any program or activity that either receives Federal financial assistance or is conducted by any Executive agency or the United States Postal Service.
The President of the College assigns the duties of the 504/ADA Coordinator to the Chief Diversity Officer. The responsibilities of the 504/ADA Coordinator are:
- Monitoring the College for 504/ADA compliance
- Resolving issues before they become potential grievances
- Considering appeals and disputed accommodation decisions
- Chairing the 504/ADA Committee
- Maintaining information on accommodations requested and provided
- Ensuring that pertinent records are stored securely and that confidentiality is maintained
- Providing training, as needed, on issues related to individuals with disabilities.
504/ADA Committee
The 504/ADA Committee serves as an advisory committee to the 504/ADA Coordinator. It assists the 504/ADA Coordinator in formulating new ideas and monitoring the College for 504/ADA compliance. It is comprised of representatives from various divisions, departments, and programs, including the Office of Accessibility Services.
The members of this committee are:
First Name | Last Name | Representative Body |
Martha | Weller | HR Employee Relations Manager |
Joseph | Cartolano | Facilities Division Representative |
Ben | Freier | Director of the Office of Accessibility Services |
Patricia | Kinneary | Academic Senate Representative |
Isabel | Hocevar | College Nurse |
Ysabel | Macea | Personnel Office Representative |
Amaris | Matos | 504/ADA Compliance Coordinator |
Nelmy | Negrete | Human Resources Representative |
Phyllis | Curtis-Tweed | Office of Academic Affairs Representative |
Mel | Rodriguez | Environmental Health and Safety Officer |
Joann | Rollo | DC 37 Representative |
Andrea | Salis | Academic Department Chairperson |
Title IX / Sexual Misconduct - Information on sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, and sexual violence
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
- CUNY Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy
- Employment Discrimination Complaint Procedure (PDF)
- Employment Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF)
- The following person has been designated at Queensborough Community College to handle inquiries and complaints relating to CUNY's Policy on Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination:
Amaris Matos
Administration Building 503
718- 631-6344
- The following person has been designated at Queensborough Community College to handle inquiries and complaints relating to CUNY's Policy on Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination:
- List of External Resources (PDF)
Disability Services Program
- Accommodation Request Chart
- HCP Reasonable Accommodation Form (PDF)
- Reasonable Accommodations Request (PDF)
- New CUNY Procedures for Implementing Reasonable Accommodations and Academic Adjustments (PDF)
NYC Commission on Human Rights
- Protections for Workers with Caregiving Responsibilities (PDF)
- NYC Commission on Human Rights Legal Enforcement Guidance on Discrimination on the Basis of Pregnancy (PDF)
The City University of New York/QCC is an EEO/IRCA/ADA employer.
See all AA/EEO policies
NYC Equal Employment Practice
Under Resolution #~016/464C-14 of the Equal Employment Practices Commission of the City of New York, The Commission has determined that the Queensborough Community College has implemented the required corrective actions deemed necessary by this Commission for ensuring a fair and effective affirmative employment program of equal opportunity as required by the equal employment opportunity standards of this Commission and Chapters 35 and 36 of the New York City Charter. A copy of the Determination of Compliance issued to Queensborough Community College is available from the Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (Administration Building, Room A-309).