Graduation Requirements
Degree Requirements
How do I know what's required for my degree?
You can look at your Student Advisement Degree Audit to view the requirements for your degree. Student Advisement Degree Audit is an advisement tool used campus wide to track a student's progress. It will show all your courses (completed and in progress), your grades, the semester you took these classes, GPAs, Writing Intensive courses, CUNY Skills Assessment information, etc. We highly recommend that you look over your audit frequently within a given semester. To view your Student Advisement Degree Audit, follow the PDF's instructions.
I am a transfer student with 30 credits from my previous school. Are there any additional requirements I have to meet before I am ready to graduate?
You must complete the minimum residency degree requirements. For students in pursuit of an associate degree, you are required to complete 30 credits in residence at Queensborough. For students in pursuit of a certificate, you are required to complete 15 credits at Queensborough.
I have 60 credits. Why can't I graduate?
In order to be eligible to graduate, you must have the minimum 60 credits applied toward your degree and hold a 2.0 GPA. You can verify that all 60 credits are being applied to your degree by speaking with your Academic Advisor or by viewing your Student Advisement Degree Audit.
I did not receive a passing grade (F, INC, WU) in a class I needed to graduate. What happens to my graduation status now?
We will review your record a second time once final grades are posted. If you have failed a required course, you will not be eligible to graduate that semester; however, if you register for that failed requirement during the subsequent semester, your candidacy for graduation will be moved to the upcoming semester.
Graduation Status
How do I apply for graduation?
We currently identify students who have met the requirements for graduation and process an application for them. If you have questions or concerns regarding your candidacy for graduation, please notify Graduation Audit (see our contact information below).
I would like to know my graduation status. Can you check it for me?
You have access to your graduation status on your CUNYfirst account. Log in and follow these graduation status instructions
What is the process of review for graduation?
We review your candidacy for graduation twice within a given graduation period. The first review takes place while classes are in session and the last review occurs when final grades are posted. We will send the results of each evaluation through the mail. Please make sure your address is updated on CUNYfirst, since this is our primary mode of contact.
Verification of Graduation and Transfer Information
My CUNYfirst account says I'm "Approved." Can I receive proof of this?
The "Approved" status indicates that you have met the requirements for graduation as of the upcoming graduation date. We cannot post the "Awarded" status until the graduation date. In the meantime, you may request a letter to verify that you have been approved for graduation at the Registrar's Office in room A-104.
How will the school I am transferring to know I have graduated?
Once the final review for grades is complete, you will be sent a congratulatory letter indicating that you have met the requirements for graduation. This letter indicates your record has been updated to show you have been awarded your degree. You may request a transcript by contacting the Registrar's Office. For more information regarding transcript requests, please refer to the Registrar Office's order transcripts webpage
I need proof that I graduated but I don't want to pay for a transcript. What can I do?
You may request a verification letter which is free of charge. You can find the form at the Registrar's Office webpage under printable forms.
What documentation can I provide to the College I am transferring to?
If your CUNYfirst account indicates you were placed in "Approved" status, then you may request a verification letter to be sent your new school. For more information regarding verification letters, please contact the Registrar's Office in room A-104.
I didn't meet the requirements for graduation during my last semester at Queensborough and I have been accepted to another school next semester. Can I take my final requirements at my new school and transfer the courses back?
Yes, you may take your final requirements for your QCC degree at your new school. In order to do so, you will have to notify Graduation Audit in writing, either by email or coming in person to fill out a form.
***As long as your graduation date is within that calendar year, you will be able to attend the ceremony.***
Commencement Ceremony
Is there a Commencement ceremony for every semester?
There is only one ceremony per year at the close of Spring semester, but four different graduation dates:
- January (For students finishing requirements during the Fall semester of the prior year)
- February (For students finishing requirements during the Winter Session of the same year)
- May / June (For students finishing requirements during Winter session or Spring semester of the same year)
- August (For students finishing requirements during the Summer session of the same year)
As long as your graduation date is within that calendar year, you will be able to attend the ceremony.
My CUNYfirst account says I'm "In Review" or "Pending." Can I participate in the Commencement Ceremony?
Yes, these statuses indicate that you are a candidate for graduation; therefore, you may participate in the ceremony.
I will be graduating in August. Can I participate (walk) in the Commencement Ceremony?
Provided that you are in "Applied" status on CUNYfirst, you may participate in the ceremony. If you think you might qualify for August graduation, contact Graduation Audit as soon as possible. For additional information regarding participation in the ceremony, contact the Office of Student Affairs in room L-412 or visit the Commencement webpage.
I don't want to go to Commencement. Is attendance mandatory?
While we encourage students to celebrate their accomplishments, participation in the Commencement Ceremony is optional.
I participated in the Commencement Ceremony. Does this mean I officially graduated?
No, participation in the Commencement Ceremony does not mean that you have officially graduated from Queensborough. The congratulatory letter (or official notice of graduation) will be sent directly to your home. Unless you are a January or February candidate, you will not receive the official notice until sometime after the ceremony.
Where can I find out more information regarding the Commencement Ceremony?
You will receive a Commencement Ceremony packet through the mail from the Office of Student Affairs. Additional information is available at the Welcome Center desk on the first floor in the Administration Building. For cap and gown purchase information, contact the Bookstore.
Diploma Information
How soon will I receive my diploma?
Your diploma will be ready within three to four months from your graduation date. You will receive a postcard in the mail indicating when it can be picked up at the Registrar’s Office in room A-104. Please make sure your address is accurate on CUNYfirst so you will receive all our notifications in a timely manner.
I lost my diploma. What can I do to get another one? How much does it cost?
The cost of a duplicate diploma is $30.00. You may request a duplicate diploma three different ways:
a) You can come in person to fill out the request form and pay the duplicate diploma fee at the Bursar’s Office in room A-118
b) You can send a request through the mail and include the fee via check or money order payable to Queensborough Community College
c) You can send an email request to and send the check or money order separately.
Will my diploma indicate my major?
Your diploma will indicate the kind of degree you obtained:
- Associate in Arts (A.A.)
- Associate in Science (A.S.)
- Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.)
- Certificate in ___________
Your transcript will indicate your major (or curriculum).
Second Degree Information
I was awarded a degree last semester, but I want to take a class or two during the next semester. Am I permitted to do so?
Yes, you may continue to take classes after you have been awarded your degree. However, you must first submit an application for a second degree with the Office of Admissions, in room A-210. If you have additional questions, they can be reached at (718) 281-5000.
I have an associate degree, but I want to pursue another one. How would I go about that?
You must submit an application for a second degree with the Office of Admissions, in room A-210. Keep in mind, you are required to complete an additional 24 credits towards your second degree requirements. These additional credits cannot have been applied to your first degree.
Contacting Graduation Audit
I have more questions about graduation. How do I contact Graduation Audit?
You can contact us three ways:
By coming in person to the Administration Building, room 119
By calling (718) 281-5049
By emailing