WeBWorK Resources
WeBWorK is an online homework system primarily for mathematics and other STEM disciplines. It allows students to complete their homework over the web and receive instant feedback as to the correctness of their responses. WeBWorK is supported by the MAA and NSF.
The WeBWorK server used in QCC is hosted by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and is available on http://webwork.qcc.cuny.edu/webwork2/
WeBWorK's Administrators:
Dr. Bianca Sosnovski
Dr. Ewa Stelmach
Dr. Fei Ye
- Marius Jaskowski
Faculty Resources
- QCC WeBWorK repository (contains all the documents below and more): https://github.com/bsosnovski/WeBWorK
- Guide on how to use WeBWorK by B. Sosnovski (QCC) and Ewa Stelmach (QCC).
- WeBWorK's Wiki page for faculty.
- City Tech's WeBWorK Working Group.
- Tutorial video by Nataliya Khomyak (QCC) on how to set up LTI links: https://youtu.be/iKRMHZZKg4k
- Tutorial videos by Andrew Parker (City Tech) and Marianna Bonanome (City Tech) to help with creating quizzes and exams in WeBWorK: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdzhewHoTma9oRS5QVLBB2OHqXmaADZ7X
- Tutorial video by The WeBWorK Project on how to create a quiz in WeBWorK: https://youtu.be/Lj8IIdMHAAA
- Tutorial video by The WeBWorK Project on how a student takes a quiz in WeBWorK: https://youtu.be/Gyyc219X-ew
- Instructions on how to assign a homework set to different groups with different due dates by Fei Ye (QCC): PDF File on Github
- Document with instructions about WeBWorK-Blackboard Integration by B. Sosnovski (QCC): PDF File on Github
- Link to the WeBWorK Workshop's recording given on Aug 13, 2020. Hosted by Ewa Stelmach, Fei Ye and B. Sosnovski (QCC): https://youtu.be/kgiTrB2VECY
- Document with instructions about importing and exporting files in WeBWork. Created by B. Sosnovski (QCC): PDF File on Github
Student Resources
WeBWorK's Wiki page for students.