- AACC - American Association of Community Colleges
- AAC&U - American Association of Colleges and Universities
- ABET - Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
- See under ETAC of ABET.
- Academic Senate
- The Academic Senate is the faculty governance body of Queensborough Community College (QCC) that makes recommendations to the president on policy and curriculum.
- Academic Service-Learning
- A high impact practice that places students in a work environment directly related to their curriculum whereby the overall experience compliments their academic objectives.
- Academic Year
- Following CUNY guidelines, QCC operates on an academic year divided into two equal semesters of 15 weeks duration, a short winter intersession of three weeks, and various shortened summer sessions.
- Academies
- See under Queensborough Academies.
- ACBSP - Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs
- A national specialized accrediting body for business programs.
- ACC - Academic Computing Center
- The ACC supports instructional technology and related pedagogy and provides support for faculty development initiatives involving eLearning (see below), ePortfolio (seebelow), HIPs (see below), and grant and CUNY-sourced projects designed to enhance teaching and learning. Hardware support encompasses classroom podiums and related technology, as well as digital audio and video recording devices. Software support includes applications used by faculty in their teaching. For students, the ACC laboratory houses a large computer facility, with Internet access and printing capability.
- ACEN - Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN, formerly the National League for Nursing Accrediting Association, NLNAC)
- The official accrediting agency of the Nursing program at the college.
- Accuplacer
- The computerized portion of the placement tests in reading and mathematics, Accuplacer assesses the skills levels of applicants to CUNY as part of the admissions process.
- ADA/504 Compliance
- Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination and requires employers with federal contracts or subcontracts that exceed $10,000 to take affirmative action to hire, retain, and promote qualified individuals with disabilities. All covered contractors and subcontractors must also include a specific equal opportunity clause in each of their nonexempt contracts and subcontracts.
- America's Promise CUNY TechWorks
- is a US Department of Labor funded initiative of CUNY's Office of Continuing Education and Workforce Programs (CEWP). The mission of CUNY TechWorks is to connect underrepresented and low-income New Yorkers to the growing number of opportunities in the tech sector and to equip students with technical skills that are in high demand in today's labor market.
- APPLE (Academic Preparation Program for Law Enforcement) Corps
- A partnership between CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, and the New York Police Department, creates pathways in the first two years of the Associate's degree or the Bachelor's degree for students working toward public service careers at the NYPD. Prospective APPLE Corps students will be recruited through and in partnership with the New York City Department of Education.
- ASAP - Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP)
- Assists students in earning associate degrees within three years by providing a range of financial, academic, and personal supports including comprehensive and personalized advisement, career counseling, tutoring, waivers for tuition and mandatory fees, MTA MetroCards, and additional financial assistance to defray the cost of textbooks.
- ATB - Ability to Benefit
- The Ability-to-Benefit test is required of students seeking state financial aid who did not graduate from high school in the United States.
- Auxiliary or Queensborough Community College Auxiliary Enterprises Association Inc
- The Auxiliary supports certain student activities and provides facilities and auxiliary services for the benefit of the campus community and The City University of New York.
- Blackboard
- An online learning management system that provides asynchronous access to course materials, assignments, and class discussions.
- Blackboard Collaborate
- An online synchronous communication platform that allows instructors to conduct individual course sessions or complete courses in a virtual face-to-face modality. Collaborate is also useful for virtual office hours, online homework help sessions, and group work.
- Blackboard Content Management System
- A storage space within Blackboard where instructors may upload course materials that may be used in multiple courses and even be shared with other instructors for use in their courses.
- BTECH - Business Technology Early College High School
- Campus Writing Center
- Located in the Library Building, the center provides writing support for all students, including support for students preparing for the ACT writing examination and enrolled in writing-intensive courses.
- CAPC - College Advisory Planning Committee
- Chaired by the president, the CAPC consists of administrative, faculty and student leaders and is responsible for the discussion of the strategic planning for the college and of college priorities and major initiatives.
- Capital Budget Master Plan
- This plan, which is university based, is the one that reflects the major renovation and construction projects to be undertaken on the campuses.
- The Career Direct Program
- empowers students to become advocates of their own professional aspirations and to optimize their personal and professional potential, through direct connections with potential employers leading to experiential learning, internships and employment opportunities across these five major A.A.S. degree tracks: Medical Assistant, Computer Information Systems, Internet and Information Technology, Business Management – Marketing, and Administration and Technology.
- Certified Recovery Peer Advocate (CRPA) Training Program
- non-credit, 46-hour CRPA Certification Workshop and three-credit Addictions and Dependencies course. Certified Recovery Peer Advocates (CRPA's) are individuals who have been certified to provide coaching, support, information, guidance and motivation to those seeking or sustaining recovery from a substance use diagnosis, and have their own lived experience.
- CCO - College Compliance Office
- CCCSE - Center for Community College Student Engagement
- CETL - Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
- Reporting to Academic Affairs, CETL is the primary site on campus for the discussion of community college pedagogical issues and provides guidance and workshops that focus on pedagogical concerns and techniques and on the development of pedagogical research. Working in conjunction with the Academic Computing Center, CETL hosts faculty development workshops in the technology available to instructors and students and has computer facilities for faculty use.
- CDO - Chief Diversity Officer
- Compliance officer in the Office of Affirmative Action/Pluralism and Diversity/Compliance.
- Chinese Academy
- full-year program designed for K-12 students to help them learn fundamental Chinese language with different proficiency levels through the exercises of listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as to introduce the Chinese tradition and culture.
- Classified service
- A division of the workforce determined by Civil Service Law and subject to CUNY Civil Service Regulations, this group includes Gittleson titles, 220 titles (see below), and the information systems title series.
- CLIP - CUNY Language Immersion Program
- An immersion program that provides intensive, full-time instruction (25 hours a week) in the English language to learners of English as a second language who are at a proficiency level, based on their CUNY Skills Assessment Tests in reading and writing, too low for proper placement in Academic Literacy courses. The purpose of attending CLIP is to bring student proficiency up to the level of Academic Literacy students.
- CLT - College Laboratory Technician
- CLTs are members of the instructional staff performing laboratory functions and technical duties that are highly skilled and non-teaching in nature.
- Collaborative Assignments and Projects
- One of the designated HIPs (see below) at the college; the most popular collaborative project, the Student Wiki Interdisciplinary Group (SWIG), partners English and remedial reading and writing courses with a content course to create a shared student‐centered online space, allowing students to share their work with others.
- College Discovery
- The College Discovery (CD) Program has been part of the City University of New York over 50 years, providing low-income students with financial assistance to obtain a college education. This educational opportunity program provides counseling, academic support service, and, in certain cases, financial aid to students who would otherwise be unable to attend college because of economic circumstances.
- College Focus
- College Focus is a program for high school students who are on track to graduate but whose reading, writing, and/or math Regents scores indicate that they will enter college with remedial needs. These intensive courses prepare students to take actual CUNY assessment tests at the end of the course.
- College Now
- College Now at QCC makes it possible for qualified high school students to participate in college preparatory classes or college-level courses given at their high schools or, in some cases, on campus.
- Common Intellectual Experience
- One of the HIPs (see below) designated by the college. The annual campus-wide common intellectual experience is called the Common Read. This program promotes integrative learning across the curriculum through voluntary participation of faculty. Past readings have been The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, and The Road of Lost Innocence, by Somaly Mam.
- Compact is a financial agreement among the university, the individual colleges, and the city and state. In this agreement, the state and city agree to provide funding to maintain basic services and facilities at the campuses and to increase tuition only modestly each year. The colleges agree to raise money, at levels established by the university, and to improve productivity. The result of the productivity savings and tuition increases is a fund for each college to sponsor special initiatives related to improving teaching and learning and academic support services.
- Completion Report
- The ultimate phase of the strategic planning process (see under Strategic Plan below), the Completion Report is the Strategic Plan with one additional column at the far right that contains information whether the college completed or met its targets. These are targets set both by CUNY and by the college.
- Contact Hours
- The full-time faculty teaching load is set by contractual agreement at twenty-seven (27) contact hours per academic year.
- COPE - College Opportunity to Prepare for Employment
- A program that provides a broad range of support services to students who are receiving public assistance or who meet specific economic guidelines and assists students in finding long-term economic self-sufficiency and independence through gainful employment.
- CSTEP - College Science and Technology Entry Program
- Increases the number of traditionally underrepresented students interested in pursuing careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Health Related fields and Licensed Professions. This program provides Academic and Career enrichment, Internship and Research Placements and various other resources to help students achieve their academic goals and succeed.
- CTAS - Center for Tutoring and Academic Support
- The newly named Center for Tutoring and Academic Support comprises what were previously the Campus Writing Center and Student Learning Center. Located on the first floor of the Schmeller Library Building, the center provides tutoring for writing assignments across the curriculum as well as for all subjects except mathematics (see Math Learning Center).
- CUE - Coordinated Undergraduate Education
- CUE is a university-funded program to promote university educational priorities concentrating on the first-year experience and USIP (University Summer Immersion Program, see below).
- CUNY Academic Commons
- A Web-based meeting and collaboration space for all CUNY faculty where people and groups can find others with similar research and personal interests; a place for discussions and sharing of materials and thoughts with colleagues from around CUNY; available at http://commons.gc.cuny.edu/.
- CUNY Assessment Test
- Tests in reading, writing, and mathematics administered by CUNY to assess the skills of students who have not scored high enough on the SAT or regents in Math or English.
- CUNY BOT - The Board of Trustees
- Is the governing body of The City College of New York (CUNY). Charged by the University of the State of New York with the operation of CUNY, the BOT has bylaws and policies that are to be observed by all units of CUNY, each unit given certain responsibilities delegated by the BOT. Each unit is charged by the BOT with having a Governance Plan that is approved by the BOT. Each unit has its own Governing Body responsible for setting policies at the local unit and forwarding proposals of policies to the BOT for its approval. College policies and proposals for degree programs and curricular matters approved by the local governing body are then submitted to the BOT and then to the State Education Department for final approval.
- CUNY Explorers
- Partnership between the DOE, the Mayor's College Access for All Initiative and CUNY to ensure that every 7th grade student has the opportunity to visit a college campus to promote high school, college, and life success.
- CUNYfirst
- An integrated suite of software that runs all computer systems overseeing student administration, finance, and human resources.
- CUNY Start
- CUNY-bound students whose math, reading and/or writing scores on the CUNY Assessment Tests indicate that they need to develop basic skills may opt to participate in CUNY Start, a pre-collegiate program intended to improve reading, writing, and/or math skills and reduce the amount of time spent in required remedial "catch-up" courses.
- CUNY Master Plan
- The master plan is the overarching plan, with areas of priority and focus, that the university sets for the individual colleges. The components of the master plan then become the organizational model by which the college's strategic plan (see below) is structured.
- CUNY Portal
- CUNY Portal is the one-stop access point to CUNY services for all members of the university community, including private and secure CUNY information, Blackboard, Degreeworks, and benefits.
- DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York
- The organization responsible for major construction on campus.
- DegreeWorks
- Online Advisement System. DegreeWorks is a web-based application that allows students to view their progress toward degree. On screen or in the form of a two- to four-page print out, it lists all requirements, including courses taken, courses currently being taken, skills assessment tests, and transfer credits.
- Dual/Joint Degree Programs
- Dual/joint degree programs are state-approved (2+2) agreements in which students, jointly admitted to both institutions, earn the associate degree from the community college, fulfilling specific program and degree requirements like minimum grade-point average (GPA), and then transfer seamlessly to the baccalaureate college.
- ET - The Engineering Technology Department
- ECP - Executive Compensation Plan
- This term is used to refer to positions covered by the Executive Compensation Plan. Titles include administrator, dean, vice president series, and president.
- eLearning
- A term that encompasses the pedagogies and technologies used in various online teaching and learning modalities, including Web-enhanced (see below), partly online or PNET (see below), and fully online or FNET (see below).
- ELL - English Language Learners
- According to the federal government, an LEP (limited English proficient)/ELL is an individual who: 1) is 3 to 21 years of age, 2) is enrolled or preparing to enroll in an elementary or secondary school, and 3) was not born in the United States or whose native language is a language other than English.
- ePortfolio
- An ePortfolio is an electronic medium by which students can archive their academic and personal work and document and explore their own self-growth as individuals and as students.
- ESL - English as a Second Language
- EM - Enrollment Management
- Led by the Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management, this group of administrators meets weekly to analyze enrollment figures and plan for future semesters, fostering greater communication among Finance and Administration, Student Affairs, and Academic Affairs.
- ETAC of ABET - Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
- The college has three accredited programs: Computer Engineering Technology, Electronic Engineering Technology, and Mechanical Engineering Technology.
- Executive team
- Chaired by the college president, this group comprises all vice presidents, deans, and executive directors.
- Face-to-Face
- The term used to describe students meeting with faculty in assigned classrooms.
- Facilities Master Plan
- Description of the College's plan regarding allocation of resources to improve buildings, offices, and other campus facilities to support learning.
- Factbook
- Produced each year by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment since 1999, the Factbook includes, among other things, enrollment, demographic, and graduation data of students, by departments and curricula. It is available on the QCC website.
- Faculty
- This group comprises teaching members of the instructional staff (see below) and includes full-time titles: instructor, lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor. Some faculty function as counselors and librarians. Adjuncts are employed to teach part-time or to perform related duties on a part-time basis.
- FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid
- Prepared annually by current and prospective college students (undergraduate and graduate) in the United States to determine their eligibility for student financial aid (including the Pell Grant, Federal student loans, and Federal Work-Study).
- FEC - Faculty Executive Committee
- The principal agency of the faculty responsible for the academic status, role, rights, obligations and freedoms, and other matters concerning the welfare of the faculty. The chair and six other committee members are elected by the full faculty.
- Fully online instruction: 100% of scheduled class meetings are replaced with online activities or virtual meetings; all class work, including examinations, is online.
- FTE - Full-time equated student (usually used in the plural: FTEs)
- Defines the equivalent number of full-time students (at 15 credits/semester) when all full-time students and all part-time students are combined in one calculation. For example, an enrollment of four full-time students at 12 credits each combined with four part-time students at 3 credits each yields an overall enrollment of 4 FTEs (and headcount enrollment of 8).
- Functional title
- Specific position title that describes function, this group is separate and apart from the payroll title that identifies instructional or classified grouping.
- Gittlesons
- This group comprises clerical and administrative employees in the titles of CUNY office assistant and CUNY administrative assistant.
- Global and Diversity Learning
- In this HIP (see below), students learn about the different aspects of intercultural interaction and communication, including intercultural learning (through programs like Study Abroad), human rights and social justice, social inclusion, and sustainable development.
- GPA - Grade Point Average
- An ongoing measure of student performance that is calculated by the Registrar's Office upon completion of each semester. A minimum GPA of 2.0 in courses needed for a student's curriculum is required for graduation.
- Grades - W, WN, INC, etc.
- See Academic Standing.
- HEO title series - Higher Education Officer
- Individuals in this series perform administrative duties. Titles include: higher education officer (HEO), higher education associate (HEA), higher education assistant (HEa), and assistant to higher education officer (aHEO).
- HIPS - High Impact Practices
- Nationally-recognized pedagogical strategies that improve student learning outcomes, seven HIPs are designated at QCC: Academic Service-Learning, Global and Diversity Learning, Collaborative Programs and Projects, Common Intellectual Experiences, Undergraduate Research, and Writing Intensive.
- Instructional staff
- The instructional staff comprises all full-time and part-time teaching faculty titles and non-teaching titles, including the college laboratory technician (CLT) title series and the higher education officer (HEO) title series.
- IR - Office of Institutional Research
- Office on campus responsible for data collection and data analysis. Reporting to Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness, the IR director conducts and provides reports of campus surveys, produces the annual Factbook (see above), and assists with the planning, developing, and executing of data and research projects involving courses and programs and various initiatives and projects, including grant-funded projects.
- IRB - Institutional Review Board
- The IRB is responsible for the review of all protocols involving human subject research.
- IT title series
- Individuals in this series perform administrative duties in the Office of Information Technology.
- JVN - Job Vacancy Notice (formerly, Position Vacancy Notice).
- Kids and Teens College
- designed to support the strong foundation that school and home provides by offering courses and training in elementary preparation, art, STEM, specialized preparation for high school and college admission, and code academy for Pre-K-12.
- KHRCA - Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives
- The Harriet and Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center & Archives is both an archive and educational center that uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism, and stereotyping.
- Learning Centers
- Used to describe tutorial services on campus: the Academic Literacy Learning Center, the Campus Writing Center, the Mathematics Learning Center, and the Student Learning Center.
- Learning Communities
- One of the HIPs (see above) designated at the college; a cohort of students who take two or more courses linked together.
- Mathematics Learning Center
- Provides tutorial support for students in remedial and credit-bearing mathematics.
- Middle States Commission on Higher Education
- A voluntary, non-governmental, membership association that is dedicated to quality assurance and improvement through accreditation via peer evaluation. Middle States accreditation instills public confidence in institutional mission, goals, performance, and resources through its rigorous accreditation standards and their enforcement.
- Milestone Scholarship
- To support timely progress toward degree completion, Queensborough offers Summer and Winter Session Milestone Scholarships to help students reach their “thirty-credit milestone.” The scholarship applies to a course to be taken during the Summer or Winter session. Upon completion of that course, students will have met or exceeded the “thirty- credit milestone” of their education here at Queensborough.
- MSEIP - Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program
- Office of Military and Veterans Services (MVS)
- Part of the Student Affairs Division, the MVS office, Library Building -Rm 421, is the main resource on campus that serves all student veterans, service members and military dependents currently attending. The office provides assistance with the application and certification of VA educational benefits, academic advisement, admissions assistance, course registration, military deployment and/or activations, programing of student life events, outside agency referrals and any concerns related to this population.
- NCES/IPEDS - National Center for Education Statistics/Integrated Post-secondary Education Data System
- NNES - Non-native English speakers
- OAA - Office of Academic Affairs
- OAS - Office of Admission Services
- OIRA - Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
- Office of Pre-College, Continuing Education and Workforce Development
- is an educational resource to the community, providing accessible and quality programming for students seeking to enrich their personal lives, advance their academic skills, or develop their professional careers.
- Office of Research
- The mission of the Research Office is to promote and support the research, scholarly, and creative pursuits of the CUNY community, to provide assurance to funding agencies and to the public that research at the University is conducted in accordance with the highest ethical standards, and to enhance technology commercialization, entrepreneurship, and economic development activities.
- OneCard
- See TigerCard.
- OSA - Office of Student Affairs
- OSHA - Occupational and Safety Health Administration
- This agency in the US Department of Labor organization determines and enforces policies concerning safety and health in occupational environments. These policies have been incorporated into the general policies and procedures of the college; the office responsible for ensuring compliance is Environmental Health and Safety.
- OTPS - Other Than Personnel Services
- All college budgets have both “Personnel” and “OTPS” budget lines. When paying individuals for work, budget items appear under “Personnel.” When paying for supplies or materials, budget items appear under “OTPS.”.
- Pathways
- In fall 2013, CUNY implemented the common core across its undergraduate colleges. Pathways establishes a new system of general education requirements, a university-wide common core of 30 credits with common learning outcomes, and new transfer guidelines across the University that ensure more uniform transfer credit.
- P & B - Personnel and Budget Committee
- The College P & B committee, which consists of the department chairs and the chief academic officer and is chaired by the president, considers appointments, reappointments, promotion, and compensation with respect to the instructional staff and recommends actions on such matters to the president. Each academic department has its own elected P & B.
- PEG - Program to Eliminate the Gap
- During times of budget exigency, New York City may require mid-year budget reductions; such measures are referred to as a PEG.
- Unlike loans, Federal Pell Grants do not have to be repaid. Federal Pell Grants are awarded only to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor's degree and demonstrate financial need. Students apply by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- PMPs - Performance Management Plan (targets and outcomes)
- Established by the university, this report includes the key performance indicators and targets (percentages and numbers) for community and baccalaureate colleges.
- Partially online: 30-80% of scheduled class meetings are replaced with online activities or virtual meetings; also known as “blended” or “hybrid.”.
- POE - Port of Entry
- Established in 1980, the Port of Entry Program is an intensive language development program designed to provide international students and new immigrants with the language skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to succeed in higher education and professional careers in the United States.
- PSC - Professional Staff Congress
- The bargaining unit of The City University of New York (CUNY).
- Project Prize
- Through a wide variety of activities sponsored collaboratively by QCC and schools in Queens, students in Project PRIZE receive at least six hours a week of additional guidance and instruction to help make their middle and high school years as productive as possible.
- PTK - Phi Theta Kappa
- An international honor society that recognizes and encourages scholarship among two-year college students, providing opportunities for the development of leadership and service and an intellectual climate for the exchange of ideas and ideals, for the lively fellowship for scholars, and for the stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.
- PVN - Personnel Vacancy Notice
- Personnel Vacancy Notice (previously used term; new term Job Vacancy Notice, see above).
- QCC - Queensborough Community College
- Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York.
- QCC Fund or Queensborough Community College Fund, Inc.
- A separate 501c3 not-for-profit corporation of QCC established for the express purpose of encouraging, receiving, and administering gifts, grants, contributions, and donations of real and personal property to or for the benefit of the college.
- QPAC - Queensborough Performing Arts Center
- Throughout its 50-year history, QPAC has successfully produced over 1,200 performances and served over one million individuals in its intimate 875-seat theater. QPAC is ly committed to expanding public access to the arts for everyone; its affordable prices allow Queens working families, younger generations, and seniors the opportunity to enjoy first-rate performances locally.
- QSA - Queensborough Student Association
- Charged with the administration and distribution of student fee monies in a coordinated effort to enhance student life and their educational experience.
- QSVA - QCC Student Veterans Association
- Instituted during the Spring 2006 semester as the Veterans Club, this group emerged as an active club during the Spring 2009 semester and was renamed the Queensborough Student Veterans Association (QSVA). The QSVA is open to all Queensborough Community College students.
- Queensborough Academies
- Academies are cohorts of students organized according to the curricula in which they are enrolled and whose programs, faculty, and academic and student support services contribute to a more focused and engaging undergraduate experience that leads to successful transfer or a career. There are five academies: Business, Health-related Sciences, Liberal Arts, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), and VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts).
- RFCUNY- The Research Foundation of the City University of New York
- A not-for-profit educational corporation that manages private and government sponsored programs at The City University of New York (CUNY). Since 1963, RFCUNY has provided CUNY with the administrative infrastructure that supports sponsored program activities.
- RIO - Research Integrity Office
- Each College or School appoints individuals to serve in various compliance functions, as defined below. These individuals implement CUNY policies and procedures at the College/School, raise awareness amongst their research community, provide education and training and perform quality improvement functions as applicable to the College/School.
- SGA - Student Government Association
- Student government led by its executive board, which consists of a president, executive vice president, administrative vice president, programming vice president, vice president for evening students, vice president for part-time student and treasurer.
- Single Stop
- The Single Stop Office connects students to social services and resources that might be needed to assist students in completing their studies. Services and resources include free benefits screening, financial coaching, legal assistance, tax preparation and filing, and health insurance.
- Services for Students with Disabilities.
- ST 100. Introduction to College Life, a 10-hour, PNET no-credit course
- Designed to introduce new students to QCC. Students are given information regarding academic requirements, college policies, success strategies, and mental health and wellness.This class is required of all new full-time freshmen.
- Staff
- Staff comprises all employees not represented by the PSC (see above) but by the other unions. This group is differentiated from faculty and instructional staff (see above) and includes civil service positions like Buildings & Grounds personnel and secretaries and also supervisory positions like information systems titles, administrative superintendents, and engineers.
- Starfish
- Starfish is an integrated planning and advisement system that makes it possible to take a more holistic approach to student success, providing “early alert” outreach to students, more consistent follow-up for students at risk in a variety of ways, and clearer tracking of student outcomes.
- Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics; one of the Queensborough Academies.
- STEM Waiver Program
- The STEM Support Expansion Program provides tuition waivers for students taking certain STEM courses in order to promote credit accumulation in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Queensborough will be providing tuition waivers to students taking STEM courses in the Winter and Summer intersessions. Classes in which the STEM waivers will apply will be scheduled each semester so students will be able to enroll and receive a tuition waiver. Eligibility requirements will apply to certain courses.
- Strategic Plan
- Part of the college's overall assessment and planning, the Strategic Plan sets out the institutional priorities and targets that the college seeks to meet and involves the input of faculty, student leaders, and constituencies across campus. Each year, the Completion Report (see above) documents how the college has achieved its goals and targets.
- The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)
- The purpose of this Act is to supplement the career and technical and employability skills for all students who elect to enroll in credit and non-credit education.
- Student Learning Center
- Providing tutorial support for all students and located in the Library Building, the center offers tutoring in the following subjects: Business, Natural Sciences, Foreign Languages, Social Sciences and History.
- SWIG - Student Wiki Interdisciplinary Group
- TAP - NYS Tuition Assistance Program
- A program which helps eligible New York residents pay tuition at approved schools in New York State. Because TAP is a grant, it does not have to be paid back. Students apply by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the TAP Application.
- Tech fee
- The fee paid by all students to support the purchase, maintenance, and dissemination of technology across campus. A college-wide committee, with student representation, is responsible for developing the plan (Technology Plan; see below) and monitoring the budget for these efforts.
- Technology Plan
- Developed by a college-wide committee and funded by Tech Fee money (see above), the Technology Plan is the plan by which the college purchases, maintains, and disseminates technology across campus.
- TigerCard - (formerly OneCard)
- The faculty, staff, and student ID card system that provides access to services on campus.
- Title IX
- TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language
- The TOEFL® test is the most widely respected English-language test in the world, recognized by more than 8,500 colleges, universities, and agencies in more than 130 countries, including Australia, Canada, the U.K. and the United States.
- Tutoring or tutorial services
- See under Learning Centers.
- 220 titles
- Skilled trades titles whose salaries and certain working conditions are governed by a determination of the New York City comptroller.
- UAPC - University Application Processing Center
- UFS - University Faculty Senate
- Unclassified staff
- CUNY's teaching and non-teaching instructional staff (see above).
- Undergraduate Research
- In this high impact practice, students engage in faculty guided research in the areas of STEM, Music, English, Social Sciences and more. Students participating in undergraduate experiences have won many awards, published in scientific journals, and presented at regional and national conferences.
- USIP - University Summer Immersion Program
- USIP, which is funded by CUNY, offers immersion experiences to students in an effort to expedite their progress to credit-bearing courses.
- VAPA - Visual and Performing Arts
- One of the Queensborough Academies and an A.S. degree program, with concentrations in Art and Design, Dance, Music, and Theatre.
- Veterans Center
- An office space in the Student Union's lower level (room 5) for the integration and socialization of student veterans, service members and military dependents attending QCC. It also serves as the operations center for the Student Veterans Association (QSVA).
- Web-enhanced
- Instructional modality in which no scheduled class meetings are replaced, but some of the course content and assignments, as well as required or optional activities, are online.
- WI - Writing-intensive
- A HIP (see above), writing-intensive is the designation given to course sections whose instructors have gone through the WID/WAC training (see below) and adopted a mode of instruction in which writing is more centralized to assist students both with the writing itself and with the deeper learning of material. Two WI courses are required to fulfill the requirements of an associate degree at the institution.
- WID/WAC - Writing in the Disciplines/Writing Across the Curriculum
- Part of a university-wide initiative for nearly two decades, the WID/WAC program sponsors faculty development workshops in which faculty are encouraged to incorporate this pedagogical mode into their own course material both to improve writing and to deepen understanding of course material. The WID/WAC committee is charged with recommending policy concerning WI to the Academic Senate, approves the lists of WI courses offered each semester, and adjudicates student WI appeal cases.
1199SEIU Trainingcontract training for 1199 union members who are current employees of Mount Sinai West to upgrade to “Emergency Room Technicians.”