Massage Therapy (AAS)
Why choose Massage Therapy as a career?
A career in Massage Therapy will provide opportunities for:
An exciting career in a choice of settings, including medical offices, hospitals and rehabilition centers, wellness centers, sports & health clubs, and homecare contract visits
Starting a private practice
Flexible job hours
Enhancing self-growth and a deeper sense of personal fulfillment
Helping people restore their health and well-being
Job growth
Pursing other health careers such as Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physician's Assistant
Admissions Information

Queensborough's Massage Therapy Program is certified by the New York State Department of Education and accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
Program of Study: Full-time, two-year structured sequence of courses beginning in the fall semester and leading to an Associate of Applied Science degree in Massage Therapy. Graduates are eligible to take the New York State Licensing Exam for Massage Therapy.
Admission and Placement: To be admitted to Queensborough with degree status, a student must have a high school diploma or equivalency. All students entering the college must take the CUNY Assessment Tests in Writing and Reading as well as the CUNY Mathematics Assessment Test (CMAT) for incoming freshmen and non-CUNY transfer students.
All remediation must be successfully completed before entering the Massage Therapy course sequence. For additional information on required testing, see the College Catalog.
All incoming students are strongly encouraged to seek academic counseling from members of the Massage Therapy faculty.
Transfer students: If you began your studies at another institution and have a transcript from another school, please have all courses evaluated for transfer credit. Transfer credit will be accepted only from schools with college accreditation. To graduate with an A.A.S. degree, at least 30 credits must be taken at Queensborough Community College.
Your career is in your own hands…
Tuition rates* for New York City residents and New York State residents with valid certificates of residence are as follows:
Full-time matriculated students (taking 12 to 18 credits or equated credits): $2,400.00* per semester
Part-time matriculated students (taking less than 12 credits or equated credits): $210.00* per credit or equated credit
Non-degree (non-matriculated) students (regardless of number of credits or equated credits taken): $265.00* per credit or equated credit
Additional fees for Massage Therapy students: approximately $2,000 for uniforms, textbooks, malpractice insurance, equipment and supplies for the entire program.
* All tuition and fee schedules are necessarily subject to change without notice, at any time, upon action by the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York. See Bursar's website for update information.
Learn more!
Call or visit the Admissions Office, located in the Administration Building, Room A-210, Telephone: 718-281-5000.
Application: Contact Queensborough's Admissions Office or call 718-631-6236 for an application packet.
Grading: Students must receive a C or better in each of the massage therapy (HA-) and science (BI-) courses to advance. Students must also maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 to advance and to graduate from Queensborough.
Health Requirement: Massage therapy students are required to submit an annual medical examination form (completed by a physician) to the Health Services Office. This must be updated each semester to be allowed to continue in the program.
Liability Insurance: Massage therapy students are required to carry liability insurance. Applications are available in the Health, Physical Education and Dance Office, RFK Building, RFK-216.
CPR and First Aid: Massage therapy students are required to maintain updated CPR and First Aid certification throughout the program. Proof of current CPR and first aid for Health Care Professionals is required of all students by the first clinical day of each semester. It is the responsibility of the student to keep his/her certification current.
Uniform/Supplies: School uniform must be worn — Queensborough polo shirt and loose-fitting navy pants
Required Sequence of Courses
Course No. | Course Name | Credits |
ENGL-101 | English Composition I | 3 credits |
BI-301 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 credits |
BI-330 | Myology (offered Fall only) | 3 credits |
HA-100 | Foundations of Therapeutic Massage | 3 credits |
HA-102 | Western Massage Therapy I (offered Fall only) | 2 credits |
Sub-total | 15 credits |
Course No. | Course Name | Credits |
ENGL-102 | English Composition II: Intro to Literature | 3 credits |
BI-302 | Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 credits |
BI-331 | Kinesiology (offered Spring only) | 3 credits |
HA-101 | Eastern Massage Therapy I (offered Spring only) | 2 credits |
HA-104 | Western Massage Therapy II (offered Spring only) | 2 credits |
Sub-total | 14 credits |
Course No. | Course Name | Credits |
BI-325 | Neurophysiology* | 3 credits |
HA-220 | Pathology for Massage Therapy I (offered Fall only) | 3 credits |
HA-103 | Eastern Massage Therapy II (offered Fall only) | 2 credits |
HA-202 | Western Massage Therapy III (offered Fall only) | 2 credits |
HA-203 | Massage Practicum I (offered Fall only) | 2 credits |
PSYC-101 | Psychology | 3 credits |
Sub-total | 15 credits |
Course No. | Course Name | Credits |
MA-321 | Mathematics in Contemporary Society | 3 credits |
HA-221 | Pathology for Massage Therapy II (offered Spring only) | 3 credits |
HA-204 | Massage Practicum II (offered Spring only) | 3 credits |
HA-205 | Professional Issues in Massage Therapy (offered Spring only) | 2 credits |
History or Social Science Elective | 3 credits | |
Massage | Therapy Elective (offered Spring only) | 2 credits |
Sub-total | 16 credits |
Total Credits Required for the A.A.S. Degree in Massage Therapy: 60 Credits
Students must be aware that the program is academically intensive. Approximately two hours of preparation are required for each hour of class.
Because students must devote extensive time to the program, full-time employment during the academic year is not recommended, and planning for financial and family obligations should be done prior to starting the program.
Courses within the program must be followed in sequence as well as all course pre-requisites and co-requisites must be followed.
Choosing Queensborough will allow you to do the following:
Graduate with an Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree and prepare for the NYS licensing exam\
Use your A.A.S. degree to pursue a unique opportunity for a Bachelor of Science (BS)/Masters of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine or Bachelor of Science (BS)/Masters of Science in Acupuncture from the Pacific College of Medicine
Strengthen your resume and appeal to Physical Therapy (PT) and/or Occupational Therapy (OT) graduate programs as most students who have completed prerequisite science courses, such as those required for the AAS in Massage Therapy, are given higher consideration than students who complete a program in health sciences or biology
Take advantage of affordable tuition
Participate in closely supervised clinical experiences
Gain valuable experience in various off-campus service learning projects
Choose real-world experience electives, such as Sports Massage, Hospital-Based Massage, and Prenatal Massage
Learn from highly educated instructors
Receive personal attention from faculty and a range of academic support services to ensure your success
Take advantage of a State Board review course to ensure student success on NYS Licensing Board.
Queensborough Massage Therapy Program Mission:
The mission of the Queensborough Community College Massage Therapy program is to educate students in the science and art of massage therapy. The Queensborough massage therapy program offers a wide scope of knowledge incorporating scientific, theoretical, practical, and ethical fundamentals of Western and Eastern healthcare. A thorough understanding of human anatomy and physiology is an essential part of the program. Our goal is to cultivate massage therapy practitioners who will serve their communities, advance the profession of massage therapy, and become lifelong learners able to work in a diverse number of therapeutic settings.
The massage courses encompass Eastern and Western massage techniques, and instructional formats include lectures, laboratory demonstrations and supervised practice. Massage classes are small, giving every student individualized attention from the highly qualified and experienced massage faculty.

Why choose Queensborough?
Queensborough Community College offers an academically accredited degree in Massage Therapy. The Associates in Applied Science (A.A.S.) Massage Therapy degree was developed to meet the growing interest and ever-increasing demand for licensed massage therapists in New York City and the greater New York metropolitan area.
Queensborough Community College is accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The QCC massage therapy degree program is certified by the New York State Department of Education. Graduates of the Queensborough massage therapy program are eligible to take the New York State Licensing Examination for Massage Therapy.
Licensure Pass Rates
Year | Pass Rate Percentage |
2018 | 93% |
2019 | 92% |
2020 | 100% |
2021 | 88% |
2022 | 86% |
Advantages of a QCC education
Credits (especially Science credits) are transferable to other colleges;
Queensborough’s Massage Therapy program is the only degree program offered at a public university in the New York metropolitan area;
New York State residents can qualify for “New York City resident” tuition rates;
Electives include: Sports Massage, Hospital-based Massage, and Pregnancy Massage where students get real-world experience through our affiliation with North Shore Manhasset Hospital;
Sports Massage prepares students to work on athletes and dancers;
Level of instructors’ education (faculty degrees include Doctor of Physical Therapy, Doctor of Chiropractic, and Registered Respiratory Therapist) is comparable or better than any other massage program;
Course Instruction is provided for the State Board review to ensure student success;
Tutoring services provide students support for academic success;
Experience in the field is available through our student clinic as well as various off-campus service learning projects at locations such as the Catholic Charities Bayside Senior Center, Queens College Law School, Health Fairs, and others;
Students take courses similar to the courses they will be taking in a Doctor of Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy program giving them an advantage;
Students can attend part time or full time.
For More Information:
Health Related Sciences Academy
Massage Therapy Program
Dr. Isabella Lizzul, Director • 718-281-5264 • 718-631-6322 • Prospective and current students.
Apply to Queensborough's Massage Therapy Program
Current QCC Student Register for Classes