Senior Director of Institutional Records and Planning
Office Location: L-104
Office Phone: 718-631-6310
Dr. Archie Calise, Senior Director, Institutional Records and Planning, has been employed at Queensborough Community College since November 1970. He served as Assistant Registrar (Director) for Admissions from 1970 to 1979, Associate Registrar for Operations from 1979 to 1983, and Registrar from 1983 to 1999. In 1999, he became Director of Institutional Records and Planning, with the Registrar and the Office of Institutional Research reporting to him.
In 2006, Dr. Calise became the CUNY Module Lead for Student Administration on the CUNYfirst project sharing his time with Queensborough and the CUNY Office of Computing and Information Services. CUNYfirst integrated all 23 colleges of CUNY, as well as all administrative functions, into a single computer system using the Oracle Product. This involved building the various modules that make up the student records portion of CUNYfirst. He assisted in the development of CUNYfirst for all colleges in CUNY in the area of student records. His special expertise has involved assisting the CUNY colleges in their formatting of pre-requisites for all of their courses prior to their joining CUNYfirst.
For more than 30 years, Dr. Calise also served as a member of the CUNY Council of Registrars and as its chair for 18 years (1992-2010, 6 terms). Over the years, Dr. Calise has served on many CUNY and Queensborough committees, including the CUNY Enrollment Management Council, CUNY Working Group on Articulation, Transfer and Curricular Renewal, and the CUNY Steering Committee: Working Group on Cross Registration and Scheduling Coordination. He also chaired the Sub-Committee on Common Course Numbering.
Dr. Calise has used his wide area of computer expertise and statistics in developing many QCC- and CUNY-wide reports. His use of the SAS Statistical Software and Analytics Suite for more than 30 years has made him an expert in analyzing data. He has presented and served as session chair for over 40 years at many professional conferences in the areas of economics, statistics, and higher education.
Dr. Calise has a B.A. in Economics from The City College of New York (CCNY) and an M.A. in Economics and Ph.D. in Economics and Public Policy from Fordham University. His dissertation, “The Effects of Tuition on the Socio-Economic Composition of the Student Body in a New York City Public College,” explored CUNY and selected private colleges before and after CUNY tuition was instituted in 1976.