Dr. Beth Counihan - English

Beth Counihan, Associate Professor
English Department, Humanities Room 428
718-631-6302/ bcounihan@qcc.cuny.edu
Ph.D. in English with a concentration in Composition and Rhetoric, Graduate Center-CUNY, 2005
M.A. in English with a concentration in Composition and Rhetoric, Lehman College-CUNY, 1997
B.A. in English, Fordham University, 1989
Teaching Philosophy:
My goal is for Queensborough students to find joy and a sense of satisfaction as they choose their intellectual journey by focusing on their studies and learning with and from their classmates. In my classes, we work on the practical skills of note-taking, reading and grammar as we also work on building skills in textual analysis, background knowledge, reflection and developing voice and style in our writing.
Interests and Activities:
As a long-tiime (but not native) New Yorker, I enjoy everything the city has to offer, especially musical theater and dance performances as well as parks, museums and of course, restaurants. My academic interests include participating in the College's high impact practices like the Common Read and Writing Intensive classes and working with colleagues to develop pedagogy and curriculum at the intersection of pre-college and college writing courses.
with Maloy, Jennifer, Joan Dupre, Susan Madera, Ian Beckford. "The UnCommon Read: Perspectives from Faculty and Administration at a Diverse Urban Community College" in What is College Reading? editors Alice Horning et al. Colorado State University WAC Clearinghouse Across the Disciplines Books Series, 2017.
“Value and Relevance to All:” A Review of Academic Writing: Concepts and Connections by Teresa Thonney” Community College Humanities Review Fall 2016.
“Why it is Better to Read Fiction” and “Why it is Better to Read Non-Fiction” in Vocabulary for Today and Tomorrow, ed. Julia Carroll. Pearson, 2013.
Recommended Web Sites:
- Mousepads and Memoirs: an aspect of my dissertation—the memoirs of two eighty-something New York women http://www.newmedialab.cuny.edu/beth
- Forgotten-NY: all sorts of interesting NYC history stuff
http://www.forgotten-ny.com - The Onion: satirical newspaper, very funny