View Past Webinars


Office of Research Funding Fridays - View Past Webinar Series

  • Limited Submissions Resources and Web page - 5/5/22
  • RFCUNY Web Report and Post-Award Management Primer -  4/28/22
  • Funding Opportunities for Artists and Performers - 3/4/22
  • Fulbright Scholar Program - 1/28/22
  • Wikipedia & Your: An Introduction to scholarship on the Internet's largest reference resource - 12/10/21
  • Celebrate Open Access Week! An Introduction to Open Access & Open Access Publishing - 10/29/21
  • PIT in NYC: A Conversation with NYU about "A Better Tech" the Public Interest Technology Convention and Career Fair -  10/1/21
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) Strategic Positioning Workshops: General NSF Overview - 8/27/21
  • The National Science of Health (NIH) Grant Writing Workshops: Part III - 7/21/21
  • The National Science of Health (NIH) Grant Writing Workshops: Part II - 7/14/21
  • The National Science of Health (NIH) Grant Writing Workshops: Part 1 - 7/7/21

Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) Workshops

RFCUNY - APPS Brown Bag Research

NSF Mid-Career Advancement Program (MCA)

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Overview of Webinar: Through MCA, the NSF is seeking to fund mid-career scientists who wish to substantively advance their research program and career trajectory. A primary objective of this program is to ensure that scientists and engineers remain engaged and active in cutting-edge research at a critical career stage replete with constraints on time that can impinge on research productivity, retention, and career advancement. Thus, by (re)-investing in mid-career researchers, NSF hopes to enable a more diverse scientific workforce (more women, persons with disabilities, and individuals from groups that have been underrepresented) at high academic rank. The MCA provides protected time and resources to overcome existing constraints and enable advancements in creativity and productivity. Projects are encouraged to envision new insights into existing problems or identify new problems made accessible with cutting-edge methodology or expertise from other fields. MCA also seeks to foster innovation by supporting synergistic and mutually beneficial partnerships to catalyze convergence across different disciplines. Scientists at the mid-career stage, post-tenure, are freer than their more junior colleagues to pursue bold and innovative research ideas but, at the same time, are often more constrained due to increased service and teaching responsibilities that can hamper scientific productivity. Support from this program is expected to help lift these constraints and reduce workload inequities.

Targeted Audience: CUNY Science and Engineering Faculty

Presenter: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY-APPS

Registration Link        Webinar ID 956-064-139

Seminar for CUNY Graduate Students Seeking Grants

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Overview of Webinar: This webinar will provide CUNY graduate students with information on funding opportunities that are available for them from Federal agencies and philanthropic nonprofit organizations. Students will be exposed to databases with information on funding opportunities where they can search for announcements in their specific area of research. The webinar will also address key questions that need to be answered in developing a competitive proposal. Strategies will be discussed on how and what should be included in a proposal to make it an effective and persuasive write-up for submission to external funding organizations. Tips and advice will be provided to maximize a student’s chance of receiving an award and avoid a declination. Most funding organizations use a merit review process which plays an important role in deciding how awards are made. This process will be defined and discussed during the webinar presentation so that students know how their proposals will be evaluated after submitting them to the external sponsor.

Targeted Audience: CUNY Graduate Students

Presenters: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY-APPS and Josh Brumberg, Dean for the Sciences, CUNY Graduate Center

Registration Link         Webinar ID: 901-676-283

Russell Sage Foundation and William T. Grant Foundation

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Overview of Webinar:
This webinar will provide researchers with information on funding opportunities in two philanthropic nonprofit organizations. The Russell Sage Foundation was established to improve social and living conditions in the United States. It dedicates itself to strengthening the methods, data, and theoretical core of the social sciences to better understand societal problems and develop informed responses. The Russell Sage Foundation supports visiting scholars in residence, funds researchers in academic institutions, and supports programs intended to develop a new generation of social scientists. The William T. Grant Foundation focuses its support on projects that use research evidence that contributes to our understanding and improvement of society. Currently, the Foundation funds research that increases our understanding of (1) the programs, policies, and practices that reduce inequality in youth outcomes and (2) how policymakers and practitioners acquire, interpret and use research evidence.

Targeted Audience: CUNY Education and Social Science faculty

Presenters: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY-APPS, and Nuria Rodriguez-Planas, Professor of Economics, Queens College

Registration Link          Webinar ID: 499-341-499

Pivot-RP Training for Grants Officers and Administrators

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Overview of Session: Pivot-RP is an online tool that helps users connect with global and local research opportunities. As Administrators on your campus, not only do you have access to basic features but also to specific administrative functions and privileges as well. Learn how to utilize these additional features to leverage the funding opportunities on your individual campuses.

Presenter: Pivot-RP Customer Success Manager- Robert Laurie

Register Link         Webinar ID: 440-743-299

GrantFoward Refresher for CUNY Faculty

Wednesday, September 21, 2022 

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

GrantForward is a service that is available to all CUNY faculty and students, and it provides users with access to a rich collection of funding information, including but not limited to aggregation of opportunities like research grants, fellowships, awards, internships, etc., from multiple types of sponsors such as Federal, State, Foundation, University, Private Firms, International entities, etc. This webinar will cover the basics of using GrantForward as a researcher. General areas to be discussed include-- how to create accounts, search for grants, view grant and sponsor pages, use filters, manipulate results, create profiles, and grant recommendations.

Presenter: GrantForward President- Kevin Chang

Registration link

Pivot-RP Training for CUNY Faculty

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Overview of Session: Pivot-RP is an online tool that helps end users connect with global and local research opportunities. Learn how researchers can leverage the site to discover new funding opportunities. This webinar is suitable for those seeking a Pivot-RP refresher and/or new faculty interested in learning about Pivot-RP. Access and functionality in several main areas of Pivot-RP will be reviewed.

Presenter: Pivot-RP Customer Success Manager- Robert Laurie

Registration Link            Webinar ID 517-856-851

Research Foundation CUNY

PSC-CUNY Research Award Program Cycle 54 

The PSC-CUNY Cycle 54 Seminar will be held via Go To Meeting. The Research Foundation of CUNY will send a link one-two weeks before the start of the Seminar. If you have questions, please contact Alexis Davis at or

Tuesday, October 18, 2022, at 1:00 PM

Wednesday, October 26, 2022, at 12:00 PM 

Thursday, November 3, 2022, at 1:00 PM

Friday, November 11, 2022, at 12:00 PM

In addition, please note that training videos have been created for the PSC-CUNY Program. This includes a video on the Seminar itself and a video on the Mock Application. The Seminar video is live now, and the Mock Application video should be live by Tuesday, October 4. Training videos can be found on the RFCUNY Website under the Training tab and Training Resources.

PSC-CUNY Research Award Program Proposal Workshop

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Register by October 10

Overview: In this 1-hour accelerated workshop, we will review the critical components to each category of starter grants available through this program and how the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs can assist in the translation of your ideas into a research award. Highlights include:

  • A brief overview of the structure and requirements of the PSC-CUNY Traditional A Award ($3500), Traditional B ($6000) and Enhanced Awards ($12,000)
  • The development of the "Project Narrative," "Budget," and "Budget Justification" focusing on organization and readability in terms of:
    • Identifying your audience
    • Analyzing the structure of the proposal
    • Formatting your proposal structure for maximum readability
    • Writing paragraphs
    • Readability across sentences in a paragraph
    • Proofreading
  • How to think like a PSC-CUNY Review Pane Member
  • Balancing text with visual storytelling
You will finish the workshop with five sample applications that have been awarded funding and with a follow-up appointment with Dr. Harnsberger to establish your grant-writing timeline and to brainstorm ideas for the strongest possible proposal. We look forward to seeing you online Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 12-1 pm.

Click HERE to Register.


Mentor-Connect Opens to All STEM Faculty Involved in Technician Education – your colleagues now can apply to Mentor-Connect  

All two-year college STEM faculty involved in technician education are now eligible for Mentor-Connect mentoring to prepare applications for Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grants from the National Science Foundation. For the past decade, Mentor-Connect’s cohort mentoring was available only to faculty at two-year colleges that had not had ATE grants in the past seven years.

Technical educators are encouraged to attend ATE Funding Opportunities and Mentor-Connect Orientation at 2 p.m. (Eastern) on August 31, or to watch the webinar after it is posted in Mentor-Connect’s Resource Library.  To attend the free, live webinar, register at

Applications for Mentor-Connect mentoring are due October 7. 

“Any faculty member who has not been through grant-preparation training really could benefit from Mentor-Connect because two-year college faculty members are generally not living in a culture where grant-writing is an expectation,” said Elaine Craft, principal investigator of Mentor-Connect.

Mentor-Connect is an ATE project based at Florence-Darlington Technical College; the American Association of Community Colleges is a partner on the project. Mentor-Connect has assisted 210 two-year colleges, 383 faculty members and 221 administrators and grant professionals since 2012. 

Eleven of the 14 Mentor-Connect mentee teams that submitted proposals during 2021 have been awarded grants in the ATE track for colleges new to ATE. This 80% funding rate is high compared to the NSF-wide funding rate of 25%.

Mentor-Connect selects 20 to 22 college teams to receive mentoring during the nine months that they are developing ATE grant proposals for improving some aspect of technician education. Mentor-Connect mentors are community college educators who have had successful ATE grants.

For questions, email Emery DeWitt at or call 843-676-8541

ASRC Grants 101 Bootcamp - Fall 2022

The ASRC is now accepting registrations for the Fall 2022 grants bootcamp for CUNY faculty. The focus of this Bootcamp will be conceptualizing your research to fit a specific federal funding agency or major non-profit sponsor (e.g., NSF, NIH, NEH, DOD, DOE, IES, Spencer, Simons, etc.) and writing a 1-3 page whitepaper or overview for discussing your idea with agency program officers.

This Bootcamp should be particularly useful to:

  • Research active CUNY faculty who have not yet previously written & successfully submitted a grant proposal to a federal funding agency
  • PIs with NIH funding who would like to learn how to reframe their research to fit NSF
  • PIs interested in applying for the following NSF grants:
  • Launching Early-Career Academic Pathways in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (LEAPS-MPS)
  • Building Research Capacity of New Faculty in Biology (BRC-BIO) program
  • CUNY tenure track assistant professors who plan to apply for the ASRC’s NSF CAREER Bootcamp in 2023 and have not been the PI on a prior positively reviewed NSF proposal (not necessarily funded) and/or need to start conceptualizing their research and objectives

Apply online now

Deadline for applying: Wednesday, September 14, 6 PM

Additional information may be found on the ASRC website: ASRC Grants 101 Bootcamp

National Science Foundation

2022 ASRC NSF CAREER Bootcamp

Grant Proposals and Your Research

The NSF CAREER Bootcamp Program is designed to help NSF CAREER eligible tenure track faculty across CUNY develop competitive proposals for NSF’s Early Career Development Program

Visit Advance Science Research Center (ASRC) website for information and details.

National Science Foundation HSI

To support our colleagues in the proposal writing process, the NSF HSI Program is pleased to announce a series of Office Hours.  They are taking place on Wednesdays and Thursdays starting the week of August 15th and continuing through the week of September 12th.

The latest HSI Solicitation (22-611) has a deadline of September 30th.  To help PIs prepare for the upcoming submission, Program Officers will be hosting a series of Office Hours.  Each Office Hour will have a brief (approximately 15 minutes) presentation followed by an open question and answer period.

A recent webinar went over some substantial changes to the HSI Program.  Please click here to find the video recording of the webinar, or paste this link into your browser:   

You and your team are invited to attend and participate.  Please use the table below to register for the Webinar(s). 



Wednesday (11:00 – 12:00 EDT)

Thursday (2:30 – 3:30 EDT)

Presentation Topic

August 17 & 18

Registration Link
Meeting ID: 160 615 8996
Passcode: 431526

Registration Link
Meeting ID: 161 806 1841
Passcode: 135034

Introduction to the HSI Program

Unique Aspects of the Program

August 24 & 25

Registration Link
Meeting ID: 160 615 8996
Passcode: 431526

Registration Link
Meeting ID: 161 806 1841
Passcode: 135034

Collaborating with Others: Subawards vs. Collaborative Grants

August 31 & September 1

Registration Link
Meeting ID: 160 615 8996
Passcode: 431526

Registration Link
Meeting ID: 161 806 1841
Passcode: 135034

Common Strengths of Competitive Proposals

September 7 & 8

Registration Link
Meeting ID: 160 615 8996
Passcode: 431526

Registration Link
Meeting ID: 161 806 1841
Passcode: 135034

Budget Tips

September 14 & 15

Registration Link
Meeting ID: 160 615 8996
Passcode: 431526

Registration Link
Meeting ID: 161 806 1841
Passcode: 135034

Open Question and Answer

"What's New in Due"

Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI Program) Listening Sessions

We invite the HSI community to participate in Listening Sessions to discuss the progress made in our collective efforts to achieve more diversity and equity in STEM undergraduate education. The Listening Sessions seeks to understand what is important for the success of HSI-Net, determine gaps in service and literature that are critical in addressing the needs of the HSI community, and promote authentic engagement of the HSI community, as partners, in community transformation.

The Listening Sessions will be virtual via Zoom on the following dates and times (EDT):

Thursday, July 28, 2022, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM: Register here

Tuesday, August 2, 2022, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Register here

Wednesday, August 11, 2022, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Register here

Who should Attend:

Current and potential PIs,

HSI administrators and faculty, including community colleges, and

Organizations that have a focus on HSIs.

More information will be posted on the HSI Program webpage under Updates and announcements.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Join the National Science Foundation for the Spring 2022 NSF Virtual Grants Conference, to be held during the week of June 6-10, 2022. 

Just like the in-person grants conferences, the NSF Virtual Grants Conference is a must, especially for new faculty, researchers and administrators.

Highlights include:

  • New programs and initiatives
  • NSF Directorate sessions
  • Future directions and strategies for national science policy
  • Proposal preparation and the merit review process
  • Award management topics

The conference is designed to give new faculty, researchers, and administrators key insights into a wide range of current issues at NSF. NSF program officers will provide up-to-date information about specific funding opportunities and answer attendee questions.

Registration will be free of charge and opens on Wednesday, May 11th at 12 p.m. EST. Sign up here to be notified of conference registration details. All conference sessions will be available on-demand shortly after the event for those who cannot attend the live conference.

Save the date!

Mentor Connect

Preparing Annual and Project Out Reports: Demystifying the Process

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

2:00 - 3:00 P.M. Eastern Time (U.S. and Canada)

In order to write effective annual reports and the final project outcome report, PIs must understand NSF’s needs and develop a strategy.

This session will provide information about planning and report writing as well as;

  • Share strategies for developing and submitting annual reports.
  • Questions about NSF program officer expectations, what should and shouldn’t be included, and external evaluation will be discussed.
  • Strategies for completing the report on time, developing a timeline, and the mechanics of report submission will be addressed. 


Defense and Intelligence Research Forum

May 6, 2022, 9:30am – 5pm


CUNY Advanced Science Research Center


85 St Nicholas Terrace, NYC



The goal of the D&I Forum is to expose faculty to the D&I research landscape of the Federal Government with the aim of increasing awareness of the projects funded by these agencies. This forum will also include a poster session in the morning highlighting the defense and intelligence-related research currently being conducted by faculty and researchers across CUNY.  Program officers from several Federal D&I agencies are being invited to present in the afternoon on the grant opportunities available, the near-term research funding objectives, and the strategies and vision for the future of research at their respective agencies.


Researchers are invited to submit proposals for Poster Presentations


The most competitive posters will be selected


Please submit your poster research concepts to by 5 pm on March 31, 2022


Please see below, the Agenda and Poster Submission Requirements.


RSVP to the Defense and Intelligence Research Forum

NSF HSI National STEM Resouce HUB

With the new year, HSI faculty and staff will have the opportunity to prepare and submit more grant applications for the NSF HSI and other programs.  

To support your efforts, the NSF HSI National STEM Resource Hub is offering half-day Grantsmanship Mini-Workshops for HSI faculty and staff during spring 2022.  Participation in these virtual workshops is free and limited to 24 attendees to enable small group discussion and networking. Workshops convene between 8 am and 1 pm Pacific Time. 

Apply Now!

Workshop Information: 

NOTE: NSF has issued a new HSI Program Solicitation (22-545) 

NIH Undergraduate Research Training Initiative

for Student Enhancement (U-RISE)

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Overview of Webinar: The goal of the Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) program is to develop a diverse pool of undergraduates who complete their baccalaureate degree, and transition into and complete biomedical, research-focused higher degree programs (e.g., Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.). Training grants offset the cost of stipends, tuition, fees, and training-related expenses, including health insurance, for the appointed trainees in accordance with the approved NIH support levels. Training grants are usually awarded for five years and are renewable.

Targeted Audience: Biomedical faculty in CUNY colleges

Presenters: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY-APPS & Louise Hainline, Special Associate to the Provost for Grants and Contracts and Professor of Psychology, Brooklyn College

Webinar ID 736-178-867

Register Now!

NSF HSI National STEM Resource Hub Spring 2022
JumpStart Grant Writing 2-Day Virtual Workshop

Because of the current pandemic, the 2022 HSI STEM Resource Hub Jumpstart workshops have been moved to a virtual platform.  The workshop provides basic insight and instruction on how to compete for NSF funding.  The workshop prepares attendees to submit applications to the NSF HSI STEM.

The content will focus on preparing grants for the new NSF HSI Initiative that seeks to increase grant support for STEM Education in Hispanic Serving Institutions (due date August 31, 2022, Last Wednesday in August, Annually Thereafter)

During the event, participants will have a rare opportunity to seek advice from successful grant applicants to direct questions to experienced and knowledgeable grant awardees, and to closely analyze a sample proposal to learn which pitfalls to avoid.

Cohort: March 19th and 26th

HSI HUB Semillas Mentored Grantsmanship Program

Register Now!

GrantForward Workshop

Thursday, March 24, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Description: Learn how to search grants using keywords, sponsors, and advanced features and track and manage grants. This workshop also discusses finding awarded projects and pre-solicitations. The presenter will briefly address the differences between two funding databases: Pivot and GrantForward. (The will be no recording of the session. Presentation materials will be provided to the attendees in a PDF file.)

Targeted Audience: Faculty and Administration

Presenter: Christine (Mi-Seon) Kim, Associate Professor and Science Librarian at QCC

Register Now! After registration, you will receive an email confirmation with a Zoom link invite. A passcode is required to log in.

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation & Andrew T. Mellon Foundation Grants

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Overview of Webinar: The focus of the webinar is to provide researchers with information on two major philanthropic nonprofit organizations. The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation makes grants to support original research and broad-based education related to science, technology, and economics. The Foundation makes grants in seven broad disciplinary areas, known within the foundation as major program areas: Science; Economics; STEM Higher Education; Digital Information Technology; Public Understanding of Science, Technology & Economics; Working Longer; and Energy & Environment. The Andrew T, Mellon Foundation is one of the largest supporters of the arts and humanities in the US. To this end, its core programs support exemplary and inspiring institutions of higher education and culture. The Foundation makes grants in four core program areas: Higher Learning; Arts and Culture; Public Knowledge; and Humanities in Place.

Targeted Audience: CUNY faculty in science, technology, economics, energy & environment, arts, and humanities

Presenters: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY-APPS & Stephanie Gilman, CUNY Freedom Prep

Webinar ID 736-170-395

Register Now!

Facilitating Research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Overview of Webinar: The Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) and Research Opportunity Awards (ROA) funding opportunities support research by faculty members at predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs). RUI proposals support PUI faculty in research that engages them in their professional field(s), builds capacity for research at their home institution, and supports the integration of research and undergraduate education. ROAs similarly support PUI faculty research, but these awards typically allow faculty to work as visiting scientists at research-intensive organizations where they collaborate with other NSF-supported investigators.

Targeted Audience: STEM faculty in CUNY colleges

Presenters: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY-APPS & Lawrence Pratt, Associate Professor Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, Medgar Evers College

Webinar ID: 728-856-099

Register Now!

NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM)

The National Science Foundation invites you to watch a narrated webinar on the National Science Foundation’s Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM) new solicitation (NSF 22-527), and to participate in office hours with NSF program officers.

This year S-STEM has a deadline of February 22, 2022.  The list of S-STEM-eligible disciplines, required documentation, and limits on the number of submissions per institution have changed and it is highly recommended that all potential proposers read the solicitation thoroughly, watch the presentation, and participate in the office hour question and answer sessions.

For more information on the NSF S-STEM Program Office Hours and Registration, please visit the National Science Foundation (NSF) website. Thank you.


Newly Released:

Preliminary Agenda for Virtual Dialogues 2022

Whether you are currently seeking funding, plan to in the future, or help in any capacity with grant-writing, you should be attending CUR Dialogues 2022 virtually! Kicking-off February 14, to Friday, February 18, 2022, hear from many federal agencies and grant-funding offices on updates. Then, get the chance to chat with them live during our question and answer sections.

Want to see how the week's schedule will be laid out?

Check out the preliminary agenda, here.

Want more out of your experience? As a guided tier participant, your experience will provide more check-ins with grant experts: Bill Campbell, Campbell Grants and Research, and Paula F. Dehn, Kentucky Wesleyan College (retired), and additional course materials to take back to your team for a more personalized approach to the overall virtual event.


Choose your journey - guided or standard - and register today!

NIH Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Overview of Webinar: The Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Training Program provides support to eligible, domestic institutions to develop and implement effective, evidence-informed approaches to biomedical research training and mentoring that will keep pace with the rapid evolution of the research enterprise. The Bridges to Baccalaureate Research Training Program requires strong partnerships between community colleges (or two-year colleges) and four-year baccalaureate degree-granting institutions. One partner must be an institution that offers the associate degree as the highest science degree. The other institution must be a college or university granting baccalaureate degrees in disciplines relevant to the biomedical sciences.

Targeted Audience: Biomedical faculty in CUNY colleges

Presenters: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY-APPS & Joshua Brumberg, CUNY Graduate Center

Webinar ID: 727-443-96

National Endowment for the Arts Research Awards
Guidelines now available

Guidelines are now available for two funding programs offered through the National Endowment for the Arts Office of Research & Analysis:
  • Research Grants in the Arts funds research studies that investigate the value and/or impact of the arts, either as individual components of the U.S. arts ecology or as they interact with each other and/or with other domains of American life. Matching/cost-share grants of $10,000 to $100,000 will be awarded.
  • NEA Research Labs funds transdisciplinary research teams grounded in the social and behavioral sciences, yielding empirical insights about the arts for the benefit of arts and non-arts sectors alike. Matching/cost-share grants of $100,000 to $200,000 will be awarded.
Application guidelines for the present round of funding are available on the Arts Endowment websiteThe upcoming deadline for both programs is March 28, 2022.
We will conduct a live webinar on February 9, at 2:00 pm Eastern Time (ET) featuring an overview presentation followed by a Q&A session. Register for the webinar; an archive will be added to the Applicant Resources page.
Questions should be directed to the Office of Research & Analysis staff at

NSF Advanced Technology Education (ATE) Program

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Overview of Webinar: With an emphasis on two-year Institutions of Higher Education, the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program focuses on the education of technicians for the high-technology fields that drive our nation's economy. The program involves partnerships between academic institutions and industry to promote improvement in the education of science and engineering technicians at the undergraduate and secondary institution school levels. The ATE program supports curriculum development; professional development of college faculty and secondary school teachers; career pathways; and other activities.

Targeted Audience: All science and engineering faculty (especially in community colleges)

Presenters: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY-APPS & Sunil Bhaskaran, Professor and Director of the Geospatial Center of the Crest Institute, Bronx Community College

Webinar ID 727-327-587

Register Now!

2022 ASRC NSF CAREER Bootcamp

 Grant Proposals and Your Research

The NSF CAREER Bootcamp Program is designed to help NSF CAREER eligible tenure track faculty across CUNY develop competitive proposals for NSF’s Early Career Development Program

Visit Advance Science Research Center (ASRC) website for information and details.

PIVOT Training for Faculty

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

12:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Overview of Session: Pivot is an online tool that helps end-users connect with global and local research opportunities. Learn how researchers can leverage the site to discover new funding opportunities. This webinar is suitable for those seeking a Pivot refresher and/or new faculty interested in learning about Pivot. Access and functionality in several main areas of Pivot will be reviewed.

Presenter: PIVOT Support- Robert Laurie

Register Now! 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

CUNY Office of Research

CUNY Women In STEM: Building Our Network

Thursday, December 9, 2021

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Join us for a professional development and networking event open to all CUNY graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty interested in furthering their STEM academic research careers!

Ten CUNY faculty members and administrative leaders will talk about gender equity and inclusion in STEM, with an emphasis on academia, and give advice and tips on how to thrive and succeed. The audience will also have the opportunity to meet colleagues from across CUNY's campuses during breakout sessions. 


NSF - Policy Office Research

National Science Foundation (NSF) Virtual Grants Conference - Fall 2021

If you did not attend the live conference, all recorded sessions will be available on-demand and posted on our website and our YouTube page.

Please feel free to check for the most up-to-date conference information and to view the conference agenda. You can view session recordings of the Spring 2021 Virtual Grants Conference on our website or on our YouTube page.

If you have any logistical questions about this virtual conference, please contact us at:


The National Science Foundation

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Virtual Grants Conference - Spring 2021

  • Introduction and NSF Overview
  • Proposal Preparation
  • Merit Review Process
  • Award Management
  • Proposal Award Policy


Tips and Tricks: Step by Step NSF ATE
Proposal Forms Preparation

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

1:00 - 2:30 p.m

This webinar focuses on the various forms associated with NSF ATE grant proposals. Forms can make up 2/3 of the final proposal submission and impact the quality and accuracy of a proposal. For more information and registration, visit their website Mentor-Connect


Walking the NSF Budgeting Walk:

NSF ATE Proposal Budget

and Budget Justification

March 17, 2021

For more information and other resources, please go to Mentor Connect Resource Libary.

Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.