Module 0

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Module 7

Module 8

Module 9

Module 10

Module 11

Module 12

Module 13

Module 14

Module :  0 Orientation Module

Video: Module 0 Orientation to the Course

Captioned Text File: Module 0 Orientation to the Course

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Module : 1 Introduction to the Course

Video: Introduction to the Course

Captioned Text File: Introduction to the course

Video: Gut Feelings or Careful Moral Judgments-Dialectical Thinking

Captioned Text File: Gut Feelings or Careful Moral Judgments

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Module : 2 Ethical Traditions

Video: Introduction to module 2 ETHICS

Captioned Text File: Introduction to Module 2 ETHICS


What is the difference between Ethics, Morality and the Law?

What's the difference between morality and ethics?


View: Moral behavior in animals - Frans de Waal TED talk 17 minutes

VIEW: Morality without religion | Frans de Waal  18 minutes


VIEW: Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development


Ethical Egoism by Dr. Richard Brown


Video: Principle of Utility

Text : Principle of Utility

Video: Distinguishing Act from Rule Utility

Text: Distinguishing Act form Rule Utility


Video: Divine Command Theory of Ethics 


VIDEO on Natural Law Theory


Video: Beginner's Guide to Kant's Moral Philosophy


Video: John Rawls Theory of Justice

Video Overview of Rawls's approach to Just Distribution

What Is Justice?: Crash Course Philosophy #40


Nietzsche on Master and Slave Morality

Nietzsche and Morality: The Higher Man and The Herd


Sartre - Existentialist Ethics  Professor Zaldiva


Alternative Paradigms: Care Ethics and Feminine Ethics 


Virtue Ethics | Ethics Defined

Virtue Ethics

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Module : 3 Moral Climate of Health Care

Video: Introduction to Module 3

Captioned Text File: Module 3

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Module : 4 Professionalism, Elitism and Health Care

Video: Introduction to Module 4

Captioned Text File: Module 4

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Module : 5 Ethics and Nursing

Video: Introduction to Module 5

Captioned Text File: Module 5

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Module : 6 Patient's Rights, Truth and Consent

Video: Introduction to Module 6

Captioned Text File: Module 6

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Module : 7 Human Experimentation

Video: Introduction to Module 7

Captioned Text File: Module 7

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Module : 8 Abortion

Video: Introduction to Module 8

Captioned Text File: Module 8

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 Module 9 Severely Impaired Newborns, Futility  and Infanticide

Video: Introduction to Module 9

Captioned Text File: Module 9

Infanticide in India

Infanticide: Post Partum Depression

Medical Futility case: Live or Die: Severely Impaired Newborns, Futility and Infanticide

Who Shall Survive? 

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Module : 10 Care of the Dying

Video: Introduction to Module 10

Captioned Text File: Module 10

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Module : 11 Deliberate Termination of Life and Physician Assisted Suicide

Video: Introduction to Module 11

Captioned Text File: Module 11

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Module : 12 Reproduction, Assistance and Control

Video: Introduction to Module 12

Captioned Text File: Module 12

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Module : 13 Allocation of Resources, Scarcity and Triage

Video: Introduction to Module 13

Captioned Text File: Module 13

Module 13:  TRIAGE  Deciding who gets what with lifesaving resources

Black Market in Organs

Using Brain Damaged persons as Organ Donors

Buying Organs for Transplantation

Harvesting Corneas without permission

Organ Sales

Organ Farms

Transpecies Organ Transplantation

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Module : 14 A Claim of a Right to Health Care

Video: Introduction to Module 14

Captioned Text File: Module 14

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Video: Live or Die  Module 9