eLearning Student Readiness Program
Module 1: Introduction to QCC online
Queensborough Community College offers eLearning classes that are taught via the Internet. On this page you will learn about eLearning classes. And, you will take a self-test to help you determine how well an eLearning class will fit your learning-style and life-style.
• In a PNET, or blended course, some class meetings, anywhere from 25% - 75% of the regularly scheduled class time, are held on-campus.
• The remainder of the class is conducted online using the Blackboard or Epsilen Learning Management Systems (LMS).
• In a FNET course 80% - 100% of the course is taught online using the Blackboard or Epsilen LMS.
• You may "attend" an FNET class at any time of the day or night.
• You must pay attention to course deadlines in order to complete the course successfully.
• You may, however, need to come on-campus for an orientation and exams.
With PNET and FNET classes the online mechanism for receiving assignments, for turning in assignments, for discussion with your instructor and your fellow students is built into the Blackboard and Epsilen LMS.
• Meet all course pre-requisites.
• Register for the eLearning course as you would for any course at Queensborough Community College.
• Have access to Computer Equipment with Internet connection.
• Have necessary computer skills including the ability to cut and paste, place attachments onto eMail, and conduct Internet searches.
• Be a disciplined, independent student.
• Allow sufficient time to complete the work requirements/assignments for the course (approximately 9 to 12 hours per week for a three credit course.)
To succeed in an eLearning course you must be:
• Highly motivated.
• Independent.
• An active learner.
• Well organized and able to manage your time.
• Disciplined and able to study without external reminders.
• Adaptable to new learning environments.
These are precisely the qualities needed to succeed in any learning environment, but the online context puts special pressures on learners to be independent and self-disciplined.
• Send an email to the teacher or a fellow student.
• Attach a file to an email before sending it.
• Upload and download files.
• Take quizzes or exams online.
• Take quizzes or exams on-campus.
• Participate in an online threaded discussion list.
• Meet in a chat room for online class discussions.
• Listen to a recording and watch a video.
• Write Blog/Journal entries and write in a Wiki.
• Participate in online group activities.
• For more information, go to the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) web page.
• The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities is located in the first floor of the Science Building Room 132. For further information, contact SSD, at 718-631-6257
Suitability Self-Test
Your answers from the Suitability Self-Test won't be collected, analyzed or graded. The main purpose of this activity is to help you determine how well an online class will fit your circumstances and life-style.
Directions: For each question in the Suitability Self-Test, select one answer by clicking the button next to it. When you are finished answering all of the questions, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
Module 2: Netiquette
Good manners are important. You are expected to treat your classmates and instructor with respect. Here are some important netiquette rules that all members of the Queensborough Community College community are expected to follow.
• Exhibit the same courtesy to your classmates and professor, as you would expect to receive in the workplace. It is okay to disagree about the subject manner. But, be open-minded and accepting of constructive criticism and difference of opinion.
• Make certain that your tone is positive and professional. Before you hit the submit button, review your message carefully. Ask yourself if you would want your message to appear on the front page of the New York Times with your name and photograph. Remember, everything you submit is being recorded.
• Flaming, or bashing, is when someone attacks a person instead of the logic of his or her argument. Flaming will not be tolerated.
• Sarcasm or other forms of personal abuse will not lead to better grades. It will not be tolerated and will have a negative effect on your grade.
• Offering constructive criticism is always appropriate.
• If someone posts a message that is difficult to understand or offensive, ask for clarification.
• Be forgiving: If you feel that someone has attacked you personally, do not respond in kind. Instead, Inform the instructor.
• Use proper English.
• Do not use humor, as it is easily misunderstood.
• Profanity is never acceptable.
• Avoid slang.
• Avoid jargon, unless practitioners of the discipline commonly use it.
• Avoid acronyms — BTW, LOL, etc. — or emoticons — :-/, :-0, etc.
• WRITING IN ALL CAPS IS SHOUTING. Please, no shouting!
• Do not overuse exclamation points (!).
• Read typed discussion threads from the first message to the last before you write.
• Think before you write: Ask yourself if your message is coherent. If you are not sure, read it to someone else before posting it.
• Be clear and concise: Do not burden the class with rambling, repetitive postings.
• Use short paragraphs (three to four lines); as they are much easier to read online.
• Proofread, proofread, proofread: Use the spelling and grammar checker that comes with your word processor, then paste your comments into the Blackboard message or email.
• Protect your privacy: Class discussions are open forums for the entire class. If you have something private to say to your instructor, send him or her an email or visit during office hours.
• Protect everyone else's privacy: Do not spam your classmates or instructor. Do not invite them to see your Facebook page, listen to your sales pitches, or discuss anything other than the course curriculum.
• Never send harassing emails.
• If you want to socialize with classmates, use your private email address.
• When you actively participate in the discussion you are more likely to be rewarded and viewed as a valued member of the class.
• Reading messages without participating will not only hurt your grade, it is considered rude.
• When you don't participate in the online activities of a course you are more likely to be marked as absent for that class.
• Promptly reply to comments about your postings on discussion forums and to any eMails.
• Try to respond within 24 hours, but do not to take longer than 48 hours.
• Each instructor may have their own policy regarding missed deadlines. However, you are responsible for submitting your assignments on time. If you miss a deadline, contact your instructor immediately to discuss your options.
• Save your work to the hard drive of your personal computer.
• Back up your hard drive often.
• Keep printed copies of your work.
• Protect yourself and your classmates from computer viruses by using an anti-virus program.
• It is your responsibility to check the Blackboard course site regularly.
• Plan on devoting at least 9 - 12 hours of course time per week for a three-credit course.
• When you don't participate in the online activities of a course you are more likely to be marked as absent for that class.
• Let your instructor know if you will be absent.
Self-Review Questions
Your answers from the Self-Review won't be collected, analyzed or graded. The main purpose of this activity is to help you understand some important Netiquette rules that all members of the Queensborough Community College community are expected to follow.
Directions: For each question in the Self-Review Questions, select one answer by clicking the button next to it. When you are finished answering all of the questions, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
Module 3: Academic Integrity
You are expected to behave according to the highest standards of academic integrity. This document summarizes guidelines on Academic Integrity found in the Queensborough Community College Catalogue.
Violations of Academic Integrity include:
• Paraphrasing another author without naming the source.
• Borrowing facts and other materials that are not common knowledge without quoting the source.
• Submitting another person's work as your own.
• Failing to acknowledge contributions made by teammates.
Please note: To avoid charges of plagiarism, learn how to cite your sources. There are several manuals that show how to do this:
• APA Style
• MLA Formatting and Style Guide
• Chicago Manual of Style
Additionally there are several websites that offer guidance to appropriately and correctly citing sources:
• Princeton University offers an excellent online review on the proper citation of sources.
• Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL)
• Queensborough Community College Research Help
Also, please consult the college library's reference collection for the latest editions of citation style manuals.
• Citing information that is not taken from the source indicated.
• Listing sources in a bibliography that you did not use.
• Copying another student's examination or assignment.
• Allowing another student to copy your examination or assignment.
• Using unauthorized materials to complete an examination or assignment.
• Using cell phones or other electronic devices to obtain and share information during examinations.
• Unauthorized collaboration on a test or assignment.
• Participating in any academic exercise using someone else's name or having someone participate in such an exercise using your name.
• Stealing or buying all or part of an examination, paper, or assignment.
• Selling or giving away all or part of an examination, paper, or assignment.
• Bribing someone to obtain all or part of an examination, paper, or assignment.
• Making unauthorized changes to a grade.
• Continuing to work on an examination or project after the allotted time has elapsed.
• Changing a graded exam or assignment and returning it to try and get more credit.
• Submitting parts of the same paper to two classes without consulting with instructors.
• Failing to report cheating done by another student.
• Stealing, destroying, or hiding class materials so other students cannot use them.
• Keeping examinations that clearly indicate that they should be returned to the instructor.
• Purposely stopping other students from completing their work.
• Helping people find ways to obtain essays and answers to assignments.
• Instructors may lower the grades of students involved in academic misconduct.
• Instructors may give students an "F" for the examination or assignment when a student cheats.
• In more serious cases, instructors may issue an "F" for the course.
• Instructors may file a formal complaint against any student charged with violating academic integrity. A discussion of this process is in the Queensborough Community College Catalog.
• A student charged with violating the college's policy on academic integrity may be suspended or expelled.
Self-Review Questions
Your answers from the Self-Review won't be collected, analyzed or graded. The main purpose of this activity is to help you understand the Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity at Queensborough Community College.
Directions: For each question in the Self-Review Questions, select one answer by clicking the button next to it. When you are finished answering all of the questions, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
Module 4: Technology Requirements
All eLearning courses, whether partly online (PNET) or fully online (FNET), require that students have regular access to a computer with an Internet connection. To take an eLearning course you will need:
• Operating Sysmtes: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Mac OS 10.8, Mac OS 10.9, Mac 10.10, iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Chroe OS.
• iOS Devices: iPod Touch, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5c, iPhone 6, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad Mini, iPad Air 2.
• Android Devices: Galaxy S4, Galaxy S5, HTC G1, LG C800 my Touch, HTC One, Galaxy Note 2014, HTC One M8.
• Chrome 49 or higher.
• Firefox 48 or higher
• Safari 9 or higher
• Edge 20 or higher
Internet access is required to participate in online components of your college courses at Queensborough Community College.
• An Internet Service Provider (ISP) will provide you with the software and access necessary to use the Internet.
• Your computer should be hooked up to a fast internet connection, such as LAN, DSL or Cable. These type of internet connections are highly recommended for optimal student experience. You want to get the most out of your eLearning courses, and having a fast Internet connection is key to achieving that goal.
• Familiarity with the Blackboard Learning Management System. Tutorials are available on the College's Blackboard website.
• An active Office 365 email account. For more information go to http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/office365/index.html
• MS-Office 2010 or higher.
The following plug-ins are required for many of the resources available in your online courses:
• Adobe Flash Player.
• Adobe Acrobat Reader.
• Real Player.
• Windows Media Player
• Apple QuickTime Player.
• Symantec Antivirus Protection.
• Windows Internet Connection Firewall.
The Technology Support & Service Center will assist users in resolving their computing problems, or serve as a liaison to other resources such as the ACC (Academic Computing Center) or CUNY Computing.
• Contact the Technology Support & Service Center at (718) 631-6348, by e-mail: ServiceDesk@qcc.cuny.edu or in person: Library Building, Room L-115.
• If your question is specific to the use of Blackboard, contact Blackboard Support at (718) 281-5540; by eMail : bbsupport@qcc.cuny.edu ; or in person: Library Building, Room L-314.
Blackboard Student Tutorials (click here)
Self-Review Questions
Your answers from the Self-Review won't be collected, analyzed or graded. The main purpose of this activity is to make you aware of the basic technical requirements needed to satisfactorily complete an online course.
Directions: For each question in the Self-Review Questions, select one answer by clicking the button next to it. When you are finished answering all of the questions, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
Module 5: Understanding New Learning Technologies
At Queensborough Community College, faculty use a broad range of technologies to enhance students' learning experiences. It is important for students to understand what technologies are supported at Queensborough as well as how these technologies are being used by the instructors.
Blackboard is a Web-based platform used to deliver course materials to enhance both teaching and learning experiences. Working in a password-protected environment, faculty and students are able to post and access course materials, make use of discussion groups, email and many related course management tools - anytime and anywhere.
A blog is a Web site that acts as an online journal, a place to post information, and a way to keep in touch with others. A blog can be used as an important tool for assignments, networking or just sharing information with instructors and classmates. Blogs can be a classroom or an individual project. Queensborough currently supports the Blog features that are available in Blackboard (Course Management System) and Epsilen (ePortfolio System).
Clickers allow instructors to ask questions and gather students' responses during a lecture. In clicker systems, each student uses a device (a "clicker") that looks like a TV remote to answer questions posed by the instructor mostly in a specially-designed PowerPoint presentation.
ePortfolio is a secure web site that allows students to enter, save, organize, view and selectively share educational records, artifacts, and reflections. Students can maintain their plan of study and share their work in any content form such as text, video clips, audio clips, graphic files, photos, etc. ePortfolios can be created for academic, career or personal use.
Lecture capture allows instructors to record what happens in their classrooms and make it available digitally. Those lectures are available for students to replay complex concepts, to review content for online course development or for students who couldn't attend class. At Queensborough, most of these lectures will be available through Blackboard or the Tigermedia site.
A podcast is an audio or video file archived on the Internet in such a way that it can be automatically accessed by a personal computer, downloaded and transferred to a portable MP3 player. Podcasting allows learning to become more portable and gives educators another way to meet today's students where they live and learn - online and on audio players.
A presentation software is a computer package used to display information normally in the form of a slide show. Text, graphics, audio, video and any other multimedia objects can be inserted on these slides. The most popular presentation software used is PowerPoint. All computer labs in Queensborough are equipped to create and view PowerPoint presentations.
A Wiki is a Web site that allows users to add and update content on the site using their own web browser. Wikis end up being created mainly by a collaborative effort of students. Wikis support asynchronous communication and group collaboration online. A great example of a large wiki is the Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia in many languages that anyone can edit. Queensborough currently supports the Wiki features that are available in Blackboard (Course Management System) and Epsilen (ePortfolio System).
Module 6: Services for Students
Queensborough Community College provides a broad range of programs and services to help students reach their academic goals and to enhance their personal, intellectual and social development.
The Center's professional and caring counselors can help you with:
- Personal Concerns
- Academic Questions
- Referrals on and off campus
- Exploring career choices
- Transfer information
For more information, please visit the Counseling Center on the fourth floor of the Library, room L-422. http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/counseling/index.html
We want to make sure you receive the classes you need to be successful. Academic advisement:
- Is your first step in your registration process
- Is mandatory for all students and is available through several offices including the office of Academic Advisement and the Counseling Center.
- Provides orientation and advisement to all new freshmen and transfer students.
For more information, please visit the Academic Advisement Center on the fourth floor of the Library, room L-434. http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/advisement/
The OET works closely with faculty, staff and students to promote the development and dissemination of innovative uses of technology in teaching and learning.
The activities and services offered by the OET support team include:
- Access to computers with programs required by your teachers
- Blackboard Technical Support
- Technical Assistance: VoiceThread, PlayPosit, Blackboard, and Softchalk.
For more information, please visit the Office of Educational Technology on the third floor of the Library, room L-314. http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/oet/
Depending upon the individual need, supported by appropriate documentation, the following services may be provided:
- Individualized counseling
- Early Advisement
- Early registration
- Coordination and facilitation of reasonable accommodations on an individualized basis
- Administration of exams with accommodations
- Coordination of note taking services
- Technical assistance with reading and/or scribing
- Assistance with arrangements for recorded or alternate format texts/ study materials
- Coordination of ASL interpreting services
- Alternate format print material: i.e. enlarged print, Braille
- classroom relocation as needed
- Assistive technology (see SSD Lab)
- Advocacy
- Liaison with college and community
- Student Organization for the Disabled (Club)
The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities is located in the first floor of the Science Building, Room 132. For further information, contact SSD, at 718-631-6257, http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/SSD/
Module 7: eLearning Suitability Self-Test