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Module 3: Academic Integrity

You are expected to behave according to the highest standards of academic integrity. This document summarizes guidelines on Academic Integrity found in the Queensborough Community College Catalogue.


emphasis on Integrity, among collage of words Violations of Academic Integrity include:

1. Plagiarism.

• Paraphrasing another author without naming the source.
• Borrowing facts and other materials that are not common knowledge without quoting the source.
• Submitting another person's work as your own.
• Failing to acknowledge contributions made by teammates.

Please note: To avoid charges of plagiarism, learn how to cite your sources. There are several manuals that show how to do this:

APA Style
MLA Formatting and Style Guide
Chicago Manual of Style
Additionally there are several websites that offer guidance to appropriately and correctly citing sources:

Princeton University offers an excellent online review on the proper citation of sources.
Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Queensborough Community College Research Help

Also, please consult the college library's reference collection for the latest editions of citation style manuals.

2. Inventing information or misrepresenting research on purpose.

• Citing information that is not taken from the source indicated.
• Listing sources in a bibliography that you did not use.

3. Cheating or attempting to misrepresent your mastery of the curriculum.

• Copying another student's examination or assignment.
• Allowing another student to copy your examination or assignment.
• Using unauthorized materials to complete an examination or assignment.
• Using cell phones or other electronic devices to obtain and share information during examinations.
• Unauthorized collaboration on a test or assignment.
• Participating in any academic exercise using someone else's name or having someone participate in such an exercise using your name.

4. Academic Misconduct.

• Stealing or buying all or part of an examination, paper, or assignment.
• Selling or giving away all or part of an examination, paper, or assignment.
• Bribing someone to obtain all or part of an examination, paper, or assignment.
• Making unauthorized changes to a grade.
• Continuing to work on an examination or project after the allotted time has elapsed.
• Changing a graded exam or assignment and returning it to try and get more credit.
• Submitting parts of the same paper to two classes without consulting with instructors.
• Failing to report cheating done by another student.
• Stealing, destroying, or hiding class materials so other students cannot use them.
• Keeping examinations that clearly indicate that they should be returned to the instructor.
• Purposely stopping other students from completing their work.
• Helping people find ways to obtain essays and answers to assignments.

5. Submitting forged signatures and fake official documents.

6. Enforcing Academic Integrity:

• Instructors may lower the grades of students involved in academic misconduct.
• Instructors may give students an "F" for the examination or assignment when a student cheats.
• In more serious cases, instructors may issue an "F" for the course.
• Instructors may file a formal complaint against any student charged with violating academic integrity. A discussion of this process is in the Queensborough Community College Catalog.
• A student charged with violating the college's policy on academic integrity may be suspended or expelled.

 Self-Review Questions
Your answers from the Self-Review won't be collected, analyzed or graded. The main purpose of this activity is to help you understand the Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity at Queensborough Community College.

Directions: For each question in the Self-Review Questions, select one answer by clicking the button next to it. When you are finished answering all of the questions, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. 

 Quiz Group