At QCC  Completing Coursework in Your ePortfolio:

It turns out that many employers care more about a potential employees skills to analyze and do critical thinking than they do basic skills related to the employer's particular work related needs.  The eportoflio is a place for family and friends and potential employers to look to learn what you have learned and what you can do.

In this course, you will create a course ePortfolio to submit some assignments unless you already have a social network site that can hold your work for others to view it. . Unlike Blackboard, an ePortfolio allows you to take your work with you after the semester, enabling you to build a shareable online academic portfolio. If you have a FACEBOOK site or a LINKEDIN site or other such site that can hold your work those sites are more likely to last than is any site offered by the College and so you should use those other sites. So, if you are a student at QCC use your own eportfolio or use any social network site you can use for academic work or you can use the  Digication ePortfolio site (free).  

Depending on what social media account you have how you place your reflections on learning and an example of your best work showing how you can do dialectical thinking will vary.  What you want is basically to place your work so others can see it.  You want one space in which to do this.  You also want to be able to replace the example of you best work with another example as the course progresses and you believe you are doing even better at dialectical thinking.  This is a showcase for you to present actual evidence of your ability to learn, what you have learned and what you can do with your intellectual skills.

HOW TO WORK WITHIN YOUR ePORTFOLIO  Create a folder for the work you do in this class and label it PHIL 101 and then inside the folder place the files made available to others that will be labeled

  • PERSONAL REFLECTIONS on learning-evidence of learning self awareness
  • BEST WORK-Best example of dialectical thinking-evidence of critical thinking skills

 QCC provides DIGICATION as the eportfolio platform if you want to use that.  Go to: https://www.qcc.cuny.edu/oet/Digication.html

If anyone can’t access Digication, they can contact epsupport@qcc.cuny.edu

HELP DESK for DIGICATION  Call 718 631 6624 Mon -Fri 9 to 5pm

Our ePortfolio resource site will help you navigate your ePortfolio and provide a variety of tutorials to assist you as you work along the way. If you would like any additional assistance, you may contact the ePortfolio team at epsupport@qcc.cuny.edu .       

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