Philosophy of Religion

Chapter  3: Science and Religion

Section 6.  Final Questions

Many contemporary scientific theorists regard religion as an irreducible phenomena: incapable of being explained totally in terms of natural and physical forces and laws.   Are they correct?

Is there something distinctively human that finds its expression only in religion?

Is the religious disposition to the world something that is in the human, together with reason, aesthetics and will?

Is the mythological form of thought part of the very structure of the human mind?

Is the human species homo religiosos ? Is receptivity to the transcendent, the transcendent and supernatural realm,  part of what makes the species what it is?

Do all peoples have the same religious or spiritual predispositions, senses of wonder and of admiration? If so, why?

Is religion and myth something that finds the fullness of its expression and existence in an autonomous realm of the human spirit which may not be accessible to all?

For those humans who do not participate in such religious traditions are they less than fully human?

Are the beliefs which are held by religious believers true?  How could the truth or accuracy of religious beliefs be determined?  

© Copyright Philip A. Pecorino 2001. All Rights reserved.

Web Surfer's Caveat: These are class notes, intended to comment on readings and amplify class discussion. They should be read as such. They are not intended for publication or general distribution.

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