Philosophy of Religion |
Chapter 2. Religions of the World |
Section 7 . Shintoism |
should read enough of the materials presented in this section concerning the
tradition of Shintoism in order to understand how this tradition displays
the characteristics or elements that make a tradition one that would be
termed a “religion. The tradition presented in the materials below is one
of the world’s living religions. You reading should indicate why this is
so. · THE ABSOLUTE: what do the believers hold as most important? What is the ultimate source of value and significance? For many, but not all religions, this is given some form of agency and portrayed as a deity (deities). It might be a concept or ideal as well as a figure. · THE WORLD: What does the belief system say about the world? Its origin? its relation to the Absolute? Its future? · HUMANS: Where do they come from? How do they fit into the general scheme of things? What is their destiny or future? · THE PROBLEM FOR HUMANS: What is the principle problem for humans that they must learn to deal with and solve? · THE SOLUTION FOR HUMANS: How are humans to solve or overcome the fundamental problems ? · COMMUNITY AND ETHICS: What is the moral code as promulgated by the religion? What is the idea of community and how humans are to live with one another? · AN INTERPRETATION OF HISTORY: Does the religion offer an explanation for events occurring in time? Is there a single linear history with time coming to an end or does time recycle? Is there a plan working itself out in time and detectable in the events of history? · RITUALS AND SYMBOLS: What are the major rituals, holy days, garments, ceremonies and symbols? · LIFE AFTER DEATH: What is the explanation given for what occurs after death? Does he religion support a belief in souls or spirits which survive the death of the body? What is the belief in what occurs afterwards? Is there a resurrection of the body? Reincarnation? Dissolution? Extinction?
RELIGIONS: What is the prescribed manner in which believers are to regard
other religions and the followers of other religions?
For those who wish to listen to information on the world's
religions here is a listing of PODCASTS on RELIGIONS by Cynthia
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Images: Shrines: Festivals: |
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