E-Learning Newsletter

The Committee on eLearning's Bi-annual Newsletter.

Issue 3 | April 2018

Kevin Kolack, Chair | kkolack@qcc.cuny.edu

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News & Announcements

Technology Update

By default, all Blackboard Courses are unavailable to students when they are first create - as indicated by the text "(unavailable)" next to your course name. This allows you some time and privacy while building your course. Once you have finished building your course in Blackboard, you will need to MAKE YOUR COURSE AVAILABLE to students. Otherwise, please inform your students that you won't make it available.

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Resources for eLearning Development


It is critical that all faculty, staff and students are aware what these designations mean so that students are properlyinformed what type of class they are registered/registering for.

Check out CUNY’s Blackboard Support web page. This resource has a new look and features resourcestohelp you take full advantage of allthe functions available in the Blackboard Learn environment.

eLearning Developing Policies

QCC's eLearning Committee is currently developing policies and standards for eLearning classes to finalize and submit for approval by the Academic Senate.

The Committee is actively seeking your input. Please send thoughts and ideas to Kevin Kolack.

Committee Information

The eLearning Committee has assembled some information that will help in designing and implementing your online class.