Tigermedia - Film and Holocaust

Film and Holocaust

Date: March 22nd, 2016
Duration: 56m:13s

Drs. Bebe and Owen Bernstein Lecture
Film and Holocaust
Lecturer: Dr. Annette Insdorf

Annette Insdorf is an internationally renowned educator and author of Francois Truffaut, Indelible Shadows: Film and Holocaust, Philip Kaufman and Double Lives, Second Chances: The Cinema of Krzysztof Kieslowski. Each of her books has become the definitive text on its subject, and the measure for other studies that follow. In this presentation she examines the questions raised by films about the Holocaust through video clips and thoughtful commentary.

Dr. Insdorf was born in Paris, and moved to New York, where she received her B.A. from Queens College, and later her Ph.D. from Yale University as a Danforth Fellow. In 1986, she was named Chevalier dans l'ordre des arts et des lettres by the French Ministry of Culture. A second honor followed in 1993, when she was "knighted" for her educational efforts, and a third in 1999 when she was promoted to "Officer" in the arts. She is a Professor in the Graduate Film Program of Columbia’s School of the Arts, and served as Director of Undergraduate Film Studies for 27 years. She is the recipient of the 2008 Award for Excellence in Teaching from Columbia’s School of General Studies. From 1990-1995 she was Chair of the Graduate Film Division. She taught film history and criticism at Yale University from 1975-1988.

Website: https://khc.qcc.cuny.edu/