Tigermedia - Spanish Women and Facism Under the Francoist Dictatorship

Spanish Women and Facism Under the Francoist Dictatorship

Date: March 23rd, 2016
Duration: 1h:41m:30s

Professor Soledad Luque Delgado and Drs. Aránzazu Borrachero and Aurora G. Morcillo present their research on women’s experiences during the thirty-six year Francoist dictatorship in Spain. Professor Delgado, who teaches phonetics at the Ortega-Marañón Foundation and Middlebury University, speaks from her experience as President of Todos los niños robados son también mis niños (All The Stolen Children Are Also My Children) about the disappearance of an estimated 300,000 babies under the dictatorship. Dr. Borrachero, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Queensborough Community College, shares findings from her webbased oral history project on Spanish women who became adults and mothers during the dictatorship. Dr. Morcillo completes the panel by arguing that women were powerful agents of change in the modernization of Spain.

Professor Soledad Luque Delgado, president of the association Todos los niños robados son también mis niños (All The Stolen Children Are Also My Children) and Professor of Phonetics at the Ortega-Marañón Foundation and Middlebury University
Dr. Aránzazu Borrachero, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Queensborough Community College
Dr. Aurora G. Morcillo, Professor of History and Director of the Initiative for Spanish and Mediterranean Studies, Florida International University

Website: https://khc.qcc.cuny.edu/