Tigermedia - Forensic Drawing and the Common Read: An Exploration of the Process and the Ronald Cotton Case

Forensic Drawing and the Common Read: An Exploration of the Process and the Ronald Cotton Case

Date: March 14th, 2016
Duration: 1h:27m:13s

This event will examine the intricate process of forensic drawing (often termed "police sketches" or "mug sketches" to better understand its improper use in the Ronald Cotton case. The audience will interactively learn about procedures and techniques used by professional forensic artists, as well as participate in exercises highlighting the fragility of eyewitness testimony and how successful forensic artists interpret and apply that testimony.

Presented by: Carey, Lane, Ph.D., a professional forensic artist who teaches developmental English at QCC and forensic drawing at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Website: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/commonread/