Tigermedia - Human Rights and Genocidal Rape

Human Rights and Genocidal Rape

Date: October 28th, 2015
Duration: 1h:34m:42s

Professor Cynthia Soohoo and Dr. Natalie Nenadic discuss how mass rape came to be established as a war crime, crime against humanity, and crime of genocide. Professor Soohoo is the Director of the International Women's Human Rights Clinic at CUNY Law School, which played a central role in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda defining mass rape as a crime of genocide for the first time in international law. She is an expert in women's human rights and human rights advocacy. Dr. Nenadic, an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Kentucky, is completing a book titled, The Imperative of "Thinking" After Auschwitz: The Genealogy of the Concept of Genocidal Rape, which documents the practical philosophical method that yielded the concept of "genocidal rape."

Website: https://khc.qcc.cuny.edu/