Tigermedia - Multiple Girlhoods: Growing up in Bosnia Before and During the Civil War

Multiple Girlhoods: Growing up in Bosnia Before and During the Civil War

Date: November 18th, 2015
Duration: 1h:21m:14s

Multiple Girlhoods: Growing up in Bosnia Before and During the Civil War
Ms. Jasmina Dervisevic-Cesic, author of The River Runs Salt, Runs Sweet
Dr. Amy Traver, Associate Professor of Sociology, Queensborough Community College

Ms. Jasmina Dervisevic-Cesic and Dr. Amy Traver discuss how war can produce multiple girlhoods in a single life. Ms. Dervisevic-Cesic reads from and discusses her memoir, The River Runs Salt, Runs Sweet, which documents her experience growing up in Bosnia before and during the civil war. Dr. Traver, an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Queensborough Community College, draws on her girl's studies research, as well as her previous position as Co-Chair of the Girl's Studies Caucus of the National Women's Studies Association, to offer commentary and context.

Website: https://khc.qcc.cuny.edu/