Tigermedia - Chocolate: Food of the Gods

Chocolate: Food of the Gods

Date: September 14th, 2015
Duration: 1h:5m:9s

Queensborough will host a series of talks as part of the Long Island American Chemical Society (LIACS) Fall 2015 Seminar Series. These talks are free and open to all.

Join Dr. Howard Peters for this sweet presentation. See his description below:

Chocolate has been a part of our New World culture for thousands of years.

This fun presentation includes:

1. Some high points of the ancient history of chocolate and its production from the Mayan, Olmec and Aztec cultures up to the present.

2. Aspects of the growing, processing, fermenting, drying, conching, tempering, blending and finishing of the cocoa pod, bean and pulp roasting.

3. Some chemistry, biochemistry and biology of chocolate and its active ingredients including theobroma cacao (literally from the Greek: Food of the Gods).

4. Some health aspects (flavonoids, polyphenols and other antioxidants) showing that this exotic processed food is good for you.

5. For those who stay to the "bitter" end, there will be a free drawing for a ten-pound bar of Guittard dark "bittersweet" chocolate!

Website: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/chemistry/