MEDICAL ETHICS  Written Assignments 

OBSERVE THE DUE DATES!!   Check on due dates:  Calendar

This Philosophy Class is a Writing Intensive (WI) Class. 


A.  Writing

All WI Classes shall meet all of the following criteria:

1.      Throughout a semester, students spend a portion of their class time writing in the service of learning course material.  This writing may be informal and un-graded.

The written assignments satisfy this criteria.  The last assignment is informal and low stakes.

2.      A minimum of 10 pages of formal writing will be assigned and will be achieved by assigning several short papers, one short paper plus a longer one, or one longer paper assigned in stages that are each guided and responded to by the faculty member.

This minimum is more than met by the written assignments.

3.      These 10 pages are responded to and returned to the student by the faculty member so that the student has the opportunity to revise before a final grade for the assignment is given. 

The instructor returns the formal written assignments indicating where they may have lost points. Students will have 48 hours to revise and resubmit.

4.      The faculty member regularly discusses student writing in class.

The instructor goes over the assignment and provides a sample of a submission that serves as a model.

5.      Each time a writing assignment is given, the faculty member discusses and clarifies the assignment and his or her expectations for it.     

The instructor goes over the assignment and provides a sample of a submission that serves as a model


Click on the module title below for the assignment for that module.






















For this first module you are expected to COMPLETE ALL the TEN STEPS TO START OFF




Read the first chapter of the online textbook and then please answer each of the questions below.  Short answers are acceptable (100 - 300 words in total for all 4)   No correct or incorrect answers!  Low stakes writing assignment. Just your own thoughts.  No need to research or look up anything.

1. Why is it necessary for anyone to care about ethics?

2. Of what value would knowledge of the principles of ethics be to people confronted with moral problems or dilemmas?

3. How is a person any better off knowing about Biomedical Ethics when confronting moral problems ?

4. Why do you think that you have anything to gain beyond the credits for taking this course and coming to understand the issues and principles related to Ethics and Biomedical Ethics in particular?


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




Written Assignment for MODULE 2 ETHICS

I. Reading Comprehension

  1. Distinguish Descriptive Ethical Relativism from Normative Ethical Relativism (NER).  Copy and paste from the free online textbook providing the url for its location on the world wide web (www).
  2. How do people come to believe and act on normative ethical relativism (NER) ?
  3. State three objections to the theory of normative ethical relativism (NER), i.e., three criticisms or weaknesses.  How has NER been disproven? Copy and paste from the free online textbook providing the url for its location on the world wide web (www).
  4. Why is NER not useful as an ethical theory?
  5. For EACH of the following 5 theories:  consequential :A)  Ethical Egoism B)  Rule Utility ///  non-consequential:C)  Natural Law Theory D)  Kant E)  Rawls   Describe the basic principle: What is the concept of the "GOOD" involved with each?
  6. For EACH of the following 5 theories:  consequential :A)  Ethical Egoism B)  Rule Utility ///  non-consequential:C)  Natural Law Theory D)  Kant E)  Rawls  What is the major strength and three (3) weaknesses in each theory. Copy and paste from the free online textbook providing the url for its location on the world wide web (www).

II. Critical Thinking

Based on your reading and understanding of the materials in the Module on Ethics in this course answer what makes any act morally good?  Since no human action when witnessed by human beings has a sign hanging over it  indicating its moral status what is the source or how is it that actions are thought to be morally good or immoral?  This is asking you to think carefully and to think about what underlies every moral judgment people make about human conduct.  DO NOT answer with what you yourself think in particular makes a human action morally good.  DO NOT answer with some particular idea you have about about the moral good. Do answer with the general description of how human actions are thought to be morally good or not good, bad , incorrect or otherwise.  On what do such thoughts of moral appraisal rest? What is the basis for humans reaching a moral judgment about a human action?

When people think of some human action as being morally good or bad or incorrect or right or wrong they are making a moral judgment.  That judgment rests upon some idea (principle) of the moral GOOD.  Just what makes an action GOOD or not good is always a judgment made by some humans.  So what makes any human action morally good is a judgment and what makes the judgment is some idea of the moral GOOD and that would be some principle of the GOOD.  This module presented some of those principles.  You will be learning more of how they operate as the semester proceeds.

Let’s consider it this way.  A person (the judge) makes a moral judgment about some human action.  The judge declares the action to be wrong or bad or immoral.  Then that person is asked why make that judgment. Judge replies “Because it is wrong , that’s why.”  Then the judge is asked but “Why do you think so?” We attempt to get the judge to realize or reveal just what is the ultimate basis for the moral judgment made.  Now the reply of the judge can vary .  Let’s look at a few.

“it’s against God’s Law”  this reply could indicate that the judge is using Divine Command principle.  If asked “what is god’s law?”  The judge might reply “ It is against nature as god made it.”  This might indicate that the judge is using Natural Law principle.

“I don’ like it.  That’s why”  and this might indicate the judge is using Egoism as a basic ethical principle for moral judgments.

“it doesn’t please me” or It does not make me happy” and this might indicate the judge is using Egoism as a basic ethical principle for moral judgments.

“People are going to be upset about this” or “acting like that upsets people” or Acting like that will make lots of people upset or angry.”  This might indicate the principle of Utility is being used for making moral judgments.

“You just don’t treat people that way.  No one should be treated like that.” This might indicate the Kantian Categorical Imperative is being used to make the moral judgment.

“ It is not fair, that’s why.”  Or Acting like that is not fair to those who are less fortunate “  “Acting that way does not help us to live together and treat others as equals .”  This reply might indicate that the Maxi Min principle is being used to make the moral judgment. 

I hope that you now realize what this part of the assignment is intended to have you realize and also one of the main points of Module 2 and this course.  Now put this into your own words as your response to this part of assignment for module 2. Based on your reading and understanding of the materials in the Module on Ethics in this course answer what makes any act morally good?


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .






1. Reading Comprehension

In this module there has been discussion of values and conflicts in values. Institutional or Economic Values  vs Individual or  Human Values have been presented. 

What are those Institutional Values (list them) and what are the Individual Human Values (list them) and how do they clash? Copy and paste from the free online textbook providing the url for its location on the world wide web (www).

2. Critical Thinking

In health care, medicine and medical research there often occurs a clash in values. These conflicts exist amongst the providers and between the providers and the recipients of care.

Provide an example of one such conflict.

1. Describe the situation or case: the source of case for illustration may be from the textbook, any site on the Internet, any case reported in the media(print or electronic) or a case you witnessed or know about yourself. If it is a personal experience PLEASE do not use actual names of the persons involved.

2. state what the conflict is

3. state clearly and deliberately underline what the Institutional Values and the Individual Human Values  are that are in conflict. BE SURE that you do this.  State the values .  Be explicit and clear. Underline for emphasis the exact words describing the actions in the case that indicate the value.

If you choose to use a personal case please do not use names or identify yourself. Put it in the third person and use pseudonyms.

If you choose to have CHAT GPT do this portion just be sure to cite that source for your case.


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





1. Reading Comprehension

A. What are the professional codes of physicians or medical societies based upon? Are they ethical codes? If not, what are they? If so, how are they ethical? What purpose (s) do such ethical codes serve?  Base your answer on the reading in the online textbook.  Show evidence of having done the reading by using quotations-cite your source. Copy and paste from the free online textbook providing the url for its location on the world wide web (www).

B. Describe the following models for the doctor-patient or scientist-subject relationship and discuss any problematic characteristics of each.

1. Code


3. Covenant and Consent as a Canon of Loyalty

2. Critical Thinking

What are the desirable and undesirable characteristics of each model for the doctor-patient or scientist-subject relationship , if any, and why do you think so? Include the ideas of philanthropy, proficiency, loyalty and responsive obligation in your answer.  BE SURE that you include each of these ideas philanthropy, proficiency, loyalty and responsive obligation in your answer.  That is where the critical thinking comes in. 


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




Written Assignment for MODULE 5 ETHICS AND NURSING

1. Reading Comprehension

A. What are the nurse's duties and responsibilities toward recipients of their care? < It is quite a list!! Copy and paste from the free online textbook providing the url for its location on the world wide web (www).

B. Discuss the nurse-physician conflict where ethical duties and rights are concerned. < They have different roles and operate out of different models!!!

C. How can nurses serve as advocates for the recipients of their care? What does that advocacy involve? Copy and paste from the free online textbook providing the url for its location on the world wide web (www).

2. Critical Thinking

D. Explain the notion of collective responsibility and the conditions under which it comes into being and how it might apply to nurses. This is given in the online textbook.  Copy and paste from the free online textbook providing the url for its location on the world wide web (www). After doing that you may offer an example of a case if you wish to do so.


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





1. Reading Comprehension

The basic ethical principles were presented in Module/Chapter  2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering  assignments.  Do not use the Moral Principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles. The Moral Principles involved in Health Care include: Autonomy, Informed Consent, Truth Telling, Confidentiality, Privacy. These are NOT the basic ethical principles such as include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  The moral principles of health care are popular and recognized in several ways in health care including  in “codes” and in statements of “rights” because there are so many of the Basic Ethical Principles that support the moral judgment that these MORAL Principles of Health Care are a MORALLY GOOD THING.

A. Do people have the ethical right to Informed Consent?  What ethical principle supports this "right"? Explain how the principle supports the "right" as a "good" thing.  If not, why not?

Why? What are the difficulties with it? What limitations might exist?

B. Do people have the right to know their diagnosis and prognosis as well as anything else connected with their condition, their treatment and its consequences?  What ethical principle supports this "right"? Explain how the principle supports the "right" as a "good" thing.  If not, why not?

C. Is it the right of people receiving health care to have the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth from their physicians insofar as their diagnosis, prognosis and treatment is concerned? If so, what is it based upon?  What ethical principle supports this "right"? Explain how the principle supports the "right" as a "good" thing.  If not, why not?

2. Critical Thinking

D. What are the limits on the autonomy of a person and then of a person reduced to the role of a  "patient"? Copy and paste from the free online textbook providing the url for its location on the world wide web (www).

E. Under what circumstances can confidentiality be breached? Provide an ethical justification (ethical principle+reasoning) for your position.


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





TWO Assignments to choose from-choose only one!  Choose only one (1) dilemma !

OPTION 1 Dilemma 1

Dr. Benton spoke directly and without affect to Melissa Canton.   “Ok you need to understand that this drug has some powerful effects.   One is to make a person more tranquil.  We do not as yet know how exactly it works and what else it might do to people.  We are looking for something that would work like Thorazine which we know you have heard about.  We want something that will work on people diagnosed as schizophrenics.”

Melissa Canton asked Dr. Benton  “Well, I wonder about side effects.  What are they?””

Dr. Benton  replied with: “Well we do know this so far and it’s that if someone were to take it for a few weeks it can produce consequences on the nervous system with muscular control.  It might lead to tremors in some muscles and difficulty in walking and maybe some signs of trouble with face muscles and the like. Not all of these possible side effects seem to be permanent.”  “We do not know the effects in all people and there is a chance you’ll have no changes at all and never develop any tremors.  Then again you might have some signs sooner and even more sever than most.   That’s what we need to find out.”

“So no chance I’m gonna die or anything like that?” Melissa Canton.

“Well all meds have risks of one kind or another.  In this case we don’t think the risks are great at all.  We are looking into any long-term nerve damage or possible brain damage but we honestly do not know.”

“So you need people like me with no schizo thing to take the drugs so you can compare with them?”said Melissa Canton.

 “That’s it alright,” said Dr. Benton .  “But I need to add that you may not get the drug at all.  You see that none  involved in this experiment as patients or experimenters will know who is getting what: either the tranquilizer we are testing or some sugar pill as a placebo.”

 “Oh, OK. Maybe then there may be no risk to me at all,” said Melissa Canton..

 “Maybe not.  But we do need you and it is important.  This new drug might offer much to relieve the symptom of a great number of people who suffer from schizophrenia.” said Dr. Benton.

 “OK, Now I think I get it ” said Melissa Canton., “ I’m gonna get paid for doing this, right?”

 “Correct.  A flat fee -half at the beginning of the study and the rest at the end.  But you must understand that you must waive your right to claim compensation due to any injury or ill effects that you may suffer as a result of the medication.”said Dr. Benton

“Yeah I get that and I’ve got to take a risk.  I really don’t like that at all but I don’t have a job and I need the money so I can go back to school next semester.” Melissa Canton..



1. State what the ethical problems are in this case above involving Melissa Canton. .  There are several.  State at least three of them.

2. Use only ONE of either of these two articles!!!!!  Either the Hellman and Hellman article or the Hans Jonas article.   State what the author’s ethical position would be on this case of Melissa Canton if they were asked.  

(A) State what the ethical position (ethical principle used by) of Hellman and Hellman would be concerning this situation with Melissa Canton. and why you think so.  Summarize their thinking-use quotes.

The ethical principles were presented in Module/Chapter  2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering  assignments.  Do not use the Moral Principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles. The Moral Principles involved in Health Care include: Autonomy, Informed Consent, Truth Telling, Confidentiality, Privacy. These are NOT the basic ethical principles such as include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  The moral principles are popular and recognized in several ways in health care including  in “codes” and in statements of “rights” because there are so many of the Basic Ethical Principles that support the moral judgment that these MORAL Principles of Health Care are a MORALLY GOOD THING. OR

(B) State what the ethical position (ethical principle used by) Hans Jonas. What would Hans Jonas make of this case of Melissa Canton?  Would he think it was being handled in a manner that was morally correct or not? Summarize his thinking-use quotes.

READ Samuel Hellman and Deborah H. Hellman authors of "Of Mice but not Men: Problems of the randomized Clinical Trial" New England Journal of Medicine. Vol. 324 no 22 (1991) pp 1585-1589

READ  Title: Philosophical Reflections on Experimenting with Human Subjects   Author: Hans Jonas   Publication Information:  This essay is included, on pp.105-131, in a 1980 re-edition of Jonas' Philosophical Essays: From Current Creed to Technological Man, published by the University of Chicago Press available here   Summary and comments here:

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!



Human Experimentation:   Alternate Written Assignment on Experimentation in the time of Pandemic Covid-19

Topic:  Use of a drug/vaccine challenge test

A drug/vaccine challenge test is a test where the researchers gives subjects a small amount of a drug/vaccine while observing the subjects to watch for a reaction. In the case of a vaccine the subjects are given the vaccine and then actually exposed to / given the virus to observe the results.

In a few cases where such a test has been done there was available rescue/salvage therapy which is a treatment designed to suppress resistant virus following combination antiviral treatment. In other words there is a therapy to counter the consequences of contracting the virus and its symptoms and possible outcomes.

As of January 2023 there were no known rescue therapies for Covid-19.

RESOURCES:  (you need to acquire more than these three)

1.     COVID-19 human challenge studies: ethical issues  by Euzebiusz Jamrozik, FRACP  and Prof Michael J Selgelid, PhD  Published: May 29, 2020

2.     Controversial ‘human challenge’ trials for COVID-19 vaccines gain support   By Jon Cohen

July 20, 2020 - Researchers use human challenges to test vaccines for other ... drugs can help “rescue” study participants if the vaccine doesn't work. Human challenge trials intentionally place human subjects in harm’s way, so it is imperative that care be taken about when and how they are conducted. One prominent medical ethicist says challenge trials for COVID-19 vaccines might be the way to go, given the enormous morbidity and mortality associated with the infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.

3.     Top ethicist makes the case for COVID-19 vaccine challenge trials  July 15, 2020  Timothy M. Smith  Senior News Writer

Human challenge trials intentionally place human subjects in harm’s way, so it is imperative that care be taken about when and how they are conducted. One prominent medical ethicist, Arthur Caplan,  says challenge trials for COVID-19 vaccines might be the way to go, given the enormous morbidity and mortality associated with the infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.

4. Britain Infected Volunteers With the Coronavirus. Why Won’t the U.S.? Oct. 14, 2021 Kate Murphy

the Common Cold Unit established and refined a model for so-called human challenge studies that paved the way for the first Covid-19 human challenge study just completed in Britain, where young, healthy and unvaccinated volunteers were infected with the coronavirus that causes Covid while researchers carefully monitored how their bodies responded.

ASSIGNMENT  OPTION 2 Critical Thinking  -0.5 points for each of 6 parts total 3 points

1.      State what the ethical problems are in this case of the challenge testing.  There are several.  State at least three of them.

2.   Should there be an accelerated schedule for the testing (experimentation) of therapies for those inflicted with covid-19? Answer yes or no and provide an ethical principle to support your answer. The ethical principles were presented in Module/Chapter  2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering  assignments.  Do not use the Moral Principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles. The Moral Principles involved in Health Care include: Autonomy, Informed Consent, Truth Telling, Confidentiality, Privacy. These are NOT the basic ethical principles such as include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  The moral principles are popular and recognized in several ways in health care including  in “codes” and in statements of “rights” because there are so many of the Basic Ethical Principles that support the moral judgment that these MORAL Principles of Health Care are a MORALLY GOOD THING.

3.      Should there be an accelerated schedule for the testing (experimentation) of vaccines to protect against infection by covid-19?Answer yes or no and provide an ethical principle to support your answer.

4.      Should there be the testing of drugs used for other purposes and the continued testing when it is noted that that the drug produces cardiovascular problems for some recipients? Answer yes or no and provide an ethical principle to support your answer.

5.   Should there be a Challenge test for the vaccine? Answer yes or no and provide an ethical principle to support your answer.

6.  State what the ethical position (ethical principle used by) of Arthur Caplan  (see video) or any other ethicist in an article you have read and provide the link to the article.

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




Written Assignment for MODULE 8 ABORTION

Based on  Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000

Amanda Watts was only 17 years old when she went to a concert with three of her friends.  They saw Drake perform at Barclay Center in Brooklyn.  After the concert it was easy to get separated from her friends as the crowd of over 18,000 exited. Amanda decided to just go to the car to meet up with them.  But when she got to the eight-story parking building, Amanda just wasn’t sure exactly where they had parked in the building.  She started looking on a middle floor.

While she searching two men, one white and the other black, appearing to be in their twenties, came over to her and asked if she needed help.  Amanda explained the situation to them, and one of the men suggested that they get his car and drive around inside the parking building.  Amanda hesitated, but both seemed so polite and genuinely concerned to help that she decided to go with them.  Once they were in the car, however, the situation changed.  They drove out of the building and toward Coney Island.  Amanda pleaded with them to let her out of the car.  Then, some seven miles from the auditorium, the driver stopped the car in the dark area behind a vacant building.  Amanda was then raped by both men.

Amanda was treated at the hospital and released into the custody of her parents.  She filed a complaint with the police, but her troubles were not yet over.  Two weeks after she missed her menstrual period, tests showed that Lucy was pregnant.

                “How do you feel about having this child?” asked Sarah Ruben, the Watts family physician. 

                “I hate the idea,” Amanda said.  “I feel guilty about it, though.  I mean, it’s not the child’s fault.”

                “Let me ask a delicate question,” said Dr. Ruben.  “I know from what you’ve told me before that you and your boyfriend have been having sex.  Can you be sure this pregnancy is not really the result of that?”
                Amanda shook her head.  “Not really.  I use my diaphragm, but I know it doesn’t give a hundred percent guarantee.”

                “That’s right.  Now, does it make any difference to you who the father might be, so far as a decision about terminating the pregnancy is concerned?”

                “If I were to be sure it was Bob, I guess the problem would be even harder,” Amanda said.

                “There are some tests we can use to give us that information,” Dr. Ruben said.  “But that would mean waiting for the embryo to develop into a fetus.  It would be easier and safer to terminate the pregnancy now.”

                Amanda started crying.  “I don’t want a child,” she said.  “I don’t want any child.  I don’t care who’s the father.  It was forced on me, and I want to get rid of it.”

                “I’ll make the arrangements,” said Dr. Ruben

1. Reading Comprehension

 For this case of  Amanda's pregnancy what would each of the following authors hold on her obtaining an abortion and WHY :  Provide a paragraph on each explaining their positions and use some quotations.

Find descriptions of their positions here:

2. Critical Thinking

Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS state what your ethical position would be on the Case of  Amanda Watts  and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own. The ethical principles were presented in Module/Chapter  2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering  assignments.  Do not use the Moral Principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles. The Moral Principles involved in Health Care include: Autonomy, Informed Consent, Truth Telling, Confidentiality, Privacy. These are NOT the basic ethical principles such as include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism, virtue theory.  The moral principles are popular and recognized in several ways in health care including  in “codes” and in statements of “rights” because there are so many of the Basic Ethical Principles that support the moral judgment that these MORAL Principles of Health Care are a MORALLY GOOD THING.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

VIDEO on Dialectical Process

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





Based on  Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000  . Page 185 Scenario #8

Not all babies are born without any health problems.  Here is a troubling case:

Mr. Robert Locke was in his early twenties and worked as clerk at a discount store called the Bargain Barn.  The Baby’s mother was Hilda Jules and she and Mr. Robert Locke were not married but did create a child born with defects. Several doctors were consulting on the case of the birth of their child. Dr. Savano, the attending obstetrician, asked the hospital bioethics advisor, Lynn White, to meet with him and Dr. Hinds, one of the staff surgeons, to talk with the father of a newborn girl born to Hilda Jules

In the consulting room Lynn White met with Mr. Robert Locke who was very nervous.  He knew that the baby had been born just three hours or so before and that Hilda Jules was in very good condition.  But Dr. Savano had not told him anything about the baby.  “I’m sorry to have to tell you this,” Dr. Savano said.  “But the baby was born with severe defects.”

“My God,” Robert Locke said.  “What’s the matter?”  “It’s a condition called spina bifida,” Dr. Savano said.  “There’s a hole in the baby’s back just below the shoulder blades, and some of the nerves from the spine are protruding through it.  The baby will have little or no control over her legs, and she won’t be able to control her bladder of bowels.”  Br. Savano paused to see if Mr. Sinclair was understanding him.  “The legs and feet are also deformed to some extent because of the defective spinal nerves.”  

Mr. Robert Locke was shaking his head, paying close attention but hardly able to accept what he was being told.

“There’s one more thing,” Dr. Savano said.  “The spinal defect is making the head fill up with liquid from the spinal canal.  That’s putting pressure on the brain.  We can be sure that the brain is already damaged, but if the pressure continues the child will die.”

“Is there anything that can be done?” Robert Locke asked.  “Anything at all?”

Dr. Savano nodded to Dr. Hinds.  “We can do a lot,” Dr. Hinds said.  “We can drain the fluid from the head, repair the opening in the spine, and later we can operate on the feet and legs.” 

“Then why aren’t you doing it?” Robert Locke asked.  “Do I have to agree to it?  If I do, then I agree. Please go ahead.”

“It’s not that simple,” said Dr. Hinds.  “You see, we can perform surgery, but that won’t turn your baby into a normal child.  She will always be paralyzed and mentally retarded.  To what extent, we can’t say now.  Her bodily wastes will have to be drained to the outside by means of artificial devices that we’ll have to connect surgically.  There will have to be several operations, probably, to get the drain from her head to work properly.  A number of operations on her feet will be necessary.”

“Oh, God,” Robert Locke said.  “Hilda and I can’t take it.  We don’t have enough money for the operations.  And even if we did, we would have to spend the rest of our lives taking care of the child.”

“The child could be put into a state institution, “ Dr. Hinds said.

“That’s even worse,” Mr. Sincalir said.  “Just handling our problem to somebody else.  And what kind of life would she have?  A pitiful, miserable life.” 

None of the rest said anything.  “You said she would die without the operation to drain her head,” Mr. Sinclair said.  “How long would that take?”

“A few hours, perhaps,” Dr. Savano said.  “But we can’t be sure.  It may take several days, and conceivably she might not die at all.”

“Oh, God,” Mr. Robert Locke said again.  “I don’t want her to suffer.  Can she just be put to sleep painlessly?”

Dr. Savano didn’t answer the question.  He seemed not even to hear it. “We’ll have to talk to Hilda Jules also,” he said.  “ And before you make up your mind for good, I want you to talk with the bioethics advisor.  You two discuss the matter, and the advisor will perhaps bring out some things you haven’t though about.  Dr. Hinds will leave you both together now.  Let me know when you’ve reached your final decision and we’ll talk again.”

ASSIGNMENT MODULE 9   Critical Thinking

Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be concerning what the couple or Hilda Jules  should do and why. You are to take a position and defend it. How would you advise this couple of what would be morally correct or acceptable.  You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own. The ethical principles were presented in Module/Chapter  2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.    Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering  assignments.  Do not use the Moral Principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles. The Moral Principles involved in Health Care include: Autonomy, Informed Consent, Truth Telling, Confidentiality, Privacy. These are NOT the basic ethical principles such as include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  The moral principles of health care are popular and recognized in several ways in health care including  in “codes” and in statements of “rights” because there are so many of the Basic Ethical Principles that support the moral judgment that these MORAL Principles of Health Care are a MORALLY GOOD THING.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

____VIDEO on Dialectical Process

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




Written Assignment for MODULE 10 CARE OF THE DYING

Based on Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000  . Page 243 Scenario #3

On April 8th, 1984, Mr. Benjamin Wilkins was admitted to the Glendale Adventist Medical Center in Los Angeles. He was twenty-seven years old and suffered from five ordinarily fatal diseases: emphysema, diffuse arteriosclerosis, coronary arteriosclerosis, an abdominal aneurysm, and inoperable lung cancer. During the performance of a biopsy to diagnose the lung cancer, Mr. Benjamin Wilkins’ left lung collapsed. He was placed in ICU, and a chest tube and mechanical respirator were used to assist his breathing.

Mr. Benjamin Wilkins complained about the pain the respirator caused him, and he repeatedly asked to have it removed. When his physician refused, he pulled out the chest tube himself. This happened so often that eventually Mr. Benjamin Wilkins' hands were tied to the bed to keep him from doing it. He had signed a living will in attempt to avoid such a situation.

                Although after discussions with Richard Scott, Mr. Benjamin Wilkins' attorney, Mr. Wilkins’ physician in the hospital administration agreed to disconnect the respirator, the hospital’s attorney refused to permit it.  He argued that, since Mr. Benjamin Wilkins was not terminally ill, brain dead, or in a persistent vegetative state, the hospital might be open to legal action.

                Mr. Scott took the case to Los Angeles Superior Court. He argued that Mr. Benjamin Wilkins was legally competent to make a decision about his welfare and that, although he did not want to die, he understood that disconnecting the respirator might lead to his death. The hospital’s attorney took the position that Mr. Benjamin Wilkins was ambivalent on the question of his death. His statements “I don’t want to die” and “I don’t want to live on the respirator” were taken as inconsistent and so as evidence of ambivalence. Removing the respirator, the attorney argued, would be tantamount to aiding suicide or even committing homicide.

                The court refused to either allow the respirator to be removed or to order that Mr. Benjamin Wilkins’ hands be freed.  To do so,  the court ruled, would be to take a positive step to end treatment, and the only precedents for doing os were in cases in which the patients were comatose, brain dead, or in a chronic state of vegetative state.

                The case was then taken to the California court of Appeal, which ruled:  “If the right of a patient to self-determination as to his own medical treatment is to have any meaning at all, it must be paramount to the right of a competent adult patient to refuse medical treatment is a constitutionally guaranteed right which must not be abridged.”

                The rule came too late for Mr. Benjamin Wilkins.  He died twenty-three hours before the court heard his appeal.


PART 1. Reading Comprehension

State what the Rule Utilitarian and Natural Law positions would be in this case above involving Mr. Benjamin Wilkins and why you think so for each position.


PART 1. Reading Comprehension

State what the Rule Utilitarian and Natural Law positions would be in this case above involving Mr. Benjamin Wilkins and why you think so for each position.

PART 2. Critical Thinking

Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS state what your ethical position would be on the case of Mr. Benjamin Wilkins and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own. The ethical principles were presented in Module/Chapter  2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering  assignments.  Do not use the Moral Principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles. The Moral Principles involved in Health Care include: Autonomy, Informed Consent, Truth Telling, Confidentiality, Privacy. These are NOT the basic ethical principles such as include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  The moral principles are popular and recognized in several ways in health care including  in “codes” and in statements of “rights” because there are so many of the Basic Ethical Principles that support the moral judgment that these MORAL Principles of Health Care are a MORALLY GOOD THING.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

  • Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

    Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

    • a. Take a position on this question or issue Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of language (ethical principles and values).
    • b.  Provide the reasons why you think this position is better defended by reason and evidence than are the alternative positions Position defended using reasoning (ethical principles and values) in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons (ethical principles and values) to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered such reasons (ethical principles and values). and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.
    • c.  State the reasons why you found the other positions that use other (ethical principles and values). flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending
    • d.  State the criticisms of your position from those who use other (ethical principles and values).
    • e.   Respond to those criticisms from those using other (ethical principles and values).-a  rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms?

____VIDEO on Dialectical Process

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





In September 1995 Dr. Arnold Stang published an article in the  Southern Journal of medicine in which he described how he had prescribed barbiturates for Lydia Marie Jones, a forty-five-year-old woman suffering from leukemia.  In prescribing the medication, Dr. Stang also informed Ms. Jones, who had been his patient for a long time, how much of the drug constitute a lethal dose.

                Ms. Jones later killed herself by taking an overdose of the barbiturate, and Dr. Stang was investigated by a Tulsa Oklahoma Grand jury.  Although it is illegal in Oklahoma to assist someone in  committing suicide, the grand jury decided not to indict Dr. Stang on the charge.

                Dr. Stang’s actions were later reviewed by the three-member Oklahoma State Board for Professional Medical Conduct to consider whether he should be charged with professional misconduct.  The board arrived at the unanimous decision that “no charge of misconduct was warranted.”

                The board, in its report, distinguished between Dr. Stang’s actions and those of Dr. Jack Kevorkian. The board pointed to Dr. Stang’s long-term involvement in caring for Ms. Jones and contrasted it in Dr. Kevorkian’s lack of any prior involvement with those whom he assisted in killing themselves.

                Moreover, the board pointed out that Dr. Stang “did not directly participate in any taking of life” and this too made his actions different from those of Dr. Kevorkian.  “One is legal and ethically appropriate, and the other, as reported, is not”  the board concluded.

1. Reading Comprehension

State whether James Rachels in Active and Passive Euthanasia  (   would disagree with Daniel Callahan in  his article  When Self Determination Runs Amok ( in this case as to what to do in the case of  Lydia Marie Jones and defend your answer giving reasons for what you think their positions would be.

Alternate locations of texts:

 James Rachels in Active and Passive Euthanasia

 Daniel Callahan in  his article  When Self Determination Runs Amok

2. Critical Thinking

Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be on the Case of Lydia Marie Jones and why. What should Dr. Stang do from an ethical viewpoint? You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.The ethical principles were presented in Module/Chapter  2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering  assignments.  Do not use the Moral Principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles. The Moral Principles involved in Health Care include: Autonomy, Informed Consent, Truth Telling, Confidentiality, Privacy. These are NOT the basic ethical principles such as include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  The moral principles are popular and recognized in several ways in health care including  in “codes” and in statements of “rights” because there are so many of the Basic Ethical Principles that support the moral judgment that these MORAL Principles of Health Care are a MORALLY GOOD THING.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

  • Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

    Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

    • a. Take a position on this question or issue Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of language (ethical principles and values).
    • b.  Provide the reasons why you think this position is better defended by reason and evidence than are the alternative positions Position defended using reasoning (ethical principles and values) in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons (ethical principles and values) to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered such reasons (ethical principles and values). and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.
    • c.  State the reasons why you found the other positions that use other (ethical principles and values). flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending
    • d.  State the criticisms of your position from those who use other (ethical principles and values).
    • e.   Respond to those criticisms from those using other (ethical principles and values).-a  rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms?

____VIDEO on Dialectical Process

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





From:  Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000  . Page 725 Scenario # 1

“You’ve got to help us,” Clarence Woody said. “Keith is … was … our only child, and he meant the world to us. When the police came and told us he was dead, all Sara and I could think of was how we could get him back.”

“But you can’t get him back,” Dr. Alma Lieu said. “Even if we prepared one of his cells and implanted it in your wife’s uterus, the baby wouldn’t be Keith.”

“But he would be his genetic twin,” Clarence said. “He would be as close as we can get to replacing our son.” His eyes filled with tears. “Won’t you help us?”

 ASSIGNMENT MODULE 12 Critical Thinking   Reproduction, Assistance and Control

 Provide ethical grounds for a policy with regard to cloning of a human being to replace a child with a duplicate.  Do NOT simply respond to this case. Focus on setting a policy for all women and all doctors to follow.


Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS state what your ethical position would be on cloning of a human being to replace a child with a duplicate and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

Provide ethical grounds for a judgment on buying and selling of embryos to those who want a designer child.

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part

  • Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

    • a. Take a position on this question or issue Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of language (ethical principles and values).
    • b.  Provide the reasons why you think this position is better defended by reason and evidence than are the alternative positions Position defended using reasoning (ethical principles and values) in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons (ethical principles and values) to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered such reasons (ethical principles and values). and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.
    • c.  State the reasons why you found the other positions that use other (ethical principles and values). flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending
    • d.  State the criticisms of your position from those who use other (ethical principles and values).
    • e.   Respond to those criticisms from those using other (ethical principles and values).-a  rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms?

____VIDEO on Dialectical Process

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





Choose only one of the three options below-only one!!!

Option 1: CASE:  Lifestyle factors in the decision in allocating life saving resources, such as a transplant

From: Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000 ., Page 799, Decision Scenario #9

Dr. Sarah Brandywine hurried into Dr. Kline’s inner office. Dr. Kline was transplant coordinator at Mid-western General Hospital, and he was expecting her. She had called him for an appointment as soon as she had realized the dimension of the problem with Mr. Wardell.

"So tell me about Mr. Wardell," Dr.Kine said, nodding toward the chair beside his desk.

"He’s fifty-one-year-old man who came to the hospital two days ago because he was frightened by the jaundice and ascites he developed over the course of the last week," Dr. Brandywine said. "He have been experiencing fatigue and loss of appetite several weeks prior to the jaundice. His liver is swollen and lumpy."

"Sounds like cirrhosis," Dr. Kline said. "I’m sure you did liver function tests, but what about a biopsy?"

"We did both yesterday. And I called you right after the final results. There’s so much scarring that Mr. Wardell has little liver function left." She shook her head. "I want to put him on the transplant list."

"What’s the cause of his disease?"

"It’s alcohol induced."

"No way." Dr. Kline shook his head. "No livers for alcoholics. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."

"This is a man with two kids." Dr. Brandywine tried to keep her voice level. "One’s twelve, and the other is eight. Their mother died two years ago, and their dad is all they’ve got left."

"Oh, God, the kids make it particularly sad." Dr. Kline’s voice took on a pained expression. "But look, thirty thousand people a year from alcoholic cirrhosis, and we can’t treat them at all."

"I know we can’t, but can’t we treat some?" Dr. Brandy wine leaned forward. "Is being an alcoholic enough for an automatic turndown?"

"I’m afraid so." Dr. Kline nodded. "These are people who created their own problem. There are far being enough livers to go around, so it’s only fair for us to put folks with problems not of their own making on the list and to leave others off."

"But, look, this guy’s got two kids depending on him." Sarah squeezed her hands into fists. "If I can get him into a rehab program, can we promise him the chance at a liver then?" She quickly added. "Not a guaranteed liver, but a chance at one."

"The answer’s still no." Dr. Kline paused. "I’m not saying alcoholics can’t be reformed, but I am saying they’re bad risks. If we give a transplant to somebody whose liver was destroyed by biliary cirrhosis, we’re likely to get a good, long-term survival. But if we transplant somebody who’s been drinking for the last ten or twenty years, we’re not likely to get food, long term results. The guy may promise to stop drinking and maybe he’ll do it for a while. But chances are good that, within a few years, he’s going to be back in the hospital with liver failure again, and alcohol is going to be the cause."

"I admit the numbers are against me." Dr. Brandywine inhaled deeply, then let her breath out in a long whoosh. "There’s nothing I can say to convince you?"

"We can’t afford to risk wasting a liver," Dr. Kline said. "That’s what I’ve got to convince you of." He shook his head. "It breaks my heart to think about Mr. Wardell’s children, but I’ve got to think about the parents with cirrhosis who aren’t alcoholics."


Option 1: CASE:  Lifestyle factors in the decision in allocating life saving resources, such as a transplant

Should lifestyle factors be considered in the allocation of scarce life saving medical resources? Defend your position using ETHICAL principles.  Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

  • Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

    Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

    • a. Take a position on this question or issue Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of language (ethical principles and values).
    • b.  Provide the reasons why you think this position is better defended by reason and evidence than are the alternative positions Position defended using reasoning (ethical principles and values) in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons (ethical principles and values) to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered such reasons (ethical principles and values). and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.
    • c.  State the reasons why you found the other positions that use other (ethical principles and values). flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending
    • d.  State the criticisms of your position from those who use other (ethical principles and values).
    • e.   Respond to those criticisms from those using other (ethical principles and values).-a  rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms?

____VIDEO on Dialectical Process

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


How should it be determined who will receive the ventilators used to treat those in most dire condintions from the COVID-19 virus? Defend your position using ETHICAL principles.  Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.The ethical principles were presented in Module/Chapter  2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering  assignments.  Do not use the Moral Principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles. The Moral Principles involved in Health Care include: Autonomy, Informed Consent, Truth Telling, Confidentiality, Privacy. These are NOT the basic ethical principles such as include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  The moral principles are popular and recognized in several ways in health care including  in “codes” and in statements of “rights” because there are so many of the Basic Ethical Principles that support the moral judgment that these MORAL Principles of Health Care are a MORALLY GOOD THING.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

  • Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

    Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

    • a. Take a position on this question or issue Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of language (ethical principles and values).
    • b.  Provide the reasons why you think this position is better defended by reason and evidence than are the alternative positions Position defended using reasoning (ethical principles and values) in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons (ethical principles and values) to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered such reasons (ethical principles and values). and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.
    • c.  State the reasons why you found the other positions that use other (ethical principles and values). flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending
    • d.  State the criticisms of your position from those who use other (ethical principles and values).
    • e.   Respond to those criticisms from those using other (ethical principles and values).-a  rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms?




How should it be determined who will receive the vaccine to prevent infection from the COVID-19 virus? Defend your position using ETHICAL principles.  Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.The ethical principles were presented in Module/Chapter  2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering  assignments.  Do not use the Moral Principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles. The Moral Principles involved in Health Care include: Autonomy, Informed Consent, Truth Telling, Confidentiality, Privacy. These are NOT the basic ethical principles such as include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  The moral principles are popular and recognized in several ways in health care including  in “codes” and in statements of “rights” because there are so many of the Basic Ethical Principles that support the moral judgment that these MORAL Principles of Health Care are a MORALLY GOOD THING.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

  • Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

    Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

    • a. Take a position on this question or issue Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of language (ethical principles and values).
    • b.  Provide the reasons why you think this position is better defended by reason and evidence than are the alternative positions Position defended using reasoning (ethical principles and values) in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons (ethical principles and values) to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered such reasons (ethical principles and values). and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.
    • c.  State the reasons why you found the other positions that use other (ethical principles and values). flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending
    • d.  State the criticisms of your position from those who use other (ethical principles and values).
    • e.   Respond to those criticisms from those using other (ethical principles and values).-a  rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms?

____VIDEO on Dialectical Process


NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





From: Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000 ., Page 863, Decision Scenario 6

"Let me explain it to you, Mr. Faust," Charles Young said. "Although your wife is covered by Medicare, we cannot pay for the care she is receiving in the nursing home. As an Alzheimer’s patient, she’s getting custodial care, and that is explicitly excluded from Medicare coverage. Do you have any insurance?"

"My wife and I both have coverage through my job. Bu the benefits office told me exactly the same thing. My policy doesn’t cover long-term, chronic, or custodial care."

"I’m sorry to hear that," Young said. "That means that you’ll have to pay the total cost of care yourself."

"Where can a sales rep get that kind of money?" Mr. Faust said. "A nursing home will cost me forty or fifty thousand dollars a year. If I sell our house and use all our savings, I could pay for maybe a year or two, but then I wouldn’t have anything to live on myself. Where could I live? How could I eat?"

"The only alternative is to divest yourself of your assets so that you cannot be held legally responsible for paying for your wife’s care. The you and she can both get assistance under the Medicaid program."

"Then I have to literally become a pauper before I can get any help?"

"I’m sorry to say that’s true."

 ASSIGNMENT Module 14 Critical Thinking

Use any single (one) ethical principle from the group we have covered to support your position on each of these three issues. Hopefully it is the principle that you have decided is closest to your values and will use in making moral choices. If you are tempted to use different ethical principles for each of the three issues then you are an ethical egoist and you should use that principle on all three issues. The ethical principles were presented in Module/Chapter  2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering  assignments.  Do not use the Moral Principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles. The Moral Principles involved in Health Care include: Autonomy, Informed Consent, Truth Telling, Confidentiality, Privacy. These are NOT the basic ethical principles such as include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  The moral principles are popular and recognized in several ways in health care including  in “codes” and in statements of “rights” because there are so many of the Basic Ethical Principles that support the moral judgment that these MORAL Principles of Health Care are a MORALLY GOOD THING.

1. Should a national health care program pay for the custodial care of the elderly? Defend your position using ETHICAL principles.

2.Should family members be required by law to help pay the health care expenses of the other family members? Defend your position using the same ETHICAL principles as with question #1.

3. Should people with incomes adequate to cover their health care expenses or to buy private health insurance be ineligible to participate in a national health insurance plan? Defend your position using the same ETHICAL principles as with question #1.

Use any single (one) ethical principle from the group we have covered to support your position on each of these three issues. Hopefully it is the principle that you have decided is closest to your values and will use in making moral choices. If you are tempted to use different ethical principles for each of the three issues then you are an ethical egoist and you should use that principle on all three issues.


NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





This is a BONUS ASSIGNMENT and is OPTIONAL You do not need to do it.  If you choose to do it you are required to do all FOUR (4)  Parts.


1. Which of the issues covered this semester has been the most important and why so?

2. Which of the issues covered this semester has meant anything to you personally and why so?

3. Why are not more people aware of these troublesome questions, issues or problems?

4. Now that you have been educated as to these issues in Biomedical Ethics in what way will they have any consequence in your life?

5. Are you in a better position now to think about and handle these issues using ethical principles?



Place your best example of using ethical dialectical thinking into a submission to me. Copy and paste your best work from this semester.  No new work involved!!! Send it to me by email in a separate email from all other messages or submissions.


Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.

VIDEO on Dialectical Process



This course has nine objectives on a scale of 0 to 5 with 5 as the highest level , how well do you think that you have achieved these objectives?

Score 0 to 5   a.____  b. ______ c._______  d.________ e.______ f._____ g. ____  h. ______ i.________



1: What did you like best about this course? 

2: What specific things do you think could be improved in the structure or design of the course and learning activities? 

3: How would you improve the quality and participation in course discussions/interactions? 

4:   What changes would you suggest be made to the pacing or sequence of the content and activities for this course? (e.g., were the due dates doable for you? Were the course materials sequenced well?) 

5:  What changes would you suggest be made to the quantity of work required for this course? 

6:  How could the course be improved in terms of my interaction, participation, and management of the course? 

7:  What other suggestions, comments, or recommendations would you have for the instructor?

8:  What advice do you offer to students who would be just entering the class at the very start of the semester?


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





Each student must submit a case presentation on some incident or situation which relates to the topic and issues of this module. Such presentations consist of the following two(2) sections.

a. Materials concerning the case located on the internet

i. Newspaper articles

ii. Magazine articles

iii. Professional Journal articles , e.g., Philosophy, Law, Medicine Nursing, Public Health, etc..

iv. Other Internet items

MINIMUM of four (4) items

b. Viewpoints on the case by analysts, ethicists, commentators .

MINIMUM of four (4) items which MUST include commentary and/or analysis by people who use ethical principles. These would NOT be articles in newspapers or magazines but items found in professional journals or at the websites of academic and professional organizations.

This is basically an assignment where you will use a number of search engines to gather materials from the internet.

GOOGLE, Northernlights, yahoo, etc...

You will copy and paste the addresses(url's) of those materials into a single file or document and then send it (submit it) to the instructor. You do NOT need to and should not make any personal comments on the case . So, you are NOT required to do any original thinking or critical thinking on the case. You will be gathering the materials and hopefully reading them and in so doing you will learn more about the issues involved and in gathering materials that involve ethical analysis you will learn more about that as well.

case studies: Directions

To submit them you do the same as for the written assignment. If you do not have WORD just put the material right into the message window that opens when you click on the "create an new email" icon.


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor or by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .


Research in Philosophy on the Internet.

With search engine doing research in Philosophy on the Internet you would enter:

cloning + human + ethics

malpractice + stonybrook hospital

malpractice + ethics

kevorkian + ethics

mercy killing + ethics

confidentiality + law

confidentiality + ethics


Your NAME:


DESCRIPTION of the case by student:

url’s for the Articles Describing case:

url’s for Articles with Ethical Position: Philosophers, Theologians, Lawyers, Medical Doctors


The student will make the submission by attaching a file that has the text and the links to the internet sites of articles and other related items.

The BEST of these submissions will be placed on a website with the student’s name as author. These will be used by future students of this course.

If any student feels able and willing to create a POWERPOINT presentation for the case study including live links and illustrations, images, photos, etc... contact me for permission and instructions on what would be required and how to submit the material.

When you are ready you simply go to the submission section of this module and open the submission document and then click on the link for submitting an assignment and then attach your file with the case study including the url's.

File formats for submission must be limited to: WORD , html, webpage, dos

I shall make my comments on what you submit and assign a grade.

If you want to you can submit the assignment early and I'll comment on it and return it to you and you can proceed to work on it and submit the final work by the deadline.




You may want to print this part of this document out.


Each student is requested to submit the following assignments according to the schedule for the semester. Check on the COURSE CALENDAR for the due dates.

Assignments are intended to provide for an assessment of the learner's achievement and progress. Assignments and parts of assignments are intended to assess the learner's motivation, reading comprehension, critical thinking skills and appreciation of philosophy.  Assignments may be revised. Assignments for modules 1 to 12 may be revised and resubmitted any number of times up to one month before the end of the semester. Assignments for modules 12 to 14 may be revised and resubmitted up to the date of the last scheduled class.

Composing your assignment

Normally, you should compose your response using your word processor or on paper. This will give you the opportunity to revise, proofread, and spell check. When you have completed your assignment document be sure to spell check it .

Make sure to read the directions for each assignment carefully for details, due dates, and any thing else that may be specific to the assignment.

Format For Submitting Written Assignments 

Whether you are in an ONLINE CLASS or a traditional class or a hybrid class

The student is to submit the word processed text to the instructor ONLY by EMAIL   Do not send attachments!!!   Copy and paste your text from the word processor directly into the message window of the email.  In the subject line put:

SUBJECT:  QCC PHIL 140 section first name , last name, assignment#


The evaluation for your assignment will appear directly in your document within the email when returned to you by email or returned directly to you by the instructor.  Evaluations are private and can only be read by the student and professor.

OBSERVE THE DUE DATES!!   Check on due dates:

All written assignments may be revised and resubmitted.  At least one assignment must be submitted in draft form and then after receiving the instructor’s comments and suggestions, it is to be revised and resubmitted for formal assessment.  Students may resubmit their revised assignments no more than three times before the final day of class.

In all cases the written work must show evidence of the author’s awareness of the materials made available in the online textbook and through the related Internet links found in the Online Textbook that is part of the course.   Proper citations and accreditation are to be made evident in the body of the work. The learners are required to provide evidence of research and scholarship and to AVOID Plagiarism!

Criteria for evaluation of the written assignments is given under Course Information document titled ” How you will be evaluated.”  Other students will not view student written assignments anywhere within the course.  Students may send drafts of their work to their classmates and discuss them through the use of email.   They may discuss the assignment itself within the course in the Student Café.

Check on due dates:  Calendar



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