Course Structure

This class is divided into three distinct parts.

I.                    History of Religions / Comparative Religion:

            This is a brief survey of some of the most significant or largest religions in the world.  This is needed in order that all who take this course and desire to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of the religious experience and religious traditions first have an understanding of the variety of religions that exist, their similarities and their differences.

  • Hinduism

  • Buddhism

  • Jainism

  • Confucianism

  • Taoism

  • Shintoism

  • Zoroastrianism

  • Judaism

  • Christianit

  • Islam

II.                 Science and Religion

           This brief survey is needed in order to provide some knowledge of how the sciences have examined religious phenomena, what conclusions have been drawn and what problems may exist in the scientific approach to understanding religious phenomena.

a.       History of Religion

b.      Psychology of Religion

c.       Sociology of Religion

d.      Anthropology and Religion

   III.                        Philosophy of Religion: This is the central focus of the course.  In this portion the student will be introduced to the traditional issues associated with the field of study known as "Philosophy of Religion" as well as to the more contemporary approaches taken by philosophers to the study of religion.

Included in this area there are questions having to do with:

·        The existence of god

·        The nature of god

·        Arguments for the existence of god

·        Arguments against the existence of god

·        The problem of evil

·        Atheism

·        Religious experience as noumenal

·        Mystical experience

·        Miracles

·        Religious language

·        The value of religion

·        Religion and morality and ethics

·        Religion and reason

·        Religion, Faith and Philosophy and Reason

·        The meaning of religion

·        The definition of religion


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