Philosophy of Religion                                 Written Assignments 

OBSERVE THE DUE DATES!!   Check on the due dates on the calendar

Each student is requested to submit the following papers and essays according to the schedule for the semester. Check on the due dates on the calendar  Follow the INSTRUCTIONS for PREPARING and SUBMITTING WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS

Assignments are intended to provide for an assessment of the learner's achievement and progress. Assignments and parts of assignments are intended to assess the learner's motivation, reading comprehension, critical thinking skills and appreciation of philosophy.  Assignments may be revised. Assignments for modules 1 to 7 may be revised and resubmitted any number of times up to one month before the end of the semester. Assignments for modules 8 to 10 may be revised and resubmitted up to the date of the last scheduled class.

Click on the module title below for the assignment for that module.



MODULE 1 Introduction to the Course

MODULE 2 Religions of the World

MODULE 3 Science and Religion

MODULE 4 The Existence of God


MODULE 5 The Problem of Evil

MODULE 6 Souls and Resurrection

MODULE 7 Reason, Language and Religion

MODULE 8 Ethics, Values and Religion

MODULE 9 Definition and Meaning




For this first module you are expected to




This is an assignment for which there are no wrong answers. Simply answer all the questions and submit them by email by the DUE DATE and you will receive full credit.

Answer the following questions.

A. Why did you take this course?
B. Why did you take this course online? -Disregard if you have a face to face class.
C. What do you think Philosophy is?
D. What do you think Religion is?
E. What basic questions do you have concerning religion?
F. After looking over chapter one of the online textbook for this course what do you think of the design of this course?

I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .
This link to the CUNY Write Site will open a new window with helpful information on what the key words in the written assignment are indicating.



Written Assignment for MODULE 2 Religions of the World
Choose 2 religions from three of the four groups below and report on how they manifest the the basic characteristices of a religion.  Be sure to report on at least the following six topics or traits or characteristics:
a. The notion of a deity
b. The nature of human beings
c. Divine providence or destiny
d. The problem of evil
e. Human suffering
f. Afterlife

I. Early Forms: Egypt, Africa, The Americas, Greece, Rome
II. India: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism
III. Asia: Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Shintoism
IV. West ( Middle East): Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam

NOTE: You should be describing a total of SIX different religions. You should show some familiarity with the characteristics of at least six different religions. Be
extensive in your descriptions. Your written work should indicate the work you have done for the first weeks of the semester.

You can describe them one at a time and indicate how they manifest the characteristics or you could do a compare and contrast as you point out the characteristics.

Answer these questions based upon online textbook and any other texts you choose to use. You may copy and paste but you must supply the citations.

I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .
This link to the CUNY Write Site will open a new window with helpful information on what the key words in the written assignment are indicating.



Written Assignment for MODULE 3 Science and Religion

Answer these questions based upon online textbook and any other texts you choose to use. You may copy and paste but you must supply the citations. Answer Both Parts A and B.

CAUTION: You will receive no credit at all for this assignment if you make it appear as if either there are no religions other than Judaism, Christianity and Islam or that these three are, or any one of them is, the only "real" religion.

A. The War between Science and Religion

For several centuries it appeared to some as if when science looked at religion it was attempting to discredit religion, diminish its value or disprove religious claims.  What is the history of this and what is the current situation with regard to the Scientific Study of Religion?

1. What was the situation between religion and science from the 17th century to the middle of the twentieth century?

2. What is the current relationship of science to religion; that means: How is religion approached by contemporary social scientists?

3.What are the strengths and weaknesses in the scientific method for the study of religion?

4.Choose at least one example of a scientific theory concerning religion to illustrate the strength and weaknesses of the scientific approach to the study of religion, e.g. Frazer, Freud, Durkheim, Marx, Eliade, Evans-Pritchard. What do we learn from this theory? What are the problems, weaknesses, or flaws with the theory?

5. What are the problems with any scientific theory that attempts to explain the origins of Religion?  What are the problems with any scientific theory that attempts to explain all religious phenomena?

B. The Conflict between Science and Religion

1. At this time there are many who see a fundamental conflict as existing between science and religion.  Explain how this might be.  Is it a conflict between the methodologies or the claims or the values?

2. At this time there are many who see no fundamental conflict between science and religion.  Explain how this might be. 

EXTRA CREDIT (5points, if accepted)

Distinguish religion from science and the use of the word "theory"  in the controversy of Evolution vs Intelligent Design and Evolution and Creationism.   Distinguish methodological naturalism from metaphysical naturalism.   Distinguish evolution and Evolutionary Theory from Evolutionism.  Include references to materials available on the internet by including their addresses (url's).

I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .
This link to the CUNY Write Site will open a new window with helpful information on what the key words in the written assignment are indicating.



Written Assignment for MODULE 4 The Existence of God

Answer these questions based upon online textbook and any other texts you choose to use. You may copy and paste but you must supply the citations.  Answer ALL parts. Be sure that your work indicates that you are both familiar with the readings  and that you have done some serious thinking about the issues involved.

A. Proofs using Reason

1. A priori

What is the ontological proof for the existence of god? Cite two variations of this argument. What is right with it? What is wrong with it: what are its weaknesses? What criticisms are made of it? What does it prove?

2. a posteriori

What is the cosmological proof for the existence of god? What is right with it? What is wrong with it? How has it been criticized? What does it prove?

3. What is the teleological proof for the existence of god? What is right with it? What is wrong with it? How has it been criticized? What does it prove?

B  Proofs using Religious Experiences
What is a religious experience? Is it a proof for anything? If so, what? What is a mystical experience? Is it a proof for anything? If so, what? What are the principle critiques of arguments for the existence of a deity based upon such experiences?

B  Miracles
What sort of proof or verification exists for religious claims such as miracles or for revelation? Support your position. Give full elaboration. What would a miracle need to be in order to prove that there is a god? What problems are there in attempting to verify a claim of a miracle?
I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .
This link to the CUNY Write Site will open a new window with helpful information on what the key words in the written assignment are indicating.



Written Assignment for MODULE 5 The Problem of Evil

Answer these questions based upon online textbook and any other texts you choose to use. You may copy and paste but you must supply the citations. Be sure that your work indicates that you are both familiar with the readings  and that you have done some serious thinking about the issues involved.

1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts

A. What is the Problem of Evil? Be exact and complete.

B. Many believe that the Problem of Evil can not be solved. They think that the resolution of the conflict between God’s characteristics and the existence of evil can only result in denying the existence of the deity altogether or the changing of the properties of the deity or a recasting of the idea of evil so that it really is not evil at all. So, there are  four possible responses to the problem:

  Explain each one.  Do not simply list them.  Describe them and explain them.

2. Critical Thinking

C. Of the four possible positions what is your position? Defend it against the other possible views.

D. Why do you reject the other three positions? What is wrong with them? What is your criticism of the alternatives that have led you by reasoning to reject those other three options?  Whatever position you take why is it better than the alternatives?

E. How do you respond to the criticisms of your own position? How do you defend your own position against criticisms of it?

NOTE:   With this problems it is not a matter of the battle of good versus evil and which side will win. It is not a question of winning or losing at all.  The problem is not the existence of evil . The problem is that the IDEA of GOD as all perfect and all good and all knowing and all powerful is is inconsistent with the existence of moral evil.

I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .
This link to the CUNY Write Site will open a new window with helpful information on what the key words in the written assignment are indicating.



Written Assignment for MODULE 6 Souls and Resurrection
Spirits, Souls and the Resurrection

Answer these questions based upon online textbook and any other texts you choose to use. You may copy and paste but you must supply the citations. Be sure that your work indicates that you are both familiar with the readings  and that you have done some serious thinking about the issues involved.
1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts
A. What possible proof is there for the existence of the soul or the immortality of the soul?
 What problems are there with these proofs?  Can these problems be overcome? If so, how?
B. What proof or explanation is there for the possibility of the continuation of consciousness and personal identity after the death of the physical body?
C.. What are the problems with the idea of the resurrection of the body?  Can these problems be overcome? If so, how?

2. Critical Thinking
D. What is your position on the existence of a non-physical and immortal soul? Provide some support for it in the form of reasoning and evidence.  Why do you reject the alternative positions?  Defend your position against criticisms.
E. What is your position on the resurrection of the body? Provide some support for it in the form of reasoning and evidence.  Why do you reject the alternative positions?  Defend your position against criticisms.

I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .
This link to the CUNY Write Site will open a new window with helpful information on what the key words in the written assignment are indicating.



Written Assignment for MODULE 7 Reason, Language and Religion

Answer these questions based upon online textbook and any other texts you choose to use. You may copy and paste but you must supply the citations. Be sure that your work indicates that you are both familiar with the readings  and that you have done some serious thinking about the issues involved.

Reason , Faith, Language and Worldviews

1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts
A. What are the possible relationships between Reason and religious Faith? (minimum of three)
B. What possibility is there for a rationalistic approach to religious faith?
C. What are the challenges to faith from reason?
D. What are "foundational beliefs" or "basic beliefs" or "bliks"? 
E. How do "foundational beliefs" relate to the discussion of the compatibility of faith with reason?
F. What is the pragmatic justification for religious belief? What problems are there with this form of support for faith?
E. Can religious belief be reasonable? If so, in what way?  If not , then why not?  Explain your answer.

2. Critical Thinking
H. What is your position on the relation of faith to reason? Provide some support for it in the form of reasoning and evidence.  Why do you reject the alternative positions?  Defend your position against criticisms.

I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .
This link to the CUNY Write Site will open a new window with helpful information on what the key words in the written assignment are indicating.



Written Assignment for MODULE 8 Ethics, Value and Religion

Answer these questions based upon online textbook and any other texts you choose to use. You may copy and paste but you must supply the citations. Be sure that your work indicates that you are both familiar with the readings  and that you have done some serious thinking about the issues involved.
1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts
A. What are the values which religious institutions present for society? What good are they to society?
B. Is there any other possible basis for morality other than religion? If so, what is it?
C. Are there any alternatives to religion for a basis for morality that are available at present?
D. How do the alternatives (secular sources) for morality relate to the religious sources?

2. Critical Thinking
E. Which source (religious or secular) is superior or better in any way and why? Provide some support for it in the form of reasoning and evidence.  Why do you reject the alternative positions?  Defend your position against criticisms.  Show definite indications that you have done the readings and have some evidence to support your position.
I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .
This link to the CUNY Write Site will open a new window with helpful information on what the key words in the written assignment are indicating.



Written Assignment for MODULE 9 Definition and Meaning
Answer these questions based upon online textbook and any other texts you choose to use. You may copy and paste but you must supply the citations. Be sure that your work indicates that you are both familiar with the readings  and that you have done some serious thinking about the issues involved.

CONCLUSION  OK, here we are at the end of the semester.

1.  What does Religion now mean to you and why?

2. What makes Frederick Ferre's definition of religion that is offered in the online textbook better than others?

"Religion is the most intensive and comprehensive method for valuing yet devised by human beings."

3. Of what value is religion to anyone?
I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .
This link to the CUNY Write Site will open a new window with helpful information on what the key words in the written assignment are indicating.




Answer each of the questions below and submit


1. Which of the issues covered this semester has been the most important and why so?

2. Which of the issues covered this semester has meant anything to you personally and why so?

3. Why are not more people aware of these troublesome questions, issues or problems?

4. Now that you have been educated as to these issues in Philosophy of Religion in what way will they have any consequence in your life?

5. Are you in a better position now to think about and handle these issues using philosophical reflection and critical thinking?



Part 1: What did you like best about this course? 

Part 2: What specific things do you think could be improved in the structure or design of the course and learning activities? 

Part 3: How would you improve the quality and participation in course discussions/interactions? 

Part  4:   What changes would you suggest be made to the pacing or sequence of the content and activities for this course? (e.g., were the due dates doable for you? Were the course materials sequenced well?) 

Part 5:  What changes would you suggest be made to the quantity of work required for this course? 

Part 6:  How could the course be improved in terms of my interaction, participation, and management of the course? 

Part 7:  What other suggestions, comments, or recommendations would you have for the instructor?

Part 8: What advice do you offer to students who would be just entering the class at the very start of the semester?
I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .


Research in Philosophy on the Internet.

Free tutorial on doing research in Philosophy on the Internet.

As for the search engine, you would enter:

problem of evil + Augustine

existence of god + teleological argument



You may want to print this part of this document out.


Composing your assignment

Normally, you should compose your response using your word processor or on paper. This will give you the opportunity to revise, proofread, and spell check. When you have completed your assignment document be sure to spell check it .

Make sure to read the directions for each assignment carefully for details, due dates, and any thing else that may be specific to the assignment.

Format For Submitting Written Assignments 

Whether you are in an ONLINE CLASS or a traditional class or a hybrid class


The student is to submit the printed word processed document to the instructor during class meetings or in his office-Medical Arts Building Room M-403.

MAILBOX in Medical Arts room 104

EMAIL   Do not send attachments!!!   Copy and paste your text from the word processor directly into the message window of the email.  In the subject line put:

first name , last name, class number SS620 , section, assignment#


The evaluation for your assignment will appear directly in your document or with your document when returned to you by email or returned directly to you by the instructor.  Evaluations are private and can only be read by the student and professor.

OBSERVE THE DUE DATES!!   Check on due dates:

All written assignments may be revised and resubmitted until the final week of the semester.  At least one assignment must be submitted in draft form and then after receiving the instructor’s comments and suggestions, it is to be revised and resubmitted for formal assessment.  Students may resubmit their revised assignments no more than three times before the final day of class.

In all cases the written work must show evidence of the author’s awareness of the materials made available in the online textbook and through the related Internet links found in the Online Textbook that is part of the course.   Proper citations and accreditation are to be made evident in the body of the work. The learners are required to provide evidence of research and scholarship and to AVOID Plagiarism!

Criteria for evaluation of the written assignments is given under Course Information document titled ” How you will be evaluated.”  Other students will not view student written assignments anywhere within the course.  Students may send drafts of their work to their classmates and discuss them through the use of email.   They may discuss the assignment itself with your classmates within the course discussion board in the Student Café.

Check on the due dates on the calendar

The college has an academic integrity policy and program.

You may be severely penalized for violations of academic integrity.  Learn about it and observe the principles.  Among other things you must avoid plagiarism.

In this course, the penalty for violations of academic integrity is as follows:
1. First offense - the student receives the grade of "0" for the assignment and the possibility of more severe action at the discretion of the instructor.
2. Second offense - the student receives an "F" in the course and a Violation of Academic Integrity Report is filed with the Dean of Students.

Plagiarism occurs when one steals or uses the ideas or writings of another and presents these writings or ideas as his or her own.

Some examples of plagiarism:
Buying a paper from a research service or term paper mill.
Turning in another student's work with or without that student's knowledge.
Turning in a paper a peer has written for you.
Copying a paper from a source (text or web) without proper acknowledgment.
Copying materials from a source, supplying proper documentation, but leaving out quotation marks.
Paraphrasing materials from a source without appropriate documentation.
Turning in a paper from a "free term paper" website. "
The above information was taken and paraphrased from:

There are Internet research papers required for this course. One of the requirements for these papers is that you locate websites and incorporate information from these websites in your paper. You must not only properly cite all information you use, but you are also expected to put the information into your own words. Each paper has a required minimum length, and direct quotes from other sources are not counted in determining the "word-count" length of your paper.

 If your paper contains material that is copied or paraphrased from any website, or from a paper previously submitted that material will be identified. If it is not properly documented, or if the quotation marks are absent, the material will be considered plagiarized.

In this course, the penalty for plagiarism is as follows:
1. First offense - the student receives at least the grade of "0" for the assignment, and the possibility of more severe action..
2. Second offense - the student receives an "F" in the course and a report is filed with the Dean of Students.



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