12:13:09 Hello, this is Phil Pecorino, and I am your instructor for the course introduction to philosophy, but this semester. 12:13:20 I have welcomed you, and I want to ensure that you all understand that there is nothing to be worried about taking this course online, so you can relax, a very high percentage of those students who take this course get an A, they completed the course 12:13:38 is therefore quite doable. 12:13:42 therefore quite doable. There are a lot of a given. 12:13:44 But there''s also a big gap between the A''s and B''s and then many who withdraw or unfortunately receiving because they have excessive absences, the instructional design for this class rewards time on task, your effort, and no exams no quizzes no surprises. 12:14:04 It''s just the work you do the work and the points you went to the point you get a good grade. and you see how you''re progressing read through this semester. 12:14:14 So, you''ll want to know what is the work how much work is there. What is exactly the word. 12:14:20 Okay, these are the tests you need to do. 12:14:23 And you need to do them in each module course is broken up into those units and usually they''re about a week long except for the first, second module, the course. 12:14:34 And what''s in them. That should take you nine to 12 hours each week to three credit course, New York State regions uses Carnegie unit, three hours of work per credit, that''s nine hours a week. 12:14:48 It''s usually three hours in the classroom six outside but no classroom time here. So it''s nine hours outside. Why do I say nine to 12. Some students don''t school preparation and some have difficulties with reading. 12:15:04 And if you do, then it will take a little longer, but no one reports putting in nine hours or more, and not getting a good grade in this course. 12:15:13 And what are the tests, okay this three basically, you have to read the textbook, each week. 12:15:20 And that is an online textbook which is free and supplied to you is reading and done sometimes there are videos like with this one for you to take a look at the second thing you have to do is attend class by participating in the discussions in our class site, participate in some way as the question and answer a question help us student asked for help from your fellow students interact, you want to learning community we want people going back and forth and for that. 12:15:50 The requirement is at least three different days and each week of seven days you go in there and you participate that''s how I take attendance. 12:15:57 We need three different days for the back and forth between you and your classmates. And the third important thing is at the end of every module is a written assignment. 12:16:07 Please submit it by the date it''s due to do by 11:59pm midnight on the day in the course Cameron and it''s a real good idea to print out the course calendar students have said it''s been very helpful to help them keep an eye on what they''re expected to 12:16:25 do and when it''s do that helps with time management. 12:16:29 So, time management time scheduling is going to be a big challenge. What do you do right now your next steps. Relax, don''t panic or attend steps to get started in the course they laid out for you, they intended to help you learn all about the course in 12:16:44 this first module number zero where there''s no grading taken place. 12:16:48 It''s all for you to learn what''s expected of you, and just go through the steps. And if you do, and complete them you''re probably going to end up doing very well in the course, very well for me means not just that you got a good grade which is important 12:17:03 to you, but that you actually through doing the learning activities in the course have developed your critical thinking skills which in this philosophy class is a dialectical method of thinking, which you''ll learn about. 12:17:16 And there''ll be instruction on it and you''ll have time to practice. 12:17:20 So I hope that if you are able to schedule your time. 12:17:27 Do what the instructions quote for you to do, you''re going to end up very well. 12:17:32 I will be giving you several ways in which you can contact me it''s laid out in the 10 steps. 12:17:39 And there will be several videos along the way, and this one is the very first. And I''m keeping them short and keeping them with the five minutes or less.