The City University of New York

Academic Integrity 

A Project of the

University Faculty Senate
 of the
City University of New York
Editor: Philip A. Pecorino

 Website Resource for A Model Program

IV. Dissemination Process


For the Academic Integrity Plan to become incorporated into the culture of the college, widespread dissemination is required.   

College-wide distribution 

The College is encouraged to distribute the Academic Integrity Policy to students in the following ways: 

In writing: 

·         College handouts (brochures displayed in appropriate campus locations)

·         Course listing guide (registration materials)

·         College catalogue (for high visibility, inside front cover)

·         College application for admission

·         Student Handbook

By electronic media: 

·         College website, on opening page or as direct, separate link to “Academic Integrity”

·     College website, as part of department links

·         College website, as a link from various campus resources (Library, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Instructional Support Services, etc.)

·         As an email to all students at the start of each semester

·         As in informational slide-show, possibly with an instructional “quiz”  

In person: 

Each student will be presented with a copy of the policy and a form to be signed acknowledging that they have read and understand the policy.  This will be accomplished in any one, or a combination, of the following ways: 

·         As part of Academic Advisement

·         As part of the Introduction to the College or College Life class (with additional print material)

·         As part of the Summer Immersion Program

·         As part of a library tour/lecture (with additional print material)

·         Special workshops on academic integrity for students

·         As part of the registration process 

Faculty distribution 

Faculty are encouraged to convey the College policy directly to students: 

In writing: 

·         Department handouts

·         Delivery of material at the beginning of the course

·         At the time an assignment requiring research is presented  

By electronic media: 

·         On the instructor’s course/class website, on the opening page, an internal link, or as a link to the Academic Integrity Policy on the  College Website

·         On the academic department’s website, as an internal link or a link to the Academic Integrity Policy on the  College Website

·         As an email to all students at the start of each semester 

In person: 

·         Department handouts

·         In the presentation of course requirements at the beginning of the semester (verbal, print)

·         At the time an assignment requiring research is given (verbal, print)

·         In response to any student inquiry, at the time it occurs (verbal) 

Student distribution 

Students are encouraged to distribute the Academic Integrity Policy among themselves in the following ways: 

In writing and electronic media 

·         Through student government organizations

·         Through the  College newspaper, radio and television publications

·         Through links from Student Activities and student governance organizations 

In person: 

·         Through contact with other students (word of mouth)

·         Through informational talks provided by student groups

·         In informational tours provided by student ambassadors

·         In tutorial sessions 

Distribution to faculty 

In writing: 

·         Faculty Handbook

·         Memoranda 

By electronic media: 

·         Email

·         As a link from faculty resources on the  College Website 

In person: 

·         Faculty development workshops

·         Orientation for new faculty

·         Conferences, colloquia 

Each academic department shall generate clear and effective policies that address academic integrity issues.  These policies should provide explicit information concerning those practices that encourage academic integrity as well as how violations are to be dealt with.  Such policies should be evaluated regularly and, if needed, revised. 

Faculty handbook 

Faculty are encouraged to advise students of the college’s Academic Integrity Policy throughout the semester.  Repeated exposure to the policy will help students to understand the importance of academic integrity as a course of behavior to be followed throughout their  College career, and beyond.  Several methods might be employed to disseminate the Policy: 

In writing: 

·         Department handouts

·         In delivery of material at the beginning of the course (verbal, print)

·         At the time an assignment requiring research is presented (verbal, print)

Faculty should distribute to their students written copies of the Academic Integrity Policy at any of several key times during the semester.   For example, at the first class meeting, the policy might be distributed as an attachment to the course syllabus or any other materials usually offered.  When a research assignment is presented to the class provides another opportunity for disseminating a copy of the Academic Integrity Policy. 

By electronic media: 

·         On the instructor’s course/class website, on the opening page, an internal link, or as a link to the Academic Integrity Policy on the  College Website

·         On the department’s website, as an internal link or a link to the Academic Integrity Policy on the  College Website

·         As an email to all students at the start of each semester 

Faculty may also elect to distribute the Academic Integrity Policy electronically.  A copy of the policy—or a link to it—might appear on the course Website.  To ensure that every student receives a copy, the policy might be sent as email at the beginning of the semester.  (Email addresses for all students make this option more easily available.)    

In person: 

·         Department handouts

·         In the presentation of course requirements at the beginning of the semester (verbal, print)

·         At the time an assignment requiring research is given (verbal, print)

·         In response to any student inquiry, at the time it occurs (verbal) 

Faulty are also encouraged to incorporate discussion of or notification about the policy directly into their classes.  In addition to verbalizing the policy at times already mentioned (in department handouts, in the delivery of material at the beginning of the semester, when a research assignment is given), academic integrity might be discussed whenever a classroom interaction or student inquiry that addresses it occurs.