MEDICAL ETHICS  Written Assignments 

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Click on the module title below for the assignment for that module.






















OK, let's get started by having you explore the course site and learn about the requirements and what we will be doing here.  For this first module or learning unit  you are expected to do the following

 Read all the documents that are part of COURSE OUTLINE using the link COURSE OUTLINE  Be sure to read How you will be evaluated!   There are a lot of items in the COURSE OUTLINE be sure to read ALL OF THEM.
2.  Check and Print out the CALENDAR - under COURSE OUTLINE or CALENDAR   or SCHEDULE ! 

3. ENTER the class site through the SCCC portal and then through the online link and click on PHL 211-115 and then Check out what all the buttons on the left Navigation Bar or Column have in them.

4. INTRODUCE YOURSELF Enter DISCUSSIONS and Introduce yourself to your classmates under the DISCUSSION BOARD  INTRODUCTIONS  or STUDENT CAFE
HOW? Go to the button marked DISCUSSION BOARD or  marked COMMUNICATION and then click on DISCUSSION BOARD. Click on it an enter the DB.  Click on INTRODUCTIONS.  This is an area for you to introduce yourself to the class and where you can go to meet the others that are in this course.  Post an item to start a discussion, or read other students' responses if there are any, and make a response.  

You will find my profile by clicking the Staff Information button in the Opening of the Course. Check this area to meet the others in this course. Since profiles will be posted as people join the course for the first time, you may have to return to this area several times to see the latest entries.

With online courses that use various class sites and programs such as BlackBoard it is a good thing for students to have a Personal site and ePortfolio rather than a course specific site or HOMEPAGE.  So, there are now provisions for personal e-portfolio sites. These are your personal pages or your pages on a social media site or a wiki or blog for others to see- you determine who sees what via the Share options.  You can grant access directly to your site to anyone and everyone in the world.  You will have your own internet site.

 ******Let your classmates know the address of your personal ePortfolio/webpage/website/social media site******   

Post it with your introduction in the BB site under STUDENT CAFE -CHAT ROOM  -INTRODUCTIONS  If you do not have an ePortfolio do not worry about it. You can do this course without one.

5. Communicating with the Professor:     One of the features of distance education is that you are never required to meet face to face with the professor. However, if you want to stop by for a visit my office is at Queensborough Community College in Bayside NY in the Medical Arts Building, Room 403 and my hours will be available through the course materials (see Course Information Documents) During the Pandemic you can reach me for a personal matter by:

1.      for a personal matter Sending me an email to

2.      for a personal matter Calling my office phone:  Monday to Thursday 9am to 12 noon  1-718-281-5038

3.      for a class matter Post in the BB Discussion Forum titled “Questions and Suggestions for the Professor”

4.      for a class matter I shall also have VIDEO OFFICE HOURS for the class at times I shall announce.  They will be INSIDE the Class Site using Blackboard Collaborate.

Please feel free to e-mail me at any time if you have any questions or concerns. My e-mail address is:

SUBSCRIBE to the Discussion Forum Titled  SUGGESTIONS and QUESTIONS for the  PROFESSOR  by clicking on the word "subscribe" and then you will be notified whenever any one posts a question and when the professor responds to questions and suggestions.


a. ) You must use the college email system and watch over it to insure your mailbox does not fill up. As a SUNY student You must use the SUNY email address supplied by this college!!!!!!  Each and every registered student has an email account. If you do not have a college email account  address acceptable to this instructor you will have 10 days to get and use the college supplied email address and notify the instructor from the new address.

 Be sure to double delete items.  You will have 10 days to get and use the college supplied email address and notify the instructor from the new address.

b.)  Send email to me only at

c. ) When sending email ALWAYS In the subject line put: first name , last name, PHL 211 ASSIGNMENT# or QUESTION or HELP

After an assignment has been received, it will be graded and the feedback shared with you either by E-mail or by the use of an on-line grade book WebPages found by clicking on

7. MANDATORY Email  on  Academic Integrity Statement and Policy


Prepare a text with a paraphrase of what you read about Academic Integrity Statement and Policy at your college and send it through Email  to your instructor.  You must use the SUNY email address supplied by this college!!!!!!

Required Pledge
1. Paraphrase of the
Academic Integrity Statement and Policy  

2. the statement:

I, ____________,have read and understand the Academic Integrity Policy for this course and agree to abide by it.

Save your word processed file (document) as a WORD or a  DOC or TXT file. Then copy and paste the text into the message space of an EMAIL you send to   Do not send attachments!!!   Copy and paste your text from the word processor directly into the message window of the email.   

8. TEXTBOOK  for ALL Students>>Check out the online Textbook for the course located at two (2) sites (DUPLICATES !!): Click on this link for a new window to open with the TEXTBOOK.

or in the event that the first copy cannot be accessed there is another copy at the second:

9.  Email  PRACTICE

Read and then copy and paste this course requirement information and send it to the instructor.  HOW?   send the EMAIL to   Do not send attachments!!!   Copy and paste your text from what is immediately below into the message window of the email. 



The basic course activities and requirements:

All class information including the assignments are available OUTSIDE OF BB at the class site/syllabus/outline


How much work is involved in this class to do well?

9-12hrs/week of work each week in Fall and Spring Semesters that run 14 to 15 weeks 

18-24 hrs/week in SUMMER semesters that run 7 or 8 weeks !!! 


What is the work?  Four (4) things!!


(1)READINGS: reading the online textbook- required readings marked by "READ"

(2)ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT  Blackboard is used for discussions and attendance taking by means of  Discussion Board participation.

The following are the minimums for postings MINIMUMS for attendance.

Students must be active in discussions in Discussion Board at least 3 different days each week. In the summer session when a module lasts only 3 days and not 7 days students must be active at least 2 days in each module so they can INTERACT with classmates.

Participations in discussions involves doing something in each and every discussion forum. 

answer a question or ask one

you can reply to a classmate

you can ask a related question

ask for help or offer help

post resources related to discussion topic

post one student led discussion BEFORE THE LAST DAY each module and moderate the discussion that may follow. Give people some time to respond to you.  Allow for INTERACTION.

Post your own reflection on learning and relevance of the module topics to you

RESPOND to ALL questions and requests posted to you, particularly by the instructor.

You do NOT need to reply to each post unless it was made to you and asking for a reply



Submit the written assignments at the end of the module period by date on calendar  11:59pm


These are required ONLY in modules 7 to 14. Submit these case studies at the end of the module period by date on calendar  11:59pm


<<<<<<END COPY AND PASTE HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

10. For ALL Students>>RELAX It looks like it is a lot but it is no more than any other class only just made more accessible and convenient and more is explained in text at the start. REMEMBER above all >>>SPECIAL NOTE:   DO NOT PANIC !!!!!

If for some reason you can not get access to the Blackboard Program PLEASE understand that all materials for this course except for the DISCUSSION BOARD are located in two sites outside of Black Board and you can access them directly at any time.  That means that the online textbook is available at the two sites as well.  There is no reason why you can not proceed with all work with this course should one course site not be available.  There will be a second discussion board site as well should the first program not be accessible for any significant length of time. Remember DO NOT PANIC  !!!   You will not be penalized for the failures of the university's system.




Please answer each of the questions below.

1. Why is it necessary for anyone to care about ethics?

2. Of what value would knowledge of the principles of ethics be to people confronted with moral problems or dilemmas?

3. How is a person any better off knowing about Biomedical Ethics when confronting moral problems ?

4. Why do you think that you have anything to gain beyond the credits for taking this course and coming to understand the issues and principles related to Ethics and Biomedical Ethics in particular?


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




Written Assignment for MODULE 2 ETHICS

1. Reading Comprehension

A. Relativism

B. Ethical Traditions  For EACH of the following 5 theories :




A)  Ethical Egoism C)  Natural Law Theory
B)  Rule Utility D)  Kant
  E)  Rawls

2. Critical Thinking

What makes any act morally good?  Since no human action is seen encountered by the sense as having a label as to its moral status what is the source or how is it that actions are thought to be morally good or immoral?  This is asking you to think carefully and to think about what underlies every moral judgment people make about human conduct.  DO NOT answer with what you yourself think in particular makes a human action morally good.  Do answer with the general description of how human actions are thought to be morally good or not good, bad , incorrect or otherwise.  On what do such thoughts of moral appraisal rest? What is the basis for humans reaching a moral judgment about a human action?


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





1. Reading Comprehension

In this module there has been discussion of values and conflicts in values. Institutional values and individual values have been presented.  What are those Institutional values and individual values and how do they clash?

2. Critical Thinking


In health care, medicine and medical research there often occurs a clash in values. These conflicts exist amongst the providers and between the providers and the recipients of care. Provide an example of one such conflict.


1. Describe the situation or case: the source of case for illustration may be from the textbook, any site on the Internet, any case reported in the media(print or electronic) or a case you witnessed or know about yourself.

2. state what the conflict is

3. state clearly and deliberately and underline what the Institutional values and individual values  are that are in conflict.


BE SURE that you do this. State the values .  Be explicit and clear. Underline for emphasis. If you choose to use a personal case please do not use names or identify yourself. Put in in the third person and use pseudonyms.



I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





1. Reading Comprehension

A. What are the professional codes of physicians or medical societies based upon? Are they ethical codes? If not, what are they? If so, how are they ethical? What purpose (s) do such ethical codes serve?

B. Describe the following models for the doctor-patient or scientist-subject relationship and discuss any problematic characteristics of each.

1. Code


3. Covenant and Consent as a Canon of Loyalty

2. Critical Thinking

What are the desirable and undesirable characteristics of each model for the doctor-patient or scientist-subject relationship , if any, and why do you think so? Include the ideas of philanthropy, proficiency, loyalty and responsive obligation in your answer.  BE SURE that you include the ideas of philanthropy, proficiency, loyalty and responsive obligation in your answer.  There is where the critical thinking comes in. 

  • Consider the definitions of the words: philanthropy, proficiency, loyalty and responsive obligation.

  •  Then consider the three models .  With what model would you associate these ideas: philanthropy, proficiency, loyalty and responsive obligation?

  • Each model may have one or two or none.  Describe them using these ideas.  Which model has what idea that you can associate with it?



I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




Written Assignment for MODULE 5 ETHICS AND NURSING

1. Reading Comprehension

A. What are the nurse's duties and responsibilities toward recipients of their care? < It is quite a list!!

B. Discuss the nurse-physician conflict where ethical duties and rights are concerned. < They have different roles and operate out of different models!!!

C. How can nurses serve as advocates for the recipients of their care? What does that advocacy involve?

2. Critical Thinking

D. Explain the notion of collective responsibility and the conditions under which it comes into being and how it might apply to nurses. After doing that you may offer an example of a case.


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





The ethical principles were presented in Module 2 and include Egoism, Utility, Natural Law, Categorical Imperative, Maxi-Min Principle, Existentialism, Feminism.  Refer to one or more of these as ethical principles when answering this assignment.  Do not use the Moral principles of Health Care as Ethical Principles.

1. Reading Comprehension

A. Do people have the ethical right to Informed Consent?  What ethical principle supports this "right"? Explain how the principle supports the "right" as a "good" thing.  If not, why not?

Why? What are the difficulties with it? What limitations might exist?

B. Do people have the right to know their diagnosis and prognosis as well as anything else connected with their condition, their treatment and its consequences?  What ethical principle supports this "right"? Explain how the principle supports the "right" as a "good" thing.  If not, why not?

C. Is it the right of people receiving health care to have the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth from their physicians insofar as their diagnosis, prognosis and treatment is concerned? If so, what is it based upon?  What ethical principle supports this "right"? Explain how the principle supports the "right" as a "good" thing.  If not, why not?

2. Critical Thinking

B. What are the limits on the autonomy of a person and then of a person reduced to the role of a  "patient"?

C. Under what circumstances can confidentiality be breached? Provide an ethical justification (principle+reasoning) for your position.


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





Two Assignments to choose from-choose only one! Choose only 1 dilemma:

Dilemma 1

From: Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000 . Page 547 Decision Scenario #6

"You realize," Dr. Thorne said, "that you may not be in the group that receives medication. You may be in the placebo group for at least part of the time."

"Right," Ms. Ross said. "You’re just going to give me some medicine."

"And do you understand the aims of the research?"

"You wan tot help me get better," Ms. Ross suggested hesitantly.

"We hope you get better, of course. But that’s not what we’re trying to accomplish here. We’re trying to find out if this medication will help other people in your condition if we can treat them earlier than we were able to treat you."

"You want to help people," Ms. Ross said.

"That’s right. But you do understand that we may not be helping you in this experiment?"

"Not exactly. I mean, we aren’t going to try to harm you. But we aren’t necessarily going to be giving you the preferred treatment for your complaint either. Do you know the difference between research and therapy?"

"Research is when you’re trying to find something out. You’re searching around."

"That’s right. And we’re asking you to be part of a research effort. As I told you, there are some risks. Besides the possibility of not getting treatment that you need, the drug may produce limited hepatic portal damage. We’re not sure how much."

"I think I understand," Ms. Ross said.

"I’m sure you do,: said Dr. Thorne. "I understand that you are freely volunteering to participate in this research."

"Yes, sir. Mrs. Woolend, she told me if I volunteered I’d get a letter put in my file and I could get early release."

"Mrs. Woolend told you that the review board would take your volunteering into account when they consider whether you should be put on work-release."

"Yes, sir. And I’m awfully anxious to get out of here. I’ve got two children stay with my aunt, and I need to get out of this place as quick as I can."

"I understand. We can’t promise you release, of course. But your participation will look good on your record. Now I have some papers here I want you to sign."


Critical Thinking

1. State what the ethical problems are in this case above involving Ms. Ross.  There are several.  State at least three of them.

2. Use only ONE of either of these two articles!!!!! State what the author’s ethical position would be on this case of Dr. Thorne and Ms Ross if they were asked.

State what the ethical position (ethical principle used by) of Hellman and Hellman would be and why you think so.  Summarize their thinking-use quotes.


State what the ethical position (ethical principle used by) Hans Jonas. What would Hans Jonas make of this case?  Would he think it was being handled in a manner that was morally correct or not? Summarize his thinking-use quotes.

READ Hellman and Hellman are Samuel Hellman and Deborah H. Hellman authors of "Of Mice but not Men: Problems of the randomized Clinical Trial" New England Journal of Medicine. Vol. 324 no 22 (1991) pp 1585-1589

READ  Title: Philosophical Reflections on Experimenting with Human Subjects   Author: Hans Jonas   Publication Information:  This essay is included, on pp.105-131, in a 1980 re-edition of Jonas' Philosophical Essays: From Current Creed to Technological Man, published by the University of Chicago Press available here   Summary and comments here:

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


Dilemma 2: 

Human Experimentation:   Alternate Written Assignment in the time of Pandemic Covid-19

Topic:  Use of a drug/vaccine challenge test

A drug/vaccine challenge test is a test where the researchers gives subjects a small amount of a drug/vaccine while observing you to watch for a reaction. In the case of a vaccine the subjects are given the vaccine and then actually exposed to / given the virus to observe the results.

In a few cases where such a test has been done there was available rescue/salvage therapy which is a treatment designed to suppress resistant virus following combination antiviral treatment. In other words there is a therapy to counter the consequences of contracting the virus and its symptoms and possible outcomes.

As of August 2020 there are no known rescue therapies for Covid-19.

RESOURCES:  (you need to acquire more than these three)

1.     COVID-19 human challenge studies: ethical issues  by Euzebiusz Jamrozik, FRACP  and Prof Michael J Selgelid, PhD  Published: May 29, 2020

2.     Controversial ‘human challenge’ trials for COVID-19 vaccines gain support   By Jon Cohen

Jul 20, 2020 - Researchers use human challenges to test vaccines for other ... drugs can help “rescue” study participants if the vaccine doesn't work. Human challenge trials intentionally place human subjects in harm’s way, so it is imperative that care be taken about when and how they are conducted. One prominent medical ethicist says challenge trials for COVID-19 vaccines might be the way to go, given the enormous morbidity and mortality associated with the infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.

3.     Top ethicist makes the case for COVID-19 vaccine challenge trials  July 15, 2020  Timothy M. Smith  Senior News Writer

Human challenge trials intentionally place human subjects in harm’s way, so it is imperative that care be taken about when and how they are conducted. One prominent medical ethicist, Arthur Caplan,  says challenge trials for COVID-19 vaccines might be the way to go, given the enormous morbidity and mortality associated with the infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.

3.     Top ethicist makes the case for COVID-19 vaccine challenge trials  July 15, 2020  Timothy M. Smith  Senior News Writer

Human challenge trials intentionally place human subjects in harm’s way, so it is imperative that care be taken about when and how they are conducted. One prominent medical ethicist, Arthur Caplan,  says challenge trials for COVID-19 vaccines might be the way to go, given the enormous morbidity and mortality associated with the infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.

4. Britain Infected Volunteers With the Coronavirus. Why Won’t the U.S.? Oct. 14, 2021 Kate Murphy

the Common Cold Unit established and refined a model for so-called human challenge studies that paved the way for the first Covid-19 human challenge study just completed in Britain, where young, healthy and unvaccinated volunteers were infected with the coronavirus that causes Covid while researchers carefully monitored how their bodies responded.


Critical Thinking  -0.5 points for each of 6 parts total 3 points

1.      State what the ethical problems are in this case of the challenge testing.  There are several.  State at least three of them.

2.   Should there be an accelerated schedule for the testing (experimentation) of therapies for those inflicted with covid-19? Answer yes or no and provide an ethical principle to support your answer.

3.      Should there be an accelerated schedule for the testing (experimentation) of vaccines to protect against infection by covid-19?Answer yes or no and provide an ethical principle to support your answer.

4.      Should there be the testing of drugs used for other purposes and the continued testing when it is noted that that the drug produces cardiovascular problems for some recipients? Answer yes or no and provide an ethical principle to support your answer.

5.   Should there be a Challenge test for the vaccine? Answer yes or no and provide an ethical principle to support your answer.

6.  State what the ethical position (ethical principle used by) of Arthur Caplan or any other ethicist in an article you have read and provide the link to the article.

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




Written Assignment for MODULE 8 ABORTION


6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000, Page 126, Decision Scenario #1

For months doctors told eleven-year-old Visna (as we’ll call her) and her parents that her abdominal pains were nothing but indigestion. Then in July 1998 the truth finally emerged—Visna was twenty-seven weeks pregnant.

Visna’s family had emigrated from India to the Detroit suburb of Sterling Heights, Michigan, only the previous summer. Her parents found factory jobs and rented a two-bedroom apartment, and Visna shared one of the rooms with Hari, her sixteen-year-old brother. Sometime during the winter after their arrival in the United States, Visna told her parents that Hari had raped her, but this emerged only after Visna, who had turned twelve, was found to be pregnant.

As soon as Bisn’s parents learned her condition, they made plans to take her to Kansas for an abortion. Visna would have to have a late-term abortion, and because Michigan law bans almost all abortions after twenty-four weeks, her family would have to take her out of state. But their plans were frustrated when they were leaked to a family court judge. Charges of parental negligence were filed by prosecutors against her parents, and the court immediately removed Visna from her family and made her a ward of the state.

At a court hearing, Visna’s doctor argued that if her pregnancy were allowed to continue, it could cause her both physical and psychological damage. A psychologist testified that because Visna was a Hindu, if she were forced to have an illegitimate child, it would make her unfit for marriage by another Hindu. Her parents also expressed their worry that if Visna had a child, the child might suffer from genetic abnormalities and, in particular, might be mentally retarded, because her brother was the father.

At the end of the hearing the prosecution announced it was convinced pregnancy might endanger Visna’s life and dropped the negligence charge against her parents. Visna was reunited with her family, and her parents pursued their original plan of taking her to Kansas. In Wichita, Dr. George Tiller, who had been shot in 1993 by a pro-life activist, stopped the fetus’s heart and used drugs to induce labor, thus performing a "partial-birth" abortion.

1. Reading Comprehension

 For this case what would each of the following authors hold and WHY :

Find descriptions of their positions here:

2. Critical Thinking

Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS state what your ethical position would be on the Case of Visna and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

VIDEO on Dialectical Process


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





From: Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000 . Page 185 Scenario #8

I had been working as a bioethics advisor at University Hospital for three months before I was called in to consult on a pediatrics case. Br. Savano, the attending obstetrician, asked me to meet with him and Dr. Hinds, one of the staff surgeons, to talk with the father of a newborn girl.

I went to the consulting room with Dr. Hinds to Joel Blake. From what Dr. Savano had already told me, I knew that Mr. Blake was in his early twenties and worked as clerk at a discount store called the Bargain Barn. The Baby’s mother was Hilda Godgeburn, and she and Mr. Blake were not married.

Mr. Blake was very nervous. He knew that the baby had been born just three hours or so before and that Ms. Godgeburn was in very good condition. But Dr. Savano had not told him anything about the baby.

"I’m sorry to have to tell you this," Dr. Savano said. "But the baby was born with severe defects."

"My God," Blake said. "What’s the matter?" "It’s a condition called spina bifida," Dr. Savano said. "There’s a hole in the baby’s back just below the shoulder blades, and some of the nerves from the spine are protruding through it. The baby will have little or no control over her legs, and she won’t be able to control her bladder of bowels." Br. Savano paused to see if Mr. Blake was understanding him. "The legs and feet are also deformed to some extent because of the defective spinal nerves."

Mr. Blake was shaking his head, paying close attention but hardly able to accept what he was being told.

"There’s one more thing," Dr. Savano said. "The spinal defect is making the head fill up with liquid from the spinal canal. That’s putting pressure on the brain. We can be sure that the brain is already damaged, but if the pressure continues the child will die."

"Is there anything that can be done?" Blake asked. "Anything at all?"

Dr. Savano nodded to Dr. Hinds. "We can do a lot," Dr. Hinds said. "We can drain the fluid from the head, repair the opening in the spine, and later we can operate on the feet and legs."

"Then why aren’t you doing it?" Mr. Blake asked. "Do I have to agree to it? If I do, then I agree. Please go ahead."

"It’s not that simple," Dr. Hinds. "You see, we can perform surgery, but that won’t turn your baby into a normal child. She will always be paralyzed and mentally retarded. To what extent, we can’t say now. Her bodily wastes will have to be drained to the outside by means of artificial devices that we’ll have to connect surgically. There will have to be several operations, probably, to get the drain from her head to work properly. A number of operations on her feet will be necessary."

"Oh, God," Mr. Blake said. "Hilda and I can’t take it. We don’t have enough money for the operations. And even if we did, we would have to spend the rest of our lives taking care of the child."

"The child could be put into a state institution, " Dr. Hinds said.

"That’s even worse," Mr. Blake said. "Just handling our problem to somebody else. And what kind of life would she have? A pitiful, miserable life."

None of the rest of us said anything. "You said she would die without the operation to drain her head," Mr. Blake said. "How long would that take?"

"A few hours, perhaps," Dr. Savano said. "But we can’t be sure. It may take several days, and conceivably she might not die at all."

"Oh, God," Mr. Blake said again. "I don’t want her to suffer. Can she just be put to sleep painlessly?"

Dr. Savano didn’t answer the question. He seemed not even to hear it. "We’ll have to talk to Ms. Godgeburn also," he said. " And before you make up your mind for good, I ant you to talk with the bioethics advisor. You two discuss the matter, and the advisor will perhaps bring out some things you haven’t though about. Dr. Hinds will leave you both together now. Let me know when you’ve reached your final decision and we’ll talk again."

Critical Thinking

Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS state what your ethical position would be and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You are to advise Mr. Blake of what would be morally correct or acceptable.  You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

  • a. Take a position on this question or issue Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of language (ethical principles and values).
  • b.  Provide the reasons why you think this position is better defended by reason and evidence than are the alternative positions Position defended using reasoning (ethical principles and values) in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons (ethical principles and values) to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered such reasons (ethical principles and values) and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.
  • c.  State the reasons why you found the other positions that use other ethical principles and values flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending
  • d.  State the criticisms of your position from those who use other ethical principles and values
  • e.   Respond to those criticisms from those using other ethical principles and values-a  rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms?

____VIDEO on Dialectical Process

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




Written Assignment for MODULE 10 CARE OF THE DYING

From: Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000 . Page 243 Scenario #2

Jeffry Box was eighty-one years old when he was brought to Doctor’s Hospital. His right side was paralyzed, he spoke in a garbled way, and he had trouble understanding even the simplest matters. His only known relative was his sister four years younger, and she lived half a continent away. When a hospital social worker called to tell her about her brother’s condition, she was quite uninterested. "I haven’t seen him in fifteen years," she said. "I thought he might already be dead. Just do whatever you think best for him. I’m too old to worry about him."

Neurological tests and X-ray studies showed that Mr. Box was suffering from a brain hemorrhage caused by a ruptured brain vessel.

"You can fix it?" asked Dr. Hollins. She was the resident responsible for Mr. Box’s primary care. The man she addressed was Dr. Carl Oceana, the staff’s only neuro surgeon.

"Sure," said Dr. Oceana. "I can repair the vessel and clean out the mess. But it won’t do much good, you know?"

"You mean he’ll still be paralyzed?"

"And he’ll still be mentally incoherent. After the operation he’ll have to be placed in a chronic care place, because he won’t be able to see to his own needs."

"And if you don’t operate?" Dr. Hollins asked.

Dr. Oceana shrugged. "He’ll be dead by tomorrow. Maybe sooner, depending on how long it takes for the pressure in his skull to build up."

"What would you do?"

"I know what I would want done to me if I were the patient," said Dr. Oceana. "I’d want people to keep their knives out of my head and let me die a nice, peaceful death."

"But we don’t know what he would want." Dr. Hollins said.

"He’s never been our patient before, and the social worker hasn’t been able to find any friends who might tell us what he would want done."

"Let’s just put ourselves in his place," said Dr. Oceana. "Let’s do unto others what we would want done unto us."

"That means letting Mr. Box die."


1. Reading Comprehension

State what the Rule Utilitarian and Natural Law positions would be in this case and why you think so for each position.

2. Critical Thinking

Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be on the case of Mr. Box and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

_____VIDEO on Dialectical Process

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





From: Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000 , Page 247, Scenario #8

"Apparently, he was inside the take with an oxygen hose to provide ventilation," Dr. Mangel said. "There was some oil residue on the walls. When Mr. Golenga struck an arc to weld the seam, there was a flash fire."

Mrs. Golenga gripped the hand of her nineteen-year-old son, Cervando. Both had been crying, but now listening was so important that they forced back their tears.

"How badly hurt is he?" Mrs. Golenga asked.

"Very badly," Dr. Mangel said. "Most of his body is covered with severe burns, and his lungs are damaged form breathing in the fire and smoke."

"Will he live?" Cervando asked.

"I have to be honest with you and say that I don’t think he will," Dr. Mangel said. "We are giving him plasma and saline solutions to rehydrate him and antibiotics to try to stop infections. But he hasn’t got much of a chance."

"The pain, what about the pain?" asked Mrs. Golenga.

"There’s only so much we can do."

"There’s really no hope?" Cervando asked.

"I wouldn’t say that," Dr. Mangel said. "There is always hope. But in this case it is very limited. He might die in a few hours, or he might die tomorrow or the next day."

"Please," Mrs. Golenga said. "Can you help him die? I know he doesn’t want to suffer if he has no real hope. He told me often ‘If something happens to me, don’t let them stick me full of needles and keep me alive. Tell them to put me out of my misery.’ Can you do that, Doctor?"

Are you sure that’s what he would want?" Dr. Mangel asked.

"My mother is right," Cervando said. "I’ve heard my father say that many times. He said he never wanted to just lie around and suffer, being a burden to himself and everyone. We want to do as he wanted us to."

"We could stop treating hom," Dr. Mangel said. "then let nature take its course."

"That sounds terrible," Mrs. Golenga said. "To make a man fight for his life when he has no hope and ho help. It is cold and cruel."

"I’m sorry," said Dr. Mangel. "It’s all that the law permits me to do."

1. Reading Comprehension

State whether James Rachels in Active and Passive Euthanasia  (   would disagree with Daniel Callahan in  his article  When Self Determination Runs Amok ( in this case as to what to do and defend your answer giving reasons for what you think their positions would be.

 James Rachels in Active and Passive Euthanasia

 Daniel Callahan in  his article  When Self Determination Runs Amok

2.Critical Thinking

Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be on the Case of Mr. Mengel and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

  • a. Take a position on this question or issue Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of language (ethical principles and values).
  • b.  Provide the reasons why you think this position is better defended by reason and evidence than are the alternative positions Position defended using reasoning (ethical principles and values) in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons (ethical principles and values) to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered such reasons (ethical principles and values) and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.
  • c.  State the reasons why you found the other positions that use other ethical principles and values flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending
  • d.  State the criticisms of your position from those who use other ethical principles and values
  • e.   Respond to those criticisms from those using other ethical principles and values-a  rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms?

____________________VIDEO on Dialectical Process

You may think of this assignment in this way as having 3 parts:

1.How would Rachels think of this case?  What would be the moral judgment?  Based on what ethical principle?

2. How would Callahan think of this case?  What would be the moral judgment?  Based on what ethical principle?

3. How do YOU think of this case?  What would be the moral judgment?  Based on what ethical principle?   Complete all the 5 parts of the dialectical process in stating your judgment

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





From: Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000 . Page 730 Scenario 10

"I’m going to be blunt about it," Dr. Carl McKensie said. "You are fifty-five, and that’s too old to have a child."

"You’re not trying to tell me it’s impossible, are you?" Kisha Clare asked. "I’ve read that you can use donated eggs and donated sperm to fertilize them outside the body, then implant them and have a normal pregnancy. I’m sure it’s expensive, but Tom and I have got enough money, and I want to have a baby."

"Oh, it’s possible," Dr. McKensie admitted, "but it’s a bad idea because you’ll be too old to take care of a child properly. When he starts first grade, you’ll be sixty-two, and when he graduated from high school, you’ll be seventy-four—if you’re still alive." McKensie shook his head. "You should have thought of having a child earlier."

"I had a career to work on and a lot of personal problems." Clare frowned, remembering the long hours in the office and how relieved she was when she finally left her husband. "I can be a better mother now than I could have been when I was thirty or even forty. I’m financially secure, I’m happy with myself, and I really want a child." She shook her head. "Statistically, I’m going to live for another twenty-five years, and that’s enough to raise a child."

"But is it fair to a child to be raised by an old person?"

"Grandparents raise children all the time." Clare glared at Dr. McKensie. "And men have children whenever they want to, no matter how old they are. They don’t have to get permission from some doctor."

"But an older man can have children only if he has some younger woman as a partner." Dr. McKensie glared back at Clare. "That way the child has one younger parent."

"I think you’re discriminating against me," Clare said in a flat voice.

"I am." Dr. McKensie nodded his head. "But it’s justifiable. There are compelling reasons why an older, postmenopausal woman, even if she has the money, should not be allowed to become a mother, just because she wants to. It’s unfair to society, to younger women with fertility problems, and to the child."

 Critical Thinking

Provide ethical grounds for a policy with regard to the age of a woman requesting to receive an implantation of a fertilized egg.  Do NOT simply respond to this case. Focus on setting a policy for all women and all doctors to follow.

Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS state what your ethical position would be on Assisting Women over the Age of Menopause to become Pregnant and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

Provide ethical grounds for a policy with regard to the age of a woman requesting to receive an implantation of a fertilized egg.  Do NOT simply respond to this case. Focus on setting a policy for all women and all doctors to follow.

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

______________________VIDEO on Dialectical Process

NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





Choose only one of the three options below-only one!!!

Option 1: CASE:  Lifestyle factors in the decision in allocating life saving resources, such as a transplant

From: Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000 ., Page 799, Decision Scenario #9

Dr. Sarah Brandywine hurried into Dr. Kline’s inner office. Dr. Kline was transplant coordinator at Mid-western General Hospital, and he was expecting her. She had called him for an appointment as soon as she had realized the dimension of the problem with Mr. Wardell.

"So tell me about Mr. Wardell," Dr.Kine said, nodding toward the chair beside his desk.

"He’s fifty-one-year-old man who came to the hospital two days ago because he was frightened by the jaundice and ascites he developed over the course of the last week," Dr. Brandywine said. "He have been experiencing fatigue and loss of appetite several weeks prior to the jaundice. His liver is swollen and lumpy."

"Sounds like cirrhosis," Dr. Kline said. "I’m sure you did liver function tests, but what about a biopsy?"

"We did both yesterday. And I called you right after the final results. There’s so much scarring that Mr. Wardell has little liver function left." She shook her head. "I want to put him on the transplant list."

"What’s the cause of his disease?"

"It’s alcohol induced."

"No way." Dr. Kline shook his head. "No livers for alcoholics. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."

"This is a man with two kids." Dr. Brandywine tried to keep her voice level. "One’s twelve, and the other is eight. Their mother died two years ago, and their dad is all they’ve got left."

"Oh, God, the kids make it particularly sad." Dr. Kline’s voice took on a pained expression. "But look, thirty thousand people a year from alcoholic cirrhosis, and we can’t treat them at all."

"I know we can’t, but can’t we treat some?" Dr. Brandy wine leaned forward. "Is being an alcoholic enough for an automatic turndown?"

"I’m afraid so." Dr. Kline nodded. "These are people who created their own problem. There are far being enough livers to go around, so it’s only fair for us to put folks with problems not of their own making on the list and to leave others off."

"But, look, this guy’s got two kids depending on him." Sarah squeezed her hands into fists. "If I can get him into a rehab program, can we promise him the chance at a liver then?" She quickly added. "Not a guaranteed liver, but a chance at one."

"The answer’s still no." Dr. Kline paused. "I’m not saying alcoholics can’t be reformed, but I am saying they’re bad risks. If we give a transplant to somebody whose liver was destroyed by biliary cirrhosis, we’re likely to get a good, long-term survival. But if we transplant somebody who’s been drinking for the last ten or twenty years, we’re not likely to get food, long term results. The guy may promise to stop drinking and maybe he’ll do it for a while. But chances are good that, within a few years, he’s going to be back in the hospital with liver failure again, and alcohol is going to be the cause."

"I admit the numbers are against me." Dr. Brandywine inhaled deeply, then let her breath out in a long whoosh. "There’s nothing I can say to convince you?"

"We can’t afford to risk wasting a liver," Dr. Kline said. "That’s what I’ve got to convince you of." He shook his head. "It breaks my heart to think about Mr. Wardell’s children, but I’ve got to think about the parents with cirrhosis who aren’t alcoholics."

Should lifestyle factors be considered in the allocation of scarce life saving medical resources? Defend your position using ETHICAL principles.  Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

______________________VIDEO on Dialectical Process


How should it be determined who will receive the ventilators used to treat those in most dire condintions from the COVID-19 virus? Defend your position using ETHICAL principles.  Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

______________________VIDEO on Dialectical Process




How should it be determined who will receive the vaccine to prevent infection from the COVID-19 virus? Defend your position using ETHICAL principles.  Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.

Use this template or form to make certain that you include each part of the process-parts a to e

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking: the 5 parts

  • a. Take a position on this question or issue Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of language (ethical principles and values).
  • b.  Provide the reasons why you think this position is better defended by reason and evidence than are the alternative positions Position defended using reasoning (ethical principles and values) in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons (ethical principles and values) to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered such reasons (ethical principles and values) and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.
  • c.  State the reasons why you found the other positions that use other ethical principles and values flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending
  • d.  State the criticisms of your position from those who use other ethical principles and values
  • e.   Respond to those criticisms from those using other ethical principles and values-a  rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms?

______________________VIDEO on Dialectical Process


NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .






From: Munson, Ronald. INTERVENTION AND REFLECTION.6th ED.,Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,2000 ., Page 863, Decision Scenario 6

"Let me explain it to you, Mr. Faust," Charles Young said. "Although your wife is covered by Medicare, we cannot pay for the care she is receiving in the nursing home. As an Alzheimer’s patient, she’s getting custodial care, and that is explicitly excluded from Medicare coverage. Do you have any insurance?"

"My wife and I both have coverage through my job. Bu the benefits office told me exactly the same thing. My policy doesn’t cover long-term, chronic, or custodial care."

"I’m sorry to hear that," Young said. "That means that you’ll have to pay the total cost of care yourself."

"Where can a sales rep get that kind of money?" Mr. Faust said. "A nursing home will cost me forty or fifty thousand dollars a year. If I sell our house and use all our savings, I could pay for maybe a year or two, but then I wouldn’t have anything to live on myself. Where could I live? How could I eat?"

"The only alternative is to divest yourself of your assets so that you cannot be held legally responsible for paying for your wife’s care. The you and she can both get assistance under the Medicaid program."

"Then I have to literally become a pauper before I can get any help?"

"I’m sorry to say that’s true."


 Critical Thinking

Use any single (one) ethical principle from the group we have covered to support your position on each of these three issues. Hopefully it is the principle that you have decided is closest to your values and will use in making moral choices. If you are tempted to use different ethical principles for each of the three issues then you are an ethical egoist and you should use that principle on all three issues.

1. Should a national health care program pay for the custodial care of the elderly? Defend your position using ETHICAL principles.

2.Should family members be required by law to help pay the health care expenses of the other family members? Defend your position using ETHICAL principles.

3. Should people with incomes adequate to cover their health care expenses or to buy private health insurance be ineligible to participate in a national health insurance plan? Defend your position using ETHICAL principles.

Use any single (one) ethical principle from the group we have covered to support your position on each of these three issues. Hopefully it is the principle that you have decided is closest to your values and will use in making moral choices. If you are tempted to use different ethical principles for each of the three issues then you are an ethical egoist and you should use that principle on all three issues.


NOTE:  A Case Study is due for this module at the same time the written assignment is due!


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email ,and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





THREE (3) Parts

PART I   Answer each of the questions below and submit


1. Which of the issues covered this semester has been the most important and why so?

2. Which of the issues covered this semester has meant anything to you personally and why so?

3. Why are not more people aware of these troublesome questions, issues or problems?

4. Now that you have been educated as to these issues in Biomedical Ethics in what way will they have any consequence in your life?

5. Are you in a better position now to think about and handle these issues using ethical principles?



Place your best example of using ethical dialectical thinking into a submission to me. Copy and paste your best work from this semester.  No new work involved!!! Send it to me by email in a separate email from all other messages or submissions. Title it as : ETHICAL DIALECTICAL THINKING

Using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS  state what your ethical position would be and why. You are to take a position and defend it. You should use some ethical principle to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You must state those principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You should indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so.  In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle(s) you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.




1: What did you like best about this course? 

2: What specific things do you think could be improved in the structure or design of the course and learning activities? 

3: How would you improve the quality and participation in course discussions/interactions? 

4:   What changes would you suggest be made to the pacing or sequence of the content and activities for this course? (e.g., were the due dates doable for you? Were the course materials sequenced well?) 

5:  What changes would you suggest be made to the quantity of work required for this course? 

6:  How could the course be improved in terms of my interaction, participation, and management of the course? 

7:  What other suggestions, comments, or recommendations would you have for the instructor?

8:  What advice do you offer to students who would be just entering the class at the very start of the semester?


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker , then copy and paste your text-answers into the message window of an email and send it to the instructor by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





Each student must submit a case presentation on some incident or situation which relates to the topic and issues of this module. Such presentations consist of the following two(2) sections.

a. Materials concerning the case located on the internet

i. Newspaper articles

ii. Magazine articles

iii. Professional Journal articles , e.g., Philosophy, Law, Medicine Nursing, Public Health, etc..

iv. Other Internet items

MINIMUM of four (4) items

b. Viewpoints on the case by analysts, ethicists, commentators .

MINIMUM of four (4) items which MUST include commentary and/or analysis by people who use ethical principles. These would NOT be articles in newspapers or magazines but items found in professional journals or at the websites of academic and professional organizations.

This is basically an assignment where you will use a number of search engines to gather materials from the internet.

GOOGLE, Northernlights, yahoo, etc...

You will copy and paste the addresses(url's) of those materials into a single file or document and then send it (submit it) to the instructor. You do NOT need to and should not make any personal comments on the case . So, you are NOT required to do any original thinking or critical thinking on the case. You will be gathering the materials and hopefully reading them and in so doing you will learn more about the issues involved and in gathering materials that involve ethical analysis you will learn more about that as well.

case studies: Directions

To submit them you do the same as for the written assignment. If you do not have WORD just put the material right into the message window that opens when you click on the "create an new email" icon.


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor or by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .


Research in Philosophy on the Internet.

Free tutorial on doing research in Philosophy on the Internet.

As for the search engine, you would enter:

cloning + human + ethics

malpractice + stonybrook hospital

malpractice + ethics

kevorkian + ethics

mercy killing + ethics

confidentiality + law

confidentiality + ethics


Your NAME:


DESCRIPTION of the case by student:

url’s for the Articles Describing case:

url’s for Articles with Ethical Position: Philosophers, Theologians, Lawyers, Medical Doctors


The student will make the submission by attaching a file that has the text and the links to the internet sites of articles and other related items.

The BEST of these submissions will be placed on a website with the student’s name as author. These will be used by future students of this course.

If any student feels able and willing to create a POWERPOINT presentation for the case study including live links and illustrations, images, photos, etc... contact me for permission and instructions on what would be required and how to submit the material.

When you are ready you simply go to the submission section of this module and open the submission document and then click on the link for submitting an assignment and then attach your file with the case study including the url's.

File formats for submission must be limited to: WORD , html, webpage, dos

I shall make my comments on what you submit and assign a grade.

If you want to you can submit the assignment early and I'll comment on it and return it to you and you can proceed to work on it and submit the final work by the deadline.




You may want to print this part of this document out.


Each student is requested to submit the following assignments according to the schedule for the semester. Check on the COURSE CALENDAR for the due dates.

Assignments are intended to provide for an assessment of the learner's achievement and progress. Assignments and parts of assignments are intended to assess the learner's motivation, reading comprehension, critical thinking skills and appreciation of philosophy.  Assignments may be revised. Assignments for modules 1 to 12 may be revised and resubmitted any number of times up to one month before the end of the semester. Assignments for modules 12 to 14 may be revised and resubmitted up to the date of the last scheduled class.

Composing your assignment

Normally, you should compose your response using your word processor or on paper. This will give you the opportunity to revise, proofread, and spell check. When you have completed your assignment document be sure to spell check it .

Make sure to read the directions for each assignment carefully for details, due dates, and any thing else that may be specific to the assignment.

Format For Submitting Written Assignments 

Whether you are in an ONLINE CLASS or a traditional class or a hybrid class

The student is to submit the word processed text to the instructor ONLY by EMAIL   Do not send attachments!!!   Copy and paste your text from the word processor directly into the message window of the email.  In the subject line put:

first name , last name, class number  PHL 211, section ## , assignment#


The evaluation for your assignment will appear directly in your document or with your document when returned to you by email or returned directly to you by the instructor.  Evaluations are private and can only be read by the student and professor.

OBSERVE THE DUE DATES!!   Check on due dates:

All written assignments may be revised and resubmitted.  At least one assignment must be submitted in draft form and then after receiving the instructor’s comments and suggestions, it is to be revised and resubmitted for formal assessment.  Students may resubmit their revised assignments no more than three times before the final day of class.

In all cases the written work must show evidence of the author’s awareness of the materials made available in the online textbook and through the related Internet links found in the Online Textbook that is part of the course.   Proper citations and accreditation are to be made evident in the body of the work. The learners are required to provide evidence of research and scholarship and to AVOID Plagiarism!

Criteria for evaluation of the written assignments is given under Course Information document titled ” How you will be evaluated.”  Other students will not view student written assignments anywhere within the course.  Students may send drafts of their work to their classmates and discuss them through the use of email.   They may discuss the assignment itself within the course in the Student Café.



Click the back button on your browser to return to the previous document.