Check here for Announcements   pertinent to the class while the class is in progress.

Latest Newspaper Items <click here

Communicating with the instructor <click here

Research in Philosophy on the Internet.<<<Click here

Your GRADES are listed on the row with your CUNYFirst ID # on the left column." page.  The last four digits of the CUNY FIRST ID # are used.  Find those grades by going to the course menu  and then click on "Grades"  or click here for your class section>> 

FALL 2024 QCC PHIL140 FNT CRN 30423

******* ANNOUNCEMENT  9-16-24 ****************************

******* ANNOUNCEMENT  9-2-24 ****************************

******* ANNOUNCEMENT  8-29-24 ****************************


 Video: Introduction to the Course

Video: Gut Feelings or Careful Moral Judgments-Dialectical Thinking

******* ANNOUNCEMENT  8-28-24 ****************************


Prepare for one heck of an experience.

Fun, work, opportunities, work, rewards, work.

 Patients' Rights**Informed   Consent**Privacy**Experimentation**Partial Birth Abortion**Cloning**Physician Assisted Suicide**Infanticide**Allocation of Resources**Right to Health Care** & Other Topics!!!

A Survivor Course !

Professor Philip A. Pecorino

VIDEO:  Welcome Opening


Well, congratulations on entering the class site and getting this far.  Now we get into it.  If you got this far you can make it through the rest of this.  I look forward to working with all of you and hope that we will produce successful outcomes for each one of you taking this course.

View my WELCOME VIDEO here.   Access text captioning of my welcome video here.

Check out what all the links or buttons on the left Navigation Bar or Column in our class site have in them or on our Course Outline. Explore the site. Read what is below here and then click on Getting Started and complete the ten steps!

DO NOT PANIC!!  We have a module dedicated to having each student understand how the course is constructed (Course Instructional Design) and what the requirements are and what you need to do in order to do very well in this course.   Be sure to do the TEN STEPS found in GETTING STARTED that are part of Module 0 in the first days of this semester..

If you have the time to put into this course and actually do the work the results will be quite good.  This course rewards effort.  There are no tricks involved and no quizzes or exams or surprise assignments.

What does it come down to after all the reading of the basic information? Just how much work is involved in this class to do well?


9-12hrs/week of work each week in Fall and Spring Semesters that run 14 to 15 weeks 

18-24 hrs/week in SUMMER semesters that run 7 or 8 weeks !!! 


What is the work?  Four (4) things!

(1)READINGS: reading the online textbook and the required readings marked by "READ" but supplied through internet links.

(2)ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT  Blackboard is used for discussions and attendance taking by means of  Discussion Board participation.

The following are the minimums for postings MINIMUMS for attendance.

Students must be active in discussions in Discussion Board at least 3 different days each week. Each student must post at least once in each and every Blackboard Discussion Forum in the current Module.

Participations in discussions involves doing something in each discussion forum. 

answer a question or ask one

you can reply to a classmate

you can ask a related question

ask for help or offer help

post resources related to discussion topic

post one student led discussion BEFORE THE LAST DAY each module and moderate the discussion that may follow. Give people some time to respond to you.  Allow for INTERACTION.

Post your own reflection on learning and relvacne fo the module topics to you

RESPOND to ALL questions and requests posted to you, particularly by the instructor.

You do NOT need to reply to each post unless it was made to you and asking for a reply

 (3) WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS:  Submit the written assignments at the end of the module period by date on calendar  11:59pm

(4) CASE STUDIES:  only required in modules 7 to 14 Submit them at the end of the module period by date on calendar  11:59pm



1. Communication with the instructor

Communicating with the Professor:     One of the features of distance education is that you are never required to meet face to face with the professor. However, if you want to stop by for a visit my office is at Queensborough Community College in Bayside NY in the Medical Arts Building, Room 403 and my hours will be available through the course materials (see Course Information Documents) During the Pandemic you can reach me for a personal matter by:

1.      for a personal matter Sending me an email to  SUBJECT LINE : YOUR NAME name +  PHL 140 +  HELP or Question or Assignment #

2.      for a personal matter Calling my office phone:  Thursday 2 to 5pm  1-718-281-5038

3.      for a class matter Post in the BB Discussion Forum titled “Questions and Suggestions for the Professor”

4.      for a class matter I shall also have VIDEO OFFICE HOURS for the class at times I shall announce.  They will be INSIDE the Class Site using Blackboard Collaborate.

For email sent to the instructor PLEASE follow this format in the subject line of your email:

First Name Last Name  PHI 140 FNT  or Section#  and then choose one of the following "HELP" or "Question" or "Assignment#  "  when sending the assignment.

Do not send attachments as assignments. Copy and paste the text from the word processor to the message window of the email.



Your grade is posted on " Grades " webpage.  Your grades are listed on the row with your CUNYFirst ID # on the left column." page.  The last four digits of the CUNY FIRST ID # are used.  Find those grades by going to the course menu or the left column and then click on "Grades"

Grades will be posted after Modules 1--2, perhaps sooner,  and there are PROJECTED FINAL GRADES  to answer the question "How well am I doing?"

PROJECTED GRADE=  This means the grade you would receive if you were to continue at your current rate of participation and achievement. If you are not satisfied with that grade and want to improve on it then you need to improve on your performance.  If it is not clear to you what needs improvement contact your instructor and ask for clarification and advice. Explanation of grades and grading is just below the grade table.


Research in Philosophy on the Internet.
Free tutorial on doing research in Philosophy on the Internet.

click HERE for Free tutorial on doing research in Philosophy on the Internet.

At QCC there is BB Assistance and a HELP DESK for technical assistance.

There is also assistance with determining how well prepared you are for taking a class that is entirely online QCC  eLearning Readiness 

There is assistance available for your writing. There is more information on this under Course Information Documents-Assistance with Written Assignments.

Disabilities or need for Special Assistance

Any student who feels that he or she may need an accommodation based upon the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss his/her specific needs. Please also contact the office of Services for Students with Disabilities in Science Building, Room S-132, 718-631-6257 to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. You can visit the Services for Students with Disabilities website by clicking on that link.


Postings to Discussion Board
Postings to Discussion Board
Please follow these Terms of Service or Conditions for Use:
No sloppy postings, please use a spell check and then copy and paste into the discussion box
No inflammatory messages, count to 10 before posting, No (masked) vulgarity,
No trolling
No spamming,
No mentioning of pink elephants, etc
YES, be polite
Yes, be helpful
Yes, copy and paste materials into your posts to support your positions
Yes, ask questions of your classmates
Yes, point out inconsistencies, contradictions and vagueness
Yes, respond to those you respond to you
acceptable posting language.
No spelling short cuts or emoticons,
No lower case "i" in referring to oneself.
No sentence fragments and sentences that begin without an upper-case letter.

On Netiquette at QCC  see the module on this in the eLearning Readiness Certification/Training and take the review quiz there


Items in the news


Donor livers may not go to the most needy

Malpractice: Scissors left in body.

Providing Health Care in USA : Universal Cure

Italian Lawmakers Enact Rules That Limit Reproductive Rights

Malpractice and Errors: Safety still in Jeopardy

Malpractice: Is "Sorry" a Magic word?

Drug Companies: Powerful medicines and profits

On the right to die with dignity:

Fla. Comatose Woman Gets Fed After Bush Order

Schiavo Debate Rekindled

It May Be a Family Matter, but Just Try to Define Family

In Feeding-Tube Case, Many Neurologists Back Courts

States of Awareness :     Defining, debating what constitutes a vegetative state

'My Father Wasn't There'

Life Support Laws Strict in NY

On Abortion

What's The Value of a Fetus?

On Infanticide:

India Steps Up Effort to Halt Abortions of Female Fetuses

Health Care Costs and Access and Distribution

Open Season For Health Care Costs

Do Some Pay Too Little for Health Care?

Generous Medicare Payments Spur Specialty Hospital Boom


Senate Backs Genetic Privacy Bill

Genetics and Reproductive Technology

Putting Baby Together

Reading- Medical Complications Prove Costly

Mysterious Crop of Staph



Reading-People Lacking Health Insurance

Reading-"Patient Safety Bill"


READING-Rules for Transplants

Reading  DEATH by Malpractice

Reading Surviving the Healing

Reading- Branding


Reading Hensel Twins
