There are a variety of readings.  In this online course you are basically reading and writing with lots of thinking in between.

Readings include (a) through (c):

a.    There is a required textbook for this course:  

It is an online textbook provided FREE and found at any one of three sites:


For those who want a textbook on paper you could use

Louis P. Pojman. Philosophical Traditions: A Text with Readings. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Publishing, 1998.  

Most of the chapters of this text relate to the modules in this course. Most of the material in the textbook will also be made available to you in the online textbook and through links to sites that have the material.  Those sites will be linked and the link will have the message READ in front of it, e.g., READ Dialogue ION  

b.  Basics on Arguments and Logic and Fallacies

c.  Internet Resources- required are marked with the word READ as in e.g., READ Dialogue ION 

  SUGGESTED  readings are simply offered as links.

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