INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY              Written Assignments 

OBSERVE THE DUE DATES!!   Check on the COURSE CALENDAR for the due dates:

This Philosophy Class is a Writing Intensive (WI) Class. 


A.  Writing

All WI Classes shall meet all of the following criteria:

1.      Throughout a semester, students spend a portion of their class time writing in the service of learning course material.  This writing may be informal and un-graded.

The written assignments satisfy this criteria.  The last assignment is informal and low stakes.

2.      A minimum of 10 pages of formal writing will be assigned and will be achieved by assigning several short papers, one short paper plus a longer one, or one longer paper assigned in stages that are each guided and responded to by the faculty member.

This minimum is more than met by the written assignments.

3.      These 10 pages are responded to and returned to the student by the faculty member so that the student has the opportunity to revise before a final grade for the assignment is given. 

The instructor returns the formal written assignments indicating where they may have lost points. Students will have 48 hours to revise and resubmit.

4.      The faculty member regularly discusses student writing in class.

The instructor goes over the assignment and provides a sample of a submission that serves as a model.

5.      Each time a writing assignment is given, the faculty member discusses and clarifies the assignment and his or her expectations for it.     

The instructor goes over the assignment and provides a sample of a submission that serves as a model


Click on the item for more information or for the assignment for that module.

MANDATORY Email  PRACTICE re  Academic Integrity Statement and Policy  


MODULE 1 Introduction to the Course


MODULE 3A and B  Philosophy of Religion

MODULE 4 A  Metaphysics and

4B Epistemology

MODULE 5 A. Mind-Body Problem 

5B.  Freedom and Determinism Problem

MODULE 6 Ethics

MODULE 7 Social and Political Philosophy

MODULE 8 What is Philosophy?



MANDATORY Email  PRACTICE re  Academic Integrity Statement and Policy  


Prepare a word processed document with a paraphrase of what you read about Academic Integrity Statement and Policy  at your college and send it through Email  to your instructor.  You must use the CUNY email address supplied by this college!!!!!!

1. Paraphrase of the
Academic Integrity Statement and Policy

2. the statement:

I, ____________,have read and understand the Academic Integrity Policy for this course and agree to abide by it.

Save your word processed file (document) as a WORD or a  DOC or TXT file. Then send the EMAIL  to   Do not send attachments!!!   Copy and paste your text from the word processor directly into the message window of the email. 


As a CUNY student You must use the CUNY email address supplied by this college!!!!!!  Each and every registered student has an email account.


1.  Written Assignment for MODULE 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE

This is an assignment for which there are no wrong answers. Simply answer all the questions and submit them through the email by the DUE DATE and you will receive full credit. Do no research before you answer these questions.  Do your best based upon prior knowledge. Short answers placed after each question will suffice.  Be sure to answer all parts.  Do NO RESEARCH!  Do not use a dictionary or encyclopedia or any other reference work .

I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor or by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .



2. Written Assignment for MODULE 2 The Greeks and Philosophy

This assignment has three parts A, B and C.  Be sure to answer all three parts:

Philosophy emerges amongst the Greeks in its fullest form in the works of Plato.  What was philosophy to Plato?  Plato describes the manner for doing philosophy as involving a dialectical process of thought. Describe that process. Plato wrote dialogues rather than essays so that he could show people how philosophy was done. He learned the methodology form Socrates and so he attempts to show us what he saw and thus we could learn as he learned. Cite any passages where he is advising people on the method for thinking (some are given below) that he is demonstrating in the dialogues. What does the process involve?   While he shows the method in all his dialogues he gets specific in a few of them, including the PHAEDO and the REPUBLIC where he speaks of arguments, argumentation and the dialectical process. These are the passages that are supplied in the link below.

RUBRIC for GRADING this Assignment which has three (3) parts:

Part A. Reading comprehension

Use the seven (7)  PASSAGES  (<click here)  supplied at this webpage PASSAGES  (<click here) and cite where Plato speaks ABOUT Philosophy.  Copy and paste the exact words from each of the seven passages using quotation marks and the source citation for the exact passages where Plato describes what Philosophy is about and how to do Philosophy.  Passages for Part I.  What was philosophy to Plato? Describe the process. What does the process involve?

Click on this link PASSAGES  (<click here) and you will find where I supply the seven (7) most pertinent passages that describe the Dialectical Process of Inquiry that Plato identifies with the process of Philosophical thinking.

You should quote the exact lines that indicate what Plato thought Philosophy was and how to go about doing it. The basic idea is to take the excerpts from the passages that provide a description of the dialectical process of thought that for PLATO was Philosophy- a method for thinking.

Part B. Understanding the source materials

Find at least two passages in the dialogues that were covered in this module where Plato shows Socrates entering into the dialectical process of Philosophy.  Copy and paste the passages using  quotation marks and cite the source dialogue. You find 2 passages where Socrates is exchanging questions and answers with someone on a topic, issue or question. 

Where do you find these passages? Find them in any of these dialogues: ION EUTHYPHRO APOLOGY CRITO  PHAEDO REPUBLIC SYMPOSIUM 

DO NOT USE THE SEVEN (7) PASSAGES SUPPLIED ABOVE IN PART A THAT DESCRIBE DIALECTICS!!!!  Those passage are not demonstrations of the process but are descriptions of it.

 How long do they need to be?  Not the entire dialogue !! Just submit a passage long enough to see the back and forth of the question and answer process by which Socrates leads his audience to some point of clarity or some position on an issue. To show how one goes about doing it you should quote the exact lines or the passages in the dialogues where Plato has Socrates interact with others using the dialectical methods of philosophy. 

DO NOT RELATE ALL OF THE NICE IDEAS OF PLATO be specific as to the idea of what Philosophy itself actually is.

DO NOT USE THE SEVEN (7) PASSAGES SUPPLIED ABOVE IN PART A THAT DESCRIBE DIALECTICS!!!!  Those passage are not demonstrations of the process but are descriptions of it.

Part C. Critical thinking

In your own words describe how philosophy is done according to Plato.  What does one do when doing philosophy?  Be somewhat extensive in describing the exact process.  Do not describe what it is good for or what you think about it.  Describe exactly what philosophy is for Plato.  This means that you should describe what the dialectical process of thinking is and its steps.  Take the seven passages in Part A above and put them into your own words in a single description of the process of inquiry known as Philosophy.Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor or by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .



Written Assignment for MODULE 3 Philosophy of Religion

This assignment has two parts A and B.  Answer each part.

3A.  Arguments for the Existence of a deity , a god.

1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts

The arguments for the existence of god have weaknesses. Some have more problems than others. Some seem more attractive and some stronger than others.  Answer each part.

2. Critical Thinking

3 B. The Problem of EVIL

1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts

A. What is the Problem of Evil? Be exact and complete. STATE the EXACT REASONING in steps. Be exact and complete-indicate that you have done some reading and thinking in your answer

B. Many believe that the Problem of Evil can not be solved. They think that the resolution of the conflict between God’s characteristics and the existence of evil can only result in denying the existence of the deity altogether or the changing of the properties of the deity or a recasting of the idea of evil so that it really is not evil at all. So, there are  four possible responses to the problem:

  Explain each one.  Do not simply list them.  Describe them and explain them. This will take more than one sentence for each one.Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.

2. Critical Thinking

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking

NOTE:   With this problems it is not a matter of the battle of good versus evil and which side will win. It is not a question of winning or losing at all.  The problem is not the existence of evil . The problem is that the IDEA of GOD as all perfect and all good and all knowing and all powerful is is inconsistent with the existence of moral evil.


 I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor  by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments



Written Assignment for MODULE 4 Metaphysics and Epistemology

4A.  Metaphysics

1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts

A. There are several different theories concerning reality and what makes something real or what exists.   Describe at least four of those theories or positions on this issue of the REAL.  Provide some detail in your descriptions. DO NOT simply list them. Explain each one.  Do not simply list them.  Describe them and explain them. This will take more than one sentence for each one.

2. Critical Thinking-concerning the theory of reality and of multiple realities

B. For you which of the theories concerning reality makes the most sense and why?  For you what makes something real?  How can you determine if something actually exists or not, determine if it is real or not? Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.

C. What do you think of the theory that there can be simultaneous multiple realities? First Read the note below very carefully and then   Answer each question. Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.

Please make an effort to distinguish different perceptions of a single reality from totally different realities.

NOTE:  Be sure you read the chapter and in particular the Overview to understand the meaning of "reality" as in this chapter and assignment.

 4B  Epistemology

1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts

There are Four types of claims for the four types of knowledge: SEMANTIC, SYSTEMIC, LOGICAL and EMPIRICAL.  Truth is determined differently according to the claims.

A. Describe how truth is to be determined for the following types of claims: SEMANTIC, SYSTEMIC, LOGICAL

B. For EMPIRICAL claims there are the four different theories concerning the determination of the truth of empirical claims:

Describe each  of these four theories for proving empirical claims to be true. Explain each one.  Do not simply list them.  Describe them and explain them. This will take more than one sentence for each one.

2. Critical Thinking

C. What do you think of the theory that there can be simultaneous multiple truths concerning claims? Concerning all types of claims?  Does it apply to claims that are semantic, systemic, logical or empirical?   Comment on each type.  Can there be multiple truths for each type of claim?  For any type of claim?   Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.

D. What one person believes may not agree with another person’s belief and so what may be be believed to be true to one person may not be believed to be true to the second person.  Does this mean that they are both correct?   Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.

E. Do you think that each group and each person is entitled to their own truth? Does this apply to all claims? Explain what this might mean. Explain and defend your position on this question with reasons. Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer. If you think that there can be more than one truth about the same claim at the same time then be sure to explain how there can be more than one truth about the shape of the earth and who is president of the USA and the sum of 2 and 7 and the number of angles in a triangle AT THE SAME TIME. Be sure you READ this material on TRUTH:

Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.

F. What is to be done when there is a conflict between two different "truths" concerning claims that are semantic, systemic, logical or empirical? Does the outcome of the conflict determine what the truth is?  Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.

G. What does determine whether or not an empirical claim is true or not true?  Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.  Which theory do you hold to use to resolve conflicts in truth for empirical claims?

NOTE:  This part G is only about empirical claims.


I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
then SEND FILE to the instructor or by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




Written Assignment for MODULE 5   The Mind-Body Problem and Freedom and Determinism Problem

You must write and submit an assignment on EACH of the two Problems-parts A and B. Base your answer on research, class readings, class notes and your own reflections.


1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts

What is the Mind Body Problem?  Why is it a problem?  Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer.

2. Critical Thinking

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking

There are twelve possible metaphysical positions listed below. Do NOT explain all of them. Adopt ONE of them and defend it!  Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer.

I. Dualism

II. Monism

  • 6. Idealism
  • B.. Materialism
  • Do NOT explain all of them. Adopt ONE of them and defend it!  ONLY ONE !  Dialectical thinking--You must demonstrate the dialectical thinking process.  Be sure to provide evidence of having done the reading.

    Please keep in mind that the Mind Body Problem for many has been transformed into the problem of explaining the origins of consciousness and intentionality (choice and decision making).  Both the dualists and the materialist need to account for these phenomena.





    Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers in all parts of this assignment.

    Take a position on this question or issue  Do Humans have free will, if so, how free is it? Are all human actions determined, if so how so? to what degree?  Which of these three theories do you think is most accurate in describing the human condition and why do you think so?  

    only ONE of these options:

    CAUTION: This is NOT about FATE or DESTINY or agents of any kind that have predetermined all events.

    CAUTION:  Read the textbook first.  This is not about freedom from consequences.

    This is NOT about FATE or DESTINY or agents of any kind that have predetermined all events , which do not exist. Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.


    I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
    then SEND FILE to the instructor or by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




    6 Written Assignment for MODULE 6 Ethics

    1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts

    A. List at least three things that are wrong with or problems with each of these theories:

    1. EGOISM
    6. WILL TO POWER - Existentialist Theory of Nietzsche
    7. CARING- One of several Feminist Theories of Ethics
    8. NORMATIVE ETHICAL RELATIVISM<<< DISPROVEN and NOT a THEORY but a critique of all Ethics as being culturally based and no universal ethics possible.

    2. Critical Thinking

    Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

    Dialectical thinking

    NOTE: NORMATIVE ETHICAL RELATIVISM is not a theory but an anti theory claiming there can be no absolute or general or universal basis for ethics.  You cannot select this theory as the basis for a moral order. 

    Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.

    VERY IMPORTANT!! If no one theory of ethics or ethical principle seems to be what you would want to use then argue for more than one or for a consideration of all of them in support of what values you seek to realize and support when you make moral judgments.


    I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
    then SEND FILE to the instructor or by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




    7  Written Assignment for MODULE 7 Social and Political Philosophy


    1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts

    Answer each of the following five parts

    A. What are the three things that need to be legitimized for government to proceed? Explain each.

    B. List and describe these theories that legitimize government?

    C. How does Hobbes’ theory of government and its purpose differ from Rousseau's theory? Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer -this means use some quotations to support your answers.

    D.  What legitimizes the existence of the state (their theory of the state) for each of the following?

    E. How would they resolve the tension between public interest and individual interest?

    2. Critical Thinking

    F.  Present a dialectical argument for your position on the justification of the state.  Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer.

     Steps for presenting an  argument or a defense of a position using dialectical reasoning


    State your Position on the issues or question and do so quite clearly.  Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of language.


     Position defended using reasoning in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered such reasons and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.


     Consideration of alternative positions to and criticisms of your own position and the reasons for the rejection of those alternatives in favor of the judgment made for the reasons given in support of your position which employ reasoning and evidence.



    I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
    then SEND FILE to the instructor or by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




    Written Assignment for MODULE 8 What is Philosophy?

    Answer each of the questions below and submit

    1.Which of the philosophical issues covered this semester has been the most important and why so?

    2. Which of the philosophical issues covered this semester has meant anything to you personally and why so?

    3.Why do you think that the philosophical issues this course has covered have been issues and have remained issues for so long?

    4. Why do you think these issues have been associated with Philosophy and not some other discipline?

    5. Why is it that most of these issues have not been so evident as issues in our contemporary culture? Why are not more people aware of these troublesome questions, issues or problems?

    6. Why were not you more aware of these philosophical issues than you were at the start of this course?

    7. Now that you have been educated as to these issues in Philosophy in what way will they have any consequence in your life?


    I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
    then SEND FILE to the instructor or by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .





    Do each part of THREE (3) Parts


    Part 1: What did you like best about this course? 

    Part 2: What specific things do you think could be improved in the structure or design of the course and learning activities? 

    Part 3: How would you improve the quality and participation in course discussions/interactions? 

    Part  4:   What changes would you suggest be made to the pacing or sequence of the content and activities for this course? (e.g., were the due dates doable for you? Were the course materials sequenced well?) 

    Part 5:  What changes would you suggest be made to the quantity of work required for this course? 

    Part 6:  How could the course be improved in terms of my interaction, participation, and management of the course? 

    Part 7:  What other suggestions, comments, or recommendations would you have for the instructor?

    Part 8:  What advice do you offer to students who would be just entering the class at the very start of the semester?



    This course has six objectives on a scale of 0 to 5 with 5 as the highest level , how well do you think that you have achieved these objectives?


    a. Identify some of the basic content in the field of Philosophy (vocabulary, concepts, theories)
    b. Identify traditional and current Issues in Philosophy;  
    c.Communicate awareness of and understanding of philosophical issues.
    d. Demonstrate familiarity with the main areas of philosophic discourse and be able to state what major schools of thought there are that have contributed to the ongoing discussion of these issues  
    e. Develop skills of critical analysis and dialectical thinking.  
    f. Analyze and respond to the comments of other students regarding philosophical issues.

    Score 0 to 5   a.____  b. ______ c._______  d.________ e.______ f.________

    CUNY PATHWAYS Objectives

    As of Fall 2013 according to CUNY Chancellor Matthew Goldstein and Vice Chancellor Alexandra Logue  the learning outcomes must be as indicated below

    II.D  Individual and Society

    Expected Student Outcomes and Objectives

    a. Gather, interpret, and assess information from a variety of sources and points of view.

    Students will understand philosophical texts effectively through readings in the textbook and ancillary documents and articles on a diversity of philosophical perspectives

     b. Evaluate evidence and arguments critically or analytically.

    Students will critically evaluate philosophical theories

     c. Produce well-reasoned written or oral arguments using evidence to support conclusions.

    Students will construct written essays, responses, and/or papers demonstrating the use of evidence-based information in drawing conclusions about issues in philosophy.

    d. Identify and apply the fundamental concepts and methods of a discipline or interdisciplinary field exploring the relationship between the individual and society

    Students will identify the fundamental concepts and methods of philosophy and how these can be used to better understand the relationship between the individual and society.

    e. Articulate and assess ethical views and their underlying premises.


    Students will demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate use of philosophical methods in analyzing different ethical perspectives.

    f. Identify and engage with local, national, or global trends or ideologies,and analyze their impact on individual or collective decision-making. 

    Students will draw conclusions about societal institutions and individual beliefs based on the methods of philosophical analysis.

    g. Communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking

    a.       Students demonstrate understanding  of    applications of philosophical methods  to key issues.

    b.     Students read relevant philosophical          texts; by departmental policy all  sections are designated “Writing  Intensive”

    c.    Students will indicate how philosophical  methods are applied to various  problems and issues.

    h. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions


    a.      Students discuss theories, concepts, and debates in  philosophy

    b.      Students analyze and critique  philosophical arguments and positions

    c.       Students identify relevance of  philosophy to everyday life and career interests

    d.       Students will analyze examples from other disciplines to illustrate how concepts from philosophy apply. 

    i. Differentiate and make informed decisions about issues based on multiple value systems

    a.       Students discuss applications of  philosophical theory to other fields of  inquiry.

    b.    Students identify relevance of philosophy to everyday life and career  interests

    c.    Students will analyze examples from other disciplines to illustrate how concepts from philosophy apply.

    d.    Students will select topics in philosophy to use as themes in other courses.

    Score 0 to 5   a.____  b. ______ c._______  d.________ e.______ f.________g_______h_________i__________



    Select which of your submitted work represents your estimate of your best effort at dialectical reasoning and submit it again to me.   Just copy and paste any of the written assignments that you have already done that you think is your BEST WORK that follows all the steps for dialectical thinking and presenting a position on an issue or question and defending it.

     Steps for presenting an  argument or a defense of a position using dialectical reasoning


    State your Position on the issues or question and do so quite clearly.  Be as exact as you can be.  Be precise in your use of language.


     Position defended using reasoning in support of the judgment (conclusion of the  argument).  You state the reasons why the position you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes.   Philosophers have offered such reasons and evidence for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.


     Consideration of alternative positions to and criticisms of your own position and the reasons for the rejection of those alternatives in favor of the judgment made for the reasons given in support of your position which employ reasoning and evidence.

    I suggest that you create your assignments using your word-processing program and spell checker ,
    then SEND FILE to the instructor or by email with the text inside the email message window. DO NOT send attachments .




    Research in Philosophy on the Internet.

    Free tutorial on doing research in Philosophy on the Internet.

    As for the search engine, you would enter:

    problem of evil + Augustine

    existence of god + teleological argument



    You may want to print this part of this document out.




    Each student is requested to submit the following assignments according to the schedule for the semester. Check on the COURSE CALENDAR for the due dates.   Remember to Go to iPASS and register there for services in support of the written assignments.  Follow the INSTRUCTIONS for PREPARING and SUBMITTING WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS

    Assignments are intended to provide for an assessment of the learner's achievement and progress. Assignments and parts of assignments are intended to assess the learner's motivation, reading comprehension, critical thinking skills and appreciation of philosophy.  Assignments may be revised. Assignments for modules 1 to 6 may be revised and resubmitted any number of times up to one month before the end of the semester. Assignments for modules 6 to 8 may be revised and resubmitted up to the date of the last scheduled class.

    Composing your assignment

    Normally, you should compose your response using your word processor or on paper. This will give you the opportunity to revise, proofread, and spell check. When you have completed your assignment document be sure to spell check it .

    Make sure to read the directions for each assignment carefully for details, due dates, and any thing else that may be specific to the assignment.

    If at QCC Go to iPASS and register there for services in support of the written assignments

    Format For Submitting Written Assignments 

    Whether you are in an ONLINE CLASS or a traditional class or a hybrid class you must submit the assignments by EMAIL   Do not send attachments!!!   Copy and paste your text from the word processor directly into the message window of the email.  In the subject line put:

    first name , last name, class number ##, section, assignment#


    The evaluation for your assignment will appear directly in your document or with your document when returned to you by email or returned directly to you by the instructor.  Evaluations are private and can only be read by the student and professor.

    OBSERVE THE DUE DATES!!   Check on due dates:

    If at QCC you can go to iPASS and register there for services in support of the written assignments.  The iPASS eTUTORS will assist you with your assignments for modules 2 through 7.  You are required to use the eTUTOR service so that you will maximize you grade.  At least one assignment must be submitted in draft form and then after receiving the instructor’s comments and suggestions, it is to be revised and resubmitted for formal assessment.  Students may resubmit their revised assignments no more than three times before the final day of class.

    In all cases the written work must show evidence of the author’s awareness of the materials made available in the online textbook and through the related Internet links found in the Online Textbook that is part of the course.   Proper citations and accreditation are to be made evident in the body of the work. The learners are required to provide evidence of research and scholarship and to AVOID Plagiarism!

    Criteria for evaluation of the written assignments is given under Course Information document titled ” How you will be evaluated.”  Other students will not view student written assignments anywhere within the course.  Students may send drafts of their work to their classmates and discuss them through the use of email.   They may discuss the assignment itself within the course in the Student Café.

    ID NO MOD 1 MOD 2 MOD 3 MOD 4 MOD 5 MOD 6 MOD 7 MOD 8 - Bonus TOTAL/




    Final Grade
        D Q A D Q A D Q A D Q A D Q A D Q A D Q A D Q A       105      
    Max>   2 4 3 2 4 7 2 4 7 2 4 3_ 4_ 2 4 3_ 4_ 2 4 7 2 4 7 2 4 7     5        

    PROJECTED GRADE=  This means the grade you would receive if you were to continue at your current rate of participation and achievement. If you are not satisfied with that grade and want to improve on it then you need to improve on your performance.  If it is not clear to you what needs improvement contact your instructor and ask for clarification and advice.

    D= Discussion Q= Quality of Discussion  A= Written Assignment
    underlining  indicates a LATE paper     * indicates a revised paper/bonus

        ? indicates a violation of academic integrity

    The college has an academic integrity policy and program.  You may be severely penalized for violations of academic integrity.  Learn about it and observe the principles.  Among other things you must avoid plagiarism.

    Plagiarism occurs when one steals or uses the ideas or writings of another and presents these writings or ideas as his or her own.

    Some examples of plagiarism:
    Buying a paper from a research service or term paper mill.
    Turning in another student's work with or without that student's knowledge.
    Turning in a paper a peer has written for you.
    Copying a paper from a source (text or web) without proper acknowledgment.
    Copying materials from a source, supplying proper documentation, but leaving out quotation marks.
    Paraphrasing materials from a source without appropriate documentation.
    Turning in a paper from a "free term paper" website. "
    The above information was taken and paraphrased from:

    There are Internet research papers required for this course. One of the requirements for these papers is that you locate websites and incorporate information from these websites in your paper. You must not only properly cite all information you use, but you are also expected to put the information into your own words. Each paper has a required minimum length, and direct quotes from other sources are not counted in determining the "word-count" length of your paper.

     If your paper contains material that is copied or paraphrased from any website, or from a paper previously submitted that material will be identified. If it is not properly documented, or if the quotation marks are absent, the material will be considered plagiarized.

    In this course, the penalty for plagiarism is as follows:
    1. First offense - the student receives at least the grade of "0" for the assignment, and the possibility of more severe action..
    2. Second offense - the student receives an "F" in the course and a report is filed with the Dean of Students.



    Click the back button on your browser to return to the previous document.