Philosophy of Religion

Chapter 8  Religious Language World Views and Reason 

Section 2 The Questions

 Are religious people to be expected to believe in things that make no sense?
 Are religious people expected to believe in things being true which can not possibly be true?
 Are religious people to be expected to believe in contradictory reports all being true at the same time?
 What exactly is the relation of Religious Faith to Reasoning?
 Are Faith and Reason compatible or not?
  Is it appropriate to subject the claims of a religious tradition to scientific verification or falsification?
  Is it appropriate to subject the claims of a religious tradition and its set of beliefs to rational scrutiny and demand that they adhere to a set of criteria for rational thought?
 What is going on when religious people express their belief in unbelievable events or claims?
 Proceed to the first section by clicking here> next

© Copyright Philip A. Pecorino 2001. All Rights reserved.

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