Computers, Information Technology, the Internet, Ethics, Society and Human Values

Philip Pecorino, Ph.D.

Queensborough Community College,  CUNY

Chapter 12 Political Change



The Information Revolution and Human Values  by Terrell Ward Bynum  Abstract - Full Paper  The ETHICOMP Journal Vol. 1 No. 1, published: 2004-02-02

Internet and Impact on Life and Political Ideas

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace  by John Perry Barlow

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace    by John Perry Barlow

Coming into the Country  by John Perry Barlow

Is There a There in Cyberspace? by John Perry Barlow

The Virtual Community   by  Howard Rheingold

The Public Sphere and The Internet w/ host Karl Marx at

Democracy and its values:  Autonomy- Privacy

 Democracy and Network Interconnectivity   Christopher R. Kedzie,  RAND

Using Email and FaxModems as Tools for Social Change by Carl Davidson, Networking for Democracy.

A Journal of Cybernetic Revolution, Sustainable Socialism & Radical Democracy: Issue #1, July 1994

A Journal of Cybernetic Revolution, Sustainable Socialism & Radical Democracy: Issue #2, March 1995

A Journal of Cybernetic Revolution, Sustainable Socialism & Radical Democracy: Issue #3, September 1995

A Journal of Cybernetic Revolution, Sustainable Socialism and Radical Democracy

Access Issues

Digital Divide-economic-racial-sexual divides

Access Denied: Information Policy and the Limits of Liberalism by Grant Kester

Falling through the Net (summary, 2000), 4th installment of the Dept of Commerce's Digital Divide reports "Spanning the International Digital Divide"

World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

Geneva Declaration of Principles (especially Section B10) Declaration of Principles: Building the Information Society: a global challenge in the new Millennium

Issues resulting from the WSIS Results CSPR



Internet: "Far-reaching Instrument of Development and Peace" by Archbishop John Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, at the U.N. World Summit on the Information Society 

Regulation of the Internet


Commons and Code Lawrence Lessig

The Constitution in Cyberspace (Laurence Tribe, 1991)

And How Shall the Net Be Governed? David R. Johnson and David G. Post,

International  Global Information Ethics

Institute for Global Ethics   nonsectarian, nonpartisan, global research and educational membership organization. Promotes ethical behavior in individuals, institutions, and nations through research, public discourse, and practical action

History of the Internet

Hobbes’ Internet Timeline   [Copyright © 1993–2003 by Robert H. Zakon]  This is a rich and useful timeline on the history of the Internet, with many links to other related materials.

Nerds 2.0.1 – A Brief History of the Internet   This is a web site associated with the PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) TV series on the history of the Internet entitled “Nerds 2.0.1 – A Brief History of the Internet.”

A Brief History of the Internet  In this history, which appears on the web site of the Internet Society, several of the people involved in the development and evolution of the Internet share their views of its origins and history.

[Very, Very] Brief History of the Internet and Related Networks  This is a sketch of Internet history by Vint Cerf. It also appears on the web site of the Internet Society.

Law:  General

The Law of the Horse: What Cyberlaw Might Teach Larry Lessig,
How to Govern Cyberspace: Frontier Justice or Legal Precedent?


The Cyber Rights Working Group, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
The Global Culture of Digital Technology and Its Ethics,” an abstract of a paper by Krystyna Gorniak-Kocikowska
The Internet Society – an international organization for global cooperation
UNESCO’s Info-Ethics Program, The United Nations

The Vatican Pontifical Council for Social Communications paper "Ethics in Internet"

Some useful places to look information from the Institute for Development Policy and Management at The University of Manchester

Knowledge Facts, Knowledge Fiction
What happens when corporate knowledge management monoculture meets the diverse international development sector? This paper finds that development agencies have too readily adopted approaches from the Northern corporate sector that are inappropriate to development needs.

North-South inequalities
Chapter 3 of Education Now: Break the Cycle of Poverty by Oxfam

Exclusion and Poverty in Developing Countries
by Alice N. Sindzingre, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris, France

Inequality in women's access to and participation in all communications systems
This is part of a "Draft Platform for Action" drawn up by the Fourth World Conference on Women hosted by the United Nations in Beijing, China in September 1995.

Information Communication Technologies for women's equality: Access and Empowerment issues - an NGO perspective
By Sarita Ranchod, Women'sNet Project Manager

Forsaken Geographies: Cyberspace and the New World 'Other'
From poet, artist and art historian Olu Oguibe.

Technology vs. Human Development: Brazil, 1996
From Brazilian journalist Mario Ibraim Salimon.

Public access to the Internet: American Indian and Native Alaskan issues
A historical and sociological discussion by George Baldwin about emerging networks used by American Indian people and tribal organizations.

Electronic Journal for Information Systems In Developing Countries
which emerged from IFIP 9.4 - dedicated to research and action in the social issues of informatics in the Third World.

Internet Governance at CSPR  Internet governance encompasses a wide range of issues and organizations relating to the governing, financing and control of the Internet and its protocols. CPSR has been involved in Internet Governance issues for years, including current participation in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)


Richard Holeton's Composing Cyberspace: Identity, Community & Knowledge in the Electronic Age (New York: McGraw-Hill 1998),

Communities In Cyberspace (London: Routledge 1999) edited by Marc Smith & Peter Kollock,

Erik Brynjolfsson's 1996 paper Electronic Communities: Global Village or Cyberbalkanization? (PDF)

The Future of Community & Personal Identity in the Coming Electronic Culture (Washington: Aspen Institute 1995) by David Bollier & Charles Firestone.

SOCIETIES and Organizations


Student Study : Impact of Internet and Communication Networks and Technologies on Concepts of and forms of Democratic Government and Rule

Web Surfer's Caveat: These are class notes, intended to comment on readings and amplify class discussion. They should be read as such. They are not intended for publication or general distribution.                @copyright 2006 Philip A. Pecorino                       

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